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Global Leadership Analysis and Action Plan


Global leadership is the ability of a leader to operate smoothly and effectively across cultural, national, and organizational boundaries. It requires a unique set of competencies, including cultural awareness, cross-cultural communication, and a strong understanding of global dynamics and trends. I aspire to become a transformational servant leader. A transformational servant leader has a strong vision and the ability to inspire and engage followers, which is essential in building trust and commitment among diverse groups. Additionally, they have a servant-oriented approach to leadership, which emphasizes putting the needs of others first and creating a supportive work environment (Herd et al., 2018). The combination of transformational and servant leadership styles is essential in a global context, where cultural differences and diverse perspectives can create challenges for leaders. Transformational-servant leaders can navigate these differences by focusing on building relationships, fostering open communication, and creating a shared sense of purpose among their followers.

Furthermore, transformational-servant leaders have a strong ethical foundation, which is crucial in a global context where ethical and moral considerations can be complex and challenging. Since I desire to become one such a leader in the global transformational servant leaders, I have developed my action plan based on the SMART goal framework.

Action plan


It is my dream to become a transformational-servant leader serving in both local and international environments. To successfully become one of such leaders, I will attend mentorship programs, attend workshops, and conferences on transformational-servant leadership. Also, I practice empathy and emotional intelligence and embrace a growth mindset open to new innovative thoughts and ideas (Herd et al., 2018). It is in my plan also to develop excellent interpersonal communication skills. Together with the desire to inspire and understand the diversified perspectives of others are some of the critical competencies to develop in becoming a transformational-servant leader. These plans are achievable in one year.


I aspire to become a better mentor. This is because, as a transformational leader, most of the staff will be looking upon me for mentorship, advice, and guidance, and becoming a better mentor will help in developing the employees on a team level and also at individual levels. I am also looking forward to developing active listening skills. Transformational leadership calls for the integrated participation of both employees and their leaders. Everyone’s opinion counts; therefore, being an active listener will make it possible for me to listen to the views of my team members. In addition, I want to be more adaptable to change (Herd et al., 2018). This will ensure that I always stay relevant within the industry as I will ensure the organization operates within the current technology changes. Similarly, I will learn to accept responsibilities. Leadership is more of responsibilities, and therefore, the more you accept them, the more you manage them in the best way. Lastly, I will ensure I develop strong connections. This is essential in leadership as it ensures that the leader is well interconnected with their staff.


I am confident in my ability to make a positive difference in the lives of those I lead as a transformative servant leader. To this end, I will devote myself to fostering an atmosphere that encourages my team members to learn and develop and gives them the tools and guidance they need to realize their full potential (Herd et al., 2018). My leadership philosophy is rooted in servant leadership, which stresses the value of fostering the development of subordinates by furnishing them with the information, opportunities, and guidance that will allow them to reach their full potential. If my team is going to succeed, it is because of my efforts to help them succeed.

My approach to leadership is grounded in the tenets of transformational leadership, which are to set a course for the future, inspire others, and motivate them to realize their most significant potential. My responsibility as a leader is to foster an atmosphere where everyone can develop professionally, and I work hard to give my team what they need to thrive. My team members must have a voice in the decisions that affect them, and they can take pride in the outcomes.

To ensure that my team can fulfill its objectives most efficiently, I have personally aimed to foster a climate that encourages openness, cooperation, and two-way communication. I understand how important it is to provide a platform that is welcoming, supportive, and safe for members of the team to share their thoughts and ideas, and I work hard to cultivate an atmosphere in which each person’s perspective is valued and considered (Park et al., 2018). I am fully aware of the significance of a diverse and inclusive workforce on an organization’s overall success, and I am fully committed to fostering an environment in which all team members treat one another with respect and compassion.


As a transformational-servant leader, I pledge to lead with the utmost honesty, compassion, and reverence. My priority is meeting the requirements of my staff, clients, and other stakeholders. I always want to be a motivating leader who pushes his or her team to excel. I have created a strategy detailing a practical approach to service delivery to guarantee that I always give my clients the best possible experience. The five main points of my strategy are as follows:

Communication is a critical factor in determining the level of success experienced in the delivery of services. I will make it a priority to communicate straightforwardly and consistently. This entails maintaining communication with my staff and the many stakeholders, providing timely feedback, and setting appropriate objectives.

Listening: I will pay close attention to my team and other stakeholders to ensure that I fully meet their requirements and objectives (Park et al., 2018). I will maintain an open mind toward criticism and be ready to modify my ideas and techniques to accommodate their needs.

Empowerment: I will give my staff the authority to take ownership of their work. This involves not only offering direction and assistance but also having faith in their capacity to make their own choices. In addition to this, I will make it a priority to give the tools and resources that are essential for the success of my team.

Accountability: I, together with the members of my team, will hold ourselves accountable for meeting deadlines, accomplishing goals, and delivering outstanding service to customers. I will communicate what is expected of me, and I will be ready to offer feedback and guidance whenever it is required.

I will foster a culture of collaboration and teamwork. I will promote open lines of communication and a culture based on trust and regard. I will make it a priority to foster an atmosphere in which everyone on the team feels comfortable contributing their thoughts and can contribute to the overall success of the endeavor.


As a leader who aspires to serve those they guide, I am dedicated to making a difference in my team members’ lives and facilitating their success. To that end, my top priority is building trust among my team members. Therefore, to achieve this goal, it is necessary to establish reasonable goals, offer steady encouragement and criticism, and foster an atmosphere conducive to open communication and teamwork (Park et al., 2018). Trust is the bedrock of productive team dynamics since it fosters pride of ownership and loyalty among members. I will do what I can to foster an environment where people feel safe sharing their thoughts and asking for help when they need it.

