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Exploring the Interplay of Nature and Nurture in Shaping Intelligence and Personality


While acquiring knowledge on the way in which nature and nurture contribute to intelligence and personality, I start reflecting upon myself and become more receptive to new experiences. Many people hold the opinion that intelligence and personality, two important elements of humanity, are both determined by genetic factors (nature)and their environment (nurture). For this essay, I will explain how these things are not so simple based on my own thoughts and experiences. To understand better or rather explore how my identity and development have been influenced by nature and nurture, I would like to focus on the intricate interplay between internal and external forces.

Understanding Intelligence

I tried figuring out what intelligence is, and I’ve had many different situations that changed the way I think about this complex trait. When I was a child, my academic performance was always good, grasping concepts and solving problems easily. These early achievements gave me faith in my intellectual abilities, so IQ mainly comes from innate ability.

My reflection on natural talents and skills makes me realize that when it comes to intelligence, genes may influence cognitive aptitude, but they are not exclusively determinant. According to Sternberg (2005), this notion of multiple intelligences reveals that there are far many other aspects to consider other than just IQ. Since there are people who succeed in artistic expression or emotional intelligence despite failing normal tests. A child’s upbringing, as well as their education and exposure, also influence their level of intellectuality. Tucker et al. (2016) investigated the effects of environmental factors such as socioeconomic status and access to quality schools on cognitive development. As for me, I can recollect how my parents, along with teachers, nurtured my intellectual curiosity and afforded me opportunities for learning and growth. My cognitive skills became better because of their encouragement.

Moreover, the context where I grew up also played a great role in shaping perceptions about intelligence. Living in a town populated by diverse individuals exposed me to innovative ideas besides new patterns of thinking, hence causing transformation and consequently enlarging my intellectual repertoire. Miyake et al (2010) research explains how cultural factors shape cognitive processes; thus, we should have a broader view regarding racial diversity if we want to understand what is meant by intelligence. In general, both genetic predispositions combined with environment contributed to my thinking about intelligence. Certain mental traits may carry more weight due to an individual’s genetics; however, these traits can be influenced greatly by their surroundings through their manifestation and development, respectively. The interplay of nature and nurture pushes me towards better insights into my intellectual capabilities and the determinants that have built them.

Unraveling Personality Traits

Pondering my path to self-realization, I am impressed at the changes in personal qualities that have acted as determining factors in the creation and construction of identity affecting relationships with different people. I have known since childhood that being alone pleases me, and those moments of seclusion are the traits that characterize an introvert to this day. As a result, in everyday life, not only my communication but also my social conduct is affected by this need for privacy. In many cases, I withdraw into myself, looking for solitary meditation that would be needed to unravel thoughts and sort them out.

All the above traits have their roots that run deeper than just a few layers of perception; many times, it has been in my mind to question birth and heritage when embarking on personality design. Having studied relations within my own family as well as what has been seen in terms of cousins, peculiar patterns emerge that suggest a genetic base beneath these apparent correlations. Similar findings prevailed in the work of Bouchard (2004), albeit he laid emphasis on how genetic effects contribute to a large share of personality trait variability. Taking those moments into meditation with some of my experiences, the profound interconnection between genetics and personality development is apparent as a function to a part of me.

Additionally, a new wave of genetic fine-tuning has afforded further insights into my biological underpinnings of personality. For instance, Lo et al. (2017) conducted a study that highlighted factors of variants in genes behind phenotypic traits linked to impulsivity and reward sensitivity. The fact that it is possible to think about this discovery related specifically to my personality impresses me with the obvious way genetics can be embodied as behavior or disposition changes influencing response to various events and stimuli. However, despite this fact being uncontested, heredity proves to be a major player, and yet I am aware of the many issues surrounding our environments that contributed so much towards shaping me as an individual. Roberts et al. (2017) attest to this effect by suggesting the importance of environmental factors, particularly during important developmental periods such as childhood and adolescence. On reflection on my upbringing and family’s nurturing environment, positive relationships and supportive experiences come back into mind about how they have helped me grow personally and become resilient in life.

On the flip side, my ability to bounce back has been strengthened by difficulties and struggles. I am ruminating on “ordinary magic,” as per Masten (2018), which