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Free Speech Essays

The Boundaries of Free Speech and Civility on College Campuses

Introduction As college campuses undergo evolution over time, the frontier between free speech and civility in higher education has become more challenging. A battle for the fundamental freedom of expression and a civil, respectful atmosphere has resulted in an abundance of sharp-elbowed argumentative discourses within the universities. The critical need to study this delicate balance ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1309
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Cancel Culture: An Antihero?

Introduction In the last few years, the idea that a person can be “canceled” has gained prominence in the public space. Commonly known as cancel culture, this habit involves culturing and blocking prominent public figures when they do or say something that is considered offensive or inappropriate according to the current community guidelines. There is ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2175

The Comedy Dilemma: Free Speech, Cancel Culture, and Responsibility

Introduction Shane Gillis, a comedian, was fired from his position as a cast member on Saturday Night Live owing to his history of making controversial comments. This event sparked a discussion over the boundaries of the cancel culture and the consequences of comedians’ speech. The fact that he had made comments similar to this in ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1140

Big Tech vs. Free Speech

There has been significant controversy raised over the inappropriate use of social media and how it has harmed people. The question of regulating social media is prevalent, especially when major social media harm cases arise in the public domain. However, the issue is still debatable since the benefits and disadvantages associated with social media. Additionally, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1374

Laws and Regulations in Information Technology

Ethics in information technology refers to the study of ethical issues and concerns arising from the use and advancement of electronic technologies. It mainly aims to identify and answer questions regarding the morality and behaviors of individuals as accorded by a nation’s laws. Congress, for instance, creates laws and regulations that are designated to protect ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1681
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