The second thing on my list of priorities is ensuring that my team has all the knowledge and tools it needs to succeed in its endeavors (Park et al., 2018). To accomplish this, I will first provide clear guidance, set attainable targets, and then provide ongoing training and assistance. In addition, one of my goals is to foster an environment where further education and personal growth are valued and fostered. In addition to ensuring that my team has access to the resources they require to be successful, I will also work to ensure that they have the opportunity to learn and advance within their positions.

Ultimately, I want to foster an environment where service is prioritized. The finest teams are ones whose members are motivated by a desire to provide exceptional service to their clients and consumers. To do this, I will ensure that everyone on the team knows what is expected of them, when, and why. I will also make it a point to prioritize customer service and listen to comments from satisfied clients.


In conclusion, becoming a global leader is a complex and challenging endeavor that requires a unique set of competencies. Transformational-servant leadership, which combines a strong vision, the ability to inspire and engage followers, and a servant-oriented approach, is particularly important in a global context where cultural differences can create challenges for leaders. Therefore, to become a transformational-servant leader, it is crucial to have a strong ethical foundation and to focus on building relationships, fostering open communication, and creating a shared sense of purpose among followers. To become a transformational-servant leader, I have developed an action plan based on the SMART goal framework. This plan involves attending mentorship programs and workshops, practicing empathy and emotional intelligence, developing excellent interpersonal communication skills, and fostering an inclusive and supportive work environment. I aim to lead with honesty, compassion, and reverence and prioritize meeting the needs of my staff, clients, and other stakeholders.


Week one Journal

This week I learned that megatrends are long-term and far-reaching societal activities that significantly impact various aspects of our lives. Some key megatrends include globalization, demographic changes, and technological advancements. These megatrends are significantly shaping the way we live, work, and interact with other individuals within society.

Week two Journal

Throughout the week, I learned about various global leadership competencies. As globalization continues to progress, the need for leaders with a global mindset and the ability to navigate through diverse cultural differences is becoming essential. Some of the critical competencies learnt include the need for cultural intelligence, communication skills, ethical and environmental awareness, adaptability, and strategic thinking.

Week three Journal

In this week’s lessons, I have equipped my knowledge of global leadership by understanding the need to plan strategically for uncertainties in the global environment. I also learned how well one could tackle uncertainties when they occur. I also learned about regional leadership and the necessary process of becoming a regional leader.

Week four Journal

Through this week, I learned a lot about global talent management which is a systematic application of various human resource policies in handling the various human management challenges faced by global leaders. I also learned the importance of experiences in managing international organizations. I also learned how to use the best practices for organizational development.

Week five Journal

This week a lot was discussed on the benefits of being an inclusive leader, especially in the international environment. This can be blended with the strategies for global talent management to ensure that global leaders have the best talent in their organizations and equally keep those talents for the benefit of their organizations. I learned the importance of developing talents and ensuring they are well integrated to work towards the organization’s objectives.

Personal SWOT analysis


I possess strong communication skills, which have allowed me to interact with people from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. I have a strong command of Chinese and English languages. Similarly, I possess high levels of creativity, which have enabled me to source sustainable solutions to the various challenges I face daily. In addition, I am a good team player and can easily interact with different individuals from my current workplace and in my community development programs. Moreover, I have excellent time-keeping skills, which have enabled me to complete my studies without failing to attend my lectures in good time. My time management skills are blended with my ability to prioritize tasks on their agency.


However, despite the above strengths, I am equally challenged in different ways. One of my weaknesses is that I need help asking for help, which has made it challenging to delegate some of my duties to others. I also lack technical skills in the field of technology. I am easily overwhelmed, especially in situations where I am working under pressure, and lastly, I have a limited network and professional connections.


Some of my potential opportunities are that I am privileged to take various courses and attend workshops. This has allowed me to build my technical skills. I have also had the opportunity to expand my network by building professional connections through events, establishing membership with different enterprise industry groups, and expanding my professional connections through different available social media platforms. Lastly, I have the opportunity to take leadership roles in different community projects and other volunteer initiatives. This has granted me a chance to gain experience and build confidence.


There are various threats and fears I have at my level and in my profession. The first one is increasing competition from individuals with similar skills and experiences as the one I possess. This is making the job market to be more competitive. In addition, I am concerned about the changing nature of the job market and the industry. This is fueled by the introduction of the gig economy, which demands one to have diverse skills from different areas. Lastly, I am concerned about the level of economic uncertainty and the potential for layoffs as a result of artificial intelligence, which has automated most human activities.

Personal Development Plan

I have come up with several competencies in my development plan to play a road map into developing an action plan to becoming a global leader. One of these competencies is the need to improve my technical skills and capabilities. This will be by enrolling in online courses or attending workshops to build technical skills, particularly in the areas of technology and software. Similarly, I am planning to enhance my networking and professional development. This will be through attending industry events and conferences, joining relevant groups on social media, and reaching out to professionals in the industry for mentorship and advice. I equally plan to build my leadership skills by taking leadership roles to build my decision-making and delegation abilities. Similarly, it is part of my development plan to enhance my stress management skills and improve my work-life balance. I will achieve this by practicing stress-management techniques such as mindfulness and exercises and prioritizing self-care to improve overall well-being. Lastly, I embrace continuous reassessing and adjusting the plan when needed for continued growth and success.


Herd, A. M., Cumberland, D. M., Lovely III, W. A., & Bird, A. (2018). The use of assessment center methodology to develop students’ global leadership competencies: A conceptual framework and applied example.

Park, S., Jeong, S., Jang, S., Yoon, S. W., & Lim, D. H. (2018). A critical review of global leadership literature: Toward an integrative global leadership framework. Human Resource Development Review17(1), 95-120.


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