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Foundational Elements for the Research Prospectus


In the realm of academic research, a robust and well-structured research prospectus serves as the cornerstone for an investigation, laying the groundwork for a study that is both comprehensive and methodologically sound. One of the most popular approaches in health research is the case study. A case study entails having an in-depth investigation of a certain unit of analysis and giving a comprehensive finding over the case (Priya, 2021). The discussion in this article delves into the foundational elements essential for a research prospectus which includes; formulation of a research question suitable for a case study design, the consideration of whether propositions or hypotheses are necessary, and the selection of a provisional theoretical and conceptual framework to guide the study. The focus of this research prospectus lies in investigating the potential benefits of aromatherapy in reducing anxiety levels among adult female urological patients.

Research Question Formulation

The heart of any research endeavor lies in the formulation of a clear and focused research question that serves as a beacon, guiding the investigation towards meaningful insights. A solid research question is the foundation of any successful study, which is essential to solving problems and revealing the hidden mysteries of nature (Ratan et al., 2019). Research question specifies the problem that needs to be investigated and provides direction for the methodology. Research question results in the development of a suitable hypothesis. In social and health research, creating a solid research question is unquestionably one of the most important things to do when starting a research project, since the goal is to generate knowledge in a methodical way that can be applied to protect, promote, recover, and/or preserve the health of individuals. The pertinent features of a good research question is that the question should be attainable, captivating, innovative, moral, appropriate, manageable, suitable, potentially valuable, publishable, and methodical (Ratan et al., 2019). The central research question for this study is carefully crafted to address the specific context of the impact of aromatherapy on anxiety levels among adult female urological patients.

Research Question: How does aromatherapy influence anxiety levels among adult female urological patients?

Rationale for the Research Question

The choice of this research question is driven by the need to bridge a gap in existing literature concerning non-pharmacological interventions for anxiety management in healthcare settings, particularly among urological patients. Patients scheduled for urology often experience anxiety and exploring the potential benefits of aromatherapy as an intervention would provide a holistic approach to addressing the challenge (Özel et al., 2021). Furthermore, the research question aligns seamlessly with a case study design, which is particularly apt for an in-depth exploration of the experiences of adult female urological patients undergoing aromatherapy. A case study approach allows for a rich and detailed analysis of the phenomenon within its natural context (Priya, 2021). The case study approach would therefore ensure a comprehensive understanding of the impact of aromatherapy on anxiety levels.

Case Study Design

The choice of a case study design is rooted in the complexity of the research question and the need for a holistic understanding of the subject matter. Case studies are particularly apt for exploring intricate and context-specific phenomena within their natural settings, allowing for an in-depth analysis of the interplay between various variables (Priya, 2021). A case study design would help capture the intricacies and contextual nuances of the impact of aromatherapy on anxiety among adult female urological patients. The case study approach would enable an exploration of individual cases within a real-world setting, providing insights into the effectiveness of aromatherapy in a clinical context. The cases will involve adult female urological patients who have undergone aromatherapy sessions as part of their treatment. The selection will be purposeful, ensuring diversity in age, medical condition, and the severity of anxiety. Data collection method will include possibly the use of standardized anxiety scale like the State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) scale and interviews.

Propositions or Hypotheses

In consideration to the exploratory nature of the research question and the qualitative approach of the case study design, the formulation of the research hypotheses is not imperative. However, the inclusion of propositions can direct the investigation and offer a structure for setting up the research. The propositions would act as a framework, directing the study’s goal and supporting the interpretation of results in relation to the larger picture of aromatherapy’s potential benefits as an anxiety-reduction strategy for urological patients. The propositions include:

  1. Aromatherapy interventions will have a positive impact on reducing anxiety levels among adult female urological patients.
  2. Individual patient characteristics, such as age and medical conditions will influence the effectiveness of anxiety reduction through aromatherapy.
  3. The quality of the therapeutic relationship between the patient and the aromatherapist will contribute to the success of aromatherapy in alleviating anxiety.

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

A well-defined theoretical or conceptual framework serves as the lens through which the researcher interprets and analyzes the data. A combined theoretical and conceptual framework will be employed in this study. The framework will be anchored on Imogene King’s Goal Attainment Theory and Lewin’s change model. The goal attainment theory in nursing, developed by Imogene King in 1960, emphasizes the dynamic interaction between nurses and patients to achieve health-related goals (King, 1971). The theory posits that effective communication, mutual goal-setting, and understanding of patients’ perceptions lead to improved health outcomes (Park, 2021). King’s theory incorporates three interacting systems: personal, interpersonal, and social (Park, 2021). Imogene King’s goal attainment theory comprises three conceptual elements that guides the nursing practice. First, the theory emphasizes on a patient centered approach which includes the dynamic nature of nurse-patient interactions (Park, 2021). Second is collaborative goal setting between nurses and patients (King, 1971) and third is a feedback mechanism that helps assess progress toward health goals.

