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How Effective Are Zoom-Based Mental Health Support Groups?


Given the worldwide challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increase in health concerns among people. As resources become limited, individuals are experiencing impacts on their well-being. In light of this situation, providing the population with a platform that can effectively address health issues is crucial. Zoom, a website, has emerged as a solution by offering support for those in need. Its round-the-clock availability makes it a valuable tool in assisting patients with their health struggles.

Zoom and the Mental Health Landscape

Zoom has become a game changer in the world of health, offering an easily accessible platform for delivering therapeutic services. The American Psychological Association (APA) acknowledges the importance of Zoom in providing telehealth services to individuals seeking health support, ensuring that everyone has access to essential treatments and interventions. With its use as a videoconferencing tool, Zoom has gained popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mental health professionals have embraced its potential to create a space where patients can conveniently seek support and therapy. Research indicates that virtual support groups and therapy sessions conducted through Zoom can be just as effective as in-person meetings. Surprisingly 96% of patients who received health support via videoconferencing reported satisfaction levels (Feldstern, 2022). This impressive satisfaction rate can be attributed to the platform’s ability to facilitate communication between patients and their therapists. For individuals facing health challenges, it is crucial to have someone who listens to their problems and provides interventions. Through Zoom meetings, therapists can effectively engage with patients by offering support and tailored treatment plans that address their unique needs.

One of the benefits of using Zoom in health is its round-the-clock availability. Mental health problems do not stick to a schedule, and crises can happen anytime. With Zoom, patients can easily reach out to their therapists whenever they need support outside of office hours (Feldstern, 2022). This constant accessibility can be life-saving for people in distress, preventing emergencies and reducing the risk of harm. Zoom-based mental health support groups go beyond barriers, breaking down obstacles to healthcare. Patients from underserved areas can join support groups without traveling, which might be difficult for some individuals. This inclusivity fosters a sense of community among participants. Encourages dialogue and sharing experiences, ultimately enhancing the therapeutic process. Moreover, virtual interactions often lead to increased comfort. The reduced stigma surrounding discussions about health is because some individuals find it easier to express themselves in the privacy of their own space.

It is worth acknowledging that there are limitations to using Zoom for interactions. When communicating virtually, we miss out on verbal cues and the physical presence of others, which can affect the depth of therapeutic connections. Therapists may find it challenging to gauge states, and patients may need to experience the benefits of in-person interactions fully. Additionally, some individuals may need help adapting to communication, potentially leading to disengagement from support groups (Atad & Grant, 2021). Another concern is the security and privacy of platforms. While Zoom has implemented measures to protect user data and communications, there have been reports of privacy breaches and unauthorized access. These concerns require vigilance to ensure that patients and therapists feel safe and secure during sessions (Feldstern, 2022).

Benefits and Limitation

Zoom-based support groups for health benefit both patients and mental health professionals. Firstly these virtual groups overcome barriers enabling individuals from locations to receive support without traveling physically. This inclusiveness expands the support network fostering a sense of community and shared experiences among participants from backgrounds.

Secondly, virtual meetings offer anonymity and distance, creating an environment for discussing sensitive and personal topics. Some individuals may find it difficult to open up in face-to-face settings due to concerns about judgment or social stigma. In contrast, the virtual platform ensures anonymity, encouraging openness and engagement during support group sessions(Atad & Grant, 2021). This increased sense of security can lead to more interactions among group members. The flexibility of scheduling sessions is also advantageous for both patients and therapists. Virtual meetings eliminate travel, making attending regular sessions easier for individuals with schedules or mobility issues. This improved accessibility promotes attendance, which is crucial for the effectiveness of mental health interventions.

Limitations of Zoom-Based Mental Health Support Groups

While there are advantages to using Zoom for health support groups, it is important to address some limitations that come with it. One concern is the absence of verbal cues and physical presence during virtual interactions. In face-to-face therapy, body language and facial expressions play a role in understanding a patient’s emotions (Quiamco & Toquero, 2022). With these cues in meetings, therapists may find it easier to grasp their patients’ emotional states, which could impact the depth of therapeutic connections. Another limitation is the adaptation challenges faced by individuals. Only some people, age groups, or those with limited access to technology may be familiar or comfortable with online communication tools. This digital divide can limit their participation in virtual support groups. Reduce the overall effectiveness of the intervention. Security and privacy concerns related to platforms are also considerations(Quiamco & Toquero, 2022). The confidential nature of health discussions requires security measures to protect patients and mental health professionals from potential breaches. Ensuring the safety and privacy of participants is crucial for building trust and maintaining the integrity of Zoom-based mental health support groups.


Virtual mental health support groups conducted through platforms like Zoom have become a tool for tackling the increasing health crisis. Zoom’s convenience, adaptability, and round-the-clock availability have proven to be extremely beneficial in delivering assistance to individuals requiring help. However, it is vital to acknowledge and address the obstacles and constraints that arise from interactions. By implementing resources and security measures, Zoom can continue to play a role in transforming mental healthcare, providing patients with a crucial lifeline on their path toward healing and recovery.


Feldstern, N. (2022). Assessing anonymity: privacy in online mental healthcare and support groups. Tul. J. Tech. & Intell. Prop.24, 1.

Atad, O. I., & Grant, A. M. (2021). Evidence-based coaching as a supplement to traditional lectures: impact on undergraduates’ goal attainment and measures of mental well-being. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education10(3), 249-266.

Quiamco, M. S., Abocado, S. M., & Toquero, C. M. (2022). Zoom engagement of pre-service teachers during emergency remote classes. Asian Journal of Distance Education17(2).


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