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Gender Identity Essays

Regulation of School Restroom Use – Gender Identity

The issue of gender identity has become an emerging issue in our society today. Gender identity is an individual’s innermost self-concept: male, female, or even both, commonly known as transgender. Gender identity refers to the gender with which people identify themselves; it can be the same biological sex assigned at birth or a different gender. ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1698

Essay on Gender Equity

Gender identifies who we are in terms of male and female features that are socially made. They are the customs, behavior, and responsibilities linked with being a male or female and the connection with one another. However, some individuals do not fit into traditional binary concepts of the gender of male and female, and they ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2860
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Gender and Sexuality in the South

Gender and sexuality have been integral to South American culture since pre-Columbian times. The region has a long and complex history of gender and sexuality, shaped by indigenous beliefs and colonial influences. From the traditional gender roles of the Mapuche to the more modern ideas of gender equality of the 21st century, gender and sexuality ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3205

Effect of Body Change on Self

Introduction Changes in a person’s physique may significantly influence their sense of self, highlighting the intricate relationship between the body and the self. According to embodiment theories, the body and the self are intricately intertwined, with bodily changes having the capacity to impact our experiences, thoughts, and emotions. This essay will analyze how changes in ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1122

Visual Culture and Contemporary Issues in Everyday Life

Visual Images in the art reflect the society from history to the modern day and a comprehensive language of communicating contemporary issues. The immersive nature of virtual elements always actively influences the viewer’s emotions by making them ‘experience’ moments by observing (Helfand, 2110 n p). Visual culture has been used since ancient times and currently ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1405

Essay on Identity

Sex, sexuality, race, and ethnicity are all aspects of identity that can be understood through the human body and performances (Bailey et al., 2016). People change their bodies, hairstyles, and dress codes to conform to or defy social norms and convey messages to others. Many artists investigate gender identity through body appearances and the use ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1106
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