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Gestures Essays

Gestures in Asian and Western Cultures

Introduction. Gestures are non-verbal body movements, either facial expressions or using hands, that convey meaning or message. Intentional or unintended gestures can highlight or clarify spoken language, show emotions, or communicate without words. Some common gestures utilized in society include waving hello or goodbye, pointing, nodding, shaking the head, indicating size or quantity, and smiling ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1993

Gestures in CMC

Literature Review. Introduction. Gestures play a significant role in second language acquisition by providing visual cues and context to language learners. Computer-mediated communication is a significant aspect of today’s society because it enables people to communicate effectively worldwide. Therefore, integrating gestures in computer-mediated communication in the classroom when learning a second language is crucial in ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3298
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Non-Verbal Communication, Proxemics, and Gestures

Communication is essential for human beings to socialize with one another and for these socializations to occur. Communication assists in providing information, influencing, expressing feelings and imaginations, and meeting social expectations between individuals. Communication can be verbal or non-verbal depending on the message to be shared or the situations involved during the transmission. Nonverbal communication ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 901
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