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Historical Archive Criticism

The generality relevancy of historical archives is in documenting the history of the people or individual development of an institution or a significant person in history. Some archives document the way of life of the people. The designation of expansion of libraries is keeping a record that can provide contemporary occurrence of an event, occasion, and the people’s way of life. Most documents in the archives represent the people’s way of life with their associative history. The idea developed by Wosh evaluates the complexities surrounding the development process of literature that defines people and their activities in general (Wosh, P. 97). He represented all the imperfections of society that warrant the process of change. The historical archive deserves a reflection on the past in consideration of the achievements, tracking the origination of particular traits or people, and learning the social systems of ancient communities. The presentation of the archives does not generally mean it has to be from ancient times before civilization. Still, it can also document recent events in the specific society’s structural change that identifies political, social, environmental, and economical. The significant constitution of the historical archive documents political and literary events in the progression of society. Each generation is eager to assess their predecessors’ way of life and policies and answer relative questions whose context can be translated. Political events are documented to provide the historical modification of governance systems and the current administration’s diversion level. Literature progression has been documented even before civilization began. Writers, philosophers, theorists, and scientists found a way to present their ideas through literature provisions. With time the concepts have been found and documented in translatable forms where they can be accessed easily. Technological advancement has provided the necessary tools to store archives in digital records. This has been associated with increased safety and easing the process of access. Customizing the specific needs is related to the storage parameters and accessed through the same parameters facilitating the access process. Cloud storage means the materials do not distort or get lost.

The thesis of the assessment is related to historical archives bias. Presentation of literature during the ancient times was inclined to a single perspective of the writer and has often been associated with prejudice, hate, and emotional inclination to the ideas that favored their viewpoint. Although the literature source documented the significant events of the process, they did not represent their ideas in general but were clouded by their impact on the literary works. The statements terming the bias included internalized racism, sexualities, sexism, classism, and relative ignorance. The assessment will contextualize the process with a historical archive criticism of specific literary works. The critique will be based on the derived themes of democracy, personalism, and transcendentalism. The evaluation will use the perspective of Walt Whitman’s poems of the period 1855. The poems include Leaves of Grass, Song to Myself, and For You O’ Democracy. The assessment will track the changes made to the text throughout the publication. The archive utilized was Whitman Archive. The criticism will base the developed ideas on the considered themes.


Leaves of Grass

The poem was written in 1855 by Walt Whitman with a designation of his philosophy and humanity’s role in nature for man’s role in nature. The achievement of the topic is in praising nature and man’s role in it. Initially, the poem did not have a title and was referenced with the phrase, “A poem by Walt Whitman.” The label saw many changes before the title, “Leaves of Grass,” was settled. The poem has been revised five times and has three known reissued editions. This represents the enormous amount of work done on literary sources. The appreciation is in tracking the source’s relevance to the specific society of the time. The analysis is essential in the critique process as the achievement will help track the relation of the particular community of the time. The individual perspective of the poem demonstrates an appreciation of nature by the people and the author himself.

The derivation of the theme of democracy can be used in the assessment to critique the work of Whitman. The demonstration of democracy has been adopted in the relative roles of the people in what they do. The expression of celebration and pride in what people of society did can be described as a definable democracy. The critique of the works concerning the theme is in the generality of requiring major rewrites if it related to the general way of people. In expressing democracy, he described the other themes of individualism and sexism. The demonstration of democracy is relative to the solidification of independence, freedom, fulfillment, and transformation. The literature evaluation of the literary works represents the social way of life of the ancient civilization. People took pride in what they did and wished to be presented in the literature as a sign of preservation of the diversity of democracy in culture and geography (Edmundson, P. 1). The criticism demonstrates the increased relevance of the changes made to the poem to warrant its presentation in the historical archive.

Personalism is the central theme of the poem, defined with the posit of the essential reality and personhood emphasizing relevance and importance from a personal perspective. The derived meaning and symbology of grass are in the divinity of ordinary things, as termed by the author. The recognition of the state of nature is due to the impact of the author; hence, relative in the defining aspect. The honor and use of the theme of personalism have been derived from the many instances he uses the term “I” to refer to himself. The generality of the critique of the article concerning the poem is the concept of self, which many could reference as egotism. The designated idea is the generality of the achievement, which was not clear over the first publications (, P. 1). The validity of the opinions of the theme, personalism, are definite to terming the author in taking pride in his achievement and appreciates the nature in the facilitation of the process.

The theme of transcendentalism is demonstrated throughout the poem. In the context of the poem, it is defined as the movement that aimed at describing ideas relative to humanity. The generality of the verse was comparable to the theme as the consideration of ancient stereotypes was in the evaluation of human sense, not communicating truths (Akrummel, P. 2). The belief and observation of the provisions of nature that the human saw enlightenment and appreciated nature. The relation was in the ideas of God, and humans shared an ordinary soul, which was nature. Using the provisions of nature to take its care was essential in demonstrating the positioning of their soul. The critique of the ideas of the theme was the relevancy of the presentation. The spirituality was bound to reform, showing less commitment. The theme officiated the consideration of the poem in the historical archives to define the spiritual relationship between people and nature.