The three conceptual elements will be central to the research towards ensuring optimal health outcomes. First, the patient-centered approach is expected to enhance the therapeutic impact of aromatherapy as well as improving patient outcomes by addressing specific urological symptoms and promoting overall comfort. Secondly, collaborative goal setting will involve nurses engaging patients in setting personalized goals related to symptom relief and overall well-being through aromatherapy. The process will involve understanding individual preferences and health concerns and tailoring aromatherapy interventions accordingly. Further, regular communication channels will be established to assess patient responses, ensuring ongoing feedback and adjustments.

Lewin’s change model was developed by Kurt Lewin from his theory of driving forces as part of his broader work in social psychology and human behavior in the early to mid-20th century (Lewin, 1951). Lewin’s change model is a three-step change model which includes unfreezing, changing, and refreezing. Unfreezing entails dismantling preexisting beliefs in order to get people ready for change. The changing phase ushers in novel ideas and methods, encouraging transformation. Refreezing establishes the new normal and stabilizes the transition (Lewin, 1951). Such a model can direct revolutionary efforts in healthcare practice. Lewin’s change model provides a structured approach to implement the practice change of incorporating aromatherapy for adult female urological patients (Lewin, 1951). In the first conceptual element of unfreezing, the proposal stage would require one to present evidence of the benefits of aromatherapy through literature reviews and success stories (Taranto, 2021). Also, conduct seminars or workshops to educate staff about the potential advantages of integrating aromatherapy.

In the second conceptual element of Lewin’s model, which is changing, the proposal stage would require one to develop and pilot a protocol for integrating aromatherapy into urological care. Also, training sessions on aromatherapy techniques and their application in the urological context should be integrated for staff. The project implementation would need to integrate aromatherapy into daily care routines. Further, the project would need one to collect data on patient experiences and outcomes during the phase and adjust protocols based on real-world feedback. Third is refreezing (Lewin, 1951), which would need one to formalize the aromatherapy protocol into standard operating procedures at the proposal stage. Additionally, establish ongoing education and support mechanisms and identify champions to sustain the change. Further, the project completion would need to embed aromatherapy as a standard aspect of urological care, and develop and disseminate guidelines and training materials, and evaluate the sustained impact on patient well-being and staff satisfaction.

In conclusion, the foundational elements of this research prospectus, including the research question, case study design, propositions, and the theoretical and conceptual framework, provide a structured and comprehensive approach to investigating the impact of aromatherapy on anxiety levels among adult female urological patients. The research question is carefully tailored to address the specific context, and the case study design allows for an in-depth exploration of individual experiences. The propositions will guide the inquiry while the inclusion of a combined theoretical and conceptual framework ensures a holistic lens through which to interpret the data. The framework anchored on Imogene King’s goal attainment theory and the Lewin’s change model provides insights on the conceptual elements within the research will be built on. Generally, the research aspires to contribute valuable insights on the potential benefits of aromatherapy in managing anxiety among adult female urological patients.


King, I. (1971). Toward a theory for nursing: General concepts of human behavior. New York: New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Lewin, K. (1951). Field theory in social science: Selected theoretical papers. (D. Cartwright, Ed.) New York: Harpers & Brothers.

Özel, B. Z., Quevedo, A., Jung, C., Shirazi, F., & Dancz, C. E. (2021). Lavender aromatherapy for anxiety and pain during multichannel urodynamics: A randomized controlled pilot trial. Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery27(11), 654-658.

Park, B. M. (2021). Development and Effect of a Fall Prevention Program Based on King’s Theory of Goal Attainment in Long-Term Care Hospitals: An Experimental Study. Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland)9(6), 715.

Priya, A. (2021). Case study methodology of qualitative research: Key attributes and navigating the conundrums in its application. Sociological Bulletin70(1), 94-110.

Ratan, S. K., Anand, T., & Ratan, J. (2019). Formulation of research question–Stepwise approach. Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons24(1), 15.

Taranto, K. A. C. (2021). The Feasibility of Using Aromatherapy for Pain Management in an Outpatient Clinic Setting (Doctoral dissertation, The University of Arizona).


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