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Global Impact of Online Schooling

Online learning systems have become a revolutionary pivot for education, which offers access to valuable educational materials wherever and whenever needed- either in one’s home or workplace. Aided by a laptop or computer and an internet connection, our country offers online schooling that has turned out to be vastly widespread. Although some debate its possibility in nations with poor conditions, the flexibility it provides is a strong reason for internationalization. This essay discusses the importance of e-schooling, especially its influence on those preoccupied with other things, and how going global is essential for promoting education in all corners of the globe. What is online education? Other than the numerous methods of availing knowledge at your fingertips via online education, whether you are in or away from home. One requires a laptop or computer and the internet. Online education, offering flexible learning anytime, anywhere, deserves global implementation despite challenges, as it empowers students to pursue higher education while accommodating busy schedules and revolutionizing accessibility and efficiency in learning.

Thus, everyone has an opportunity to study wherever and whenever they wish. Several colleges in the United States accommodate this policy. However, due to their poor environment, this new teaching approach still needs to be available in most countries. Online schooling should be taken to the world level because flexibility gives student today freedom in their search for higher education. However, some may challenge this statement given the need for a steady internet-connected action; in the absence of such options online, online schooling is still more convenient and appropriate, especially for students with much heavier loads.

The core group of their potential students is people who need help to adjust the school physical times with their schedules. This could be a working man or woman who needs to care for his/her child or siblings. By studying online, an individual can work at their optimal comfort level and time when it suits them best. As indicated by Concordia University, “The freedom to complete your school schedule around the other priorities in your life can help you maintain much-needed balance as you tend to family and work needs in addition to advancing your education.” (Concordia University, para 7). For instance, an employed female who works daily raises her child in the afternoon. In the case of such a person, their class schedule should be very flexible. Establishing online schooling enables anyone to have quality education without cutting off their working hours, spending on a babysitter, or even planning for and traveling to class. Because of its ability to allow students, depending on the case, to take a course in their place or anywhere, it is possible to improve the general experience by studying at this school.

It must be noted that an online course is tempting in terms of convenience; however, as compared to physically going to school, one significant weakness stands out. That is about having access to a trustworthy internet connection. Even though not all countries have access to a stable internet, it should be promoted, especially in poor ones, as a step toward progress. In the long run, investing in infrastructure that ensures reliable internet and free electronic devices would be much cheaper than spending on physical structures for school. According to Goodwin University, “To succeed in online classes, you need the ability to motivate yourself without distractions, among other things” (Goodwin University, para 9). Even though this could imply initial fears of constant distraction, if a pupil is serious about their studies, it does not matter where they are as long as they can access information.

In conclusion, online schooling should prevail worldwide because of the convenience it provides students. In online education, students can study their courses whenever and anywhere. Even though these students will require a stable and consistent connection and pay attention during their course, they would still get every chance to meet their needs while at the same time preciously organizing their schedules away from school. Since technology has only ever improved efficiency within our lives, it is long overdue that we must consider whether or not education can benefit from this improvement in technique.

Works Cited

Concordia University. “The Pros and Cons of Online Learning and Online Classes.” Concordia University Texas, 29 July 2021,

Goodwin University. “Pros and Cons of Online School.” Goodwin University, 05 November 2020,


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