Song of Myself

The poem took the title in 1881 when it was given the classic title. The reference to myself in the poem is descriptive of the communion between individuals and encompasses the different nature of the human trait to the universe in the phrase,” what I assume you shall assume.” This is the limitation of perspective aimed at the delegation of specific ideas. The poem’s referenced opinions are the author’s need to sing to himself. The level of glorification is definitive to the author himself in “myself” and “I” to the universe. The designation of his writing explores the discovered liberty, self-knowledge, and the general acceptance of all as the universe has. The description advances to the author splitting the reference to himself. The accrued personality split includes; his everyday personality, the more inner self, and the universal self. The poem has been published twice with the only inclusion of the classic title. The considered bias has been retained as it represented the position of women in society in the phrase, “women may be poets as mothers.” The actualization evaluated the reference of women in the community, as the comparison is only relative to them.

Democracy is the defined inclusivity of all individuals within the setting of society at all levels. The demonstration of the theme of democracy is explicit throughout the poem. One factor of democracy is equality for both men and women. The specific reference is the phrase where women are regarded as poets, although controversial in referencing their ability to be mothers. The element of using the connection I am not based on an individual level but shows the unification of humanity in the natural setting (, P. 1). The defined role of the author was making the poem assume a personality that could fit anyone in the community. The expression of the described character’s functions shows the poem’s inclusivity in democracy. The demonstration of the celebratory nature of self-glorification on the poem’s surface shows the author is ready to celebrate humankind for their impact on the cryptic nature and their ability to relate well.

Personalism is the central theme of the poem. Walt Whitman referenced himself over and over before considering others. The conceptualization of the theme is in describing the different “selves” of the character. The identification makes it easy to gauge personality based on individual differences as impacted by their environment (, P. 1). The assessment critique can be referenced from the impact of the domain. The idea of everyone being a product of their environment is demonstrated via the theme. Walt Whitman’s terming nature a “happy medium” shows he has learned to accept himself and will use the traits to find a place within America. The theme employs the concept that has made it relevant for inclusion in the historical archive. The theme’s relevance is in demonstrating inclusivity and accommodating to individual traits.

The basic demonstration of Walt Whitman’s is in agape love, which bases its ideologies on promoting an overreaching standard connection between humans. The personality split presents a battle within the described character as they try to find their way into society. The relation of different personalities is the valuation of humanity as they interact to see each other in the organization (Grades, P. 3). The criticism of the poem’s theme is in the value of reforms as the community of a specific civilization is successive. If the different traits are from diverse environmental settings, then we would have the same presentation of individuals due to the interaction of the same environment stages. I further define deriving the relative impact of the people to their environment with different capacities for learning and translating the ideas. The theme was fundamental to the poem being included in the historical archives as it can be summarized in understanding personality related to the specific environment.

For you, O’ Democracy

The poem by Walt Whitman was initially published between 1859 and 1860. The poem considers the ideas of democracy, and the author ought to sing about it due to its numerous provisions. The American societies by then had enjoyed to the fullest the defined and centralized governance. Whitman shares his thought on democracy and the important achievement in creation. The demonstration has dignified the need for an ideal government in a localized formation. The author also glorifies nature for providing an environment and activities that unify people from different races and backgrounds. The poem evaluates the author’s perspective of celebrating individualism, nature, and democracy. The poem was published twice when it was initially published and in 1881 when it was included as part of the publication of poetry by Walt Whitman, “Leaves of Grass.” Nevertheless, the poem has been criticized over the years for the relativity of democracy. It is to ensure equality for all; hence, everyone had to participate in the struggle for achievement.

The theme of democracy is the complete coverage of the poem. The author stipulates his expectations of democracy with the provisions of nature in ensuring inclusivity for all despite their racial and ethnic backgrounds (Boe, P. 1). The designated critique of the theme is relative to the civil war experienced during the period. One of the disputing issues was the freeing of the enslaved people and, according to them, constitutional rights of the land. Most Southern States disputed the ideas and waged war against the Union. At the time, the designated equality was not achieved as enslaved people were still subjected to extremities. The free slaves were segregated, discriminated against, and denied the provisions of democracy. Walt Whitman’s perspective was biased as he was a member of the superior white race, the masters of the enslaved people. The limitation of the study could not warrant the poem being disregarded and included in the historical archives as it represented the designation and projection of the achievement of democracy. The specifics could be relevant in the constitution of reforms and demonstrate to the people what they were fighting for.

Personalism has also been demonstrated in the poem. The perspective is based on a unique view of the designation of democracy. The author uses his assessment in founding how much he has achieved through democracy. The demonstration has seen him celebrating nature for facilitating the integration (, P. 4). He bases his evaluation on the level of freedom accorded to him through the provisions of central governance. The personal perspective has been used to critique the same ideas as there were people in the same country who were not free. Slave trade was common during the time; hence, the conscience ignored the prospect that they were not part of the community.

The theme of transcendentalism has been demonstrated under the coverage of democracy. The relation of humanity to themselves is the primary evaluation of the composition. The poem identifies the need for governance for the people to live in harmony. Different include each other as the designation of democracy (Boe, P. 3). The relation of humanity is in the increasing need for others to step up and assume the roles of governance and relate the needs of the people to their environment to determine their provisions. The critique of the theme uses the perspective of participation, including the policies of democracy for all. There were enslaved people in the country, and the author did not define democracy relative to them. This would have hasted the process of liberation and reforming the mindset of the enslavers into setting them free.


The consideration and study of the poems have been essential in demonstrating the basic need for historical archives. The terming of inclusion of the poem in historical archives is based on the tracked changes in bias or ideas to fit the designation of the required literature setting. The derivation is based on evaluating the theme’s democracy, personalism, and transcendentalism, which were familiar to ancient philosophers and writers.

References list

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Walsh, P. J. “Reflections on the public history and archives education.” Journal of Archival Organisation 15.3-4 (2019): 95-99. Article.


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