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Fine & Gross Motor Development

Fine motor skills are two kinds of motor skills that involve various body parts. These skills require various coordination and control levels of the body parts. Small muscles are used during fine motor skills (Meylia et al., 2022). Usually, fine motor skills make use of hands and fingers. The body parts perform precise and delicate movements. Instances of fine motor skills include coloring, drawing, writing, use of scissors in cutting, use of utensils such as knife, spoon, and fork, zipping clothes, playing musical instruments such as guitars, and typing. Gross motor skills include running, climbing ladders, playing sports, and swimming.

I have observed different fine and motor skills in my student. First, her fine skills are excellent. For instance, she can grip a pencil or a market. The gripping helps her to write, draw, and color different pictures. These activities have greatly helped her through the learning process. In addition, I have also observed the child being able to zip and button clothing. This has helped her to stay decent all the time.

Apart from the fine motor skills, I have also observed different gross motor skills in the child. For instance, when the child is involved in play with her fellows, she displays various motor skills. First, the child can run and jump. She is involved in a game that requires running her playmates. The child can be seen jumping up and down through the running process. Running and playing use the movement of small muscles. The child uses the muscles in the legs to perform precise movements. Indeed, the fine and motor skills of the child are excellent. She can do great things that are particularly relevant to her health.

One of the fine motor skills that the child requires to strengthen is typing on a keyboard. I have observed that typing on a keyboard is difficult for the child. Therefore, different activities can be done to strengthen the skill. First, I can begin with the basics of typing on a keyboard. The first basic is knowing the correct typing posture. The child will be directed on how to sit when typing. The second basic is on the placement of the hand. The child will be taught how to place her hand during typing. Finger position will also be among the basics of typing o a keyboard. Using specific typing software is the second activity to strengthen the child’s fine skills. Different games and typing programs can assist children in practicing and learning different skills. Some of the programs include NitroType,, and Typing Club. Specifically, the NitroType will teach the child how to type.

NitroType is an online game involving typing (Katagiri et al., 2021). Thus, the game helps improve a child’s typing speed and accuracy. It is a fun game. It engages children in typing practice and competition with their fellows. This game suggests that the faster and more accurate a child types, the more likely they will win. Therefore, I will find another child to compete with my student. I will promise to reward the winner of the game. This will improve the typing skills of my student. Lastly, to improve the child’s typing skills, I will always offer the child an opportunity to practice typing regularly. I will encourage the child to type every day, even for a short time. This will also help the child to improve her fine motor skill.


Meylia, K. N., Siswati, T., Paramashanti, B. A., & Hati, F. S. (2022). Fine motor, gross motor, and social independence skills among stunted and non-stunted children. Early Child Development and Care192(1), 95-102.

Katagiri, M., Ito, H., Murayama, Y., Hamada, M., Nakajima, S., Takayanagi, N., … & Tsujii, M. (2021). Fine and gross motor skills predict later psychosocial maladaptation and academic achievement. Brain and Development43(5), 605-615.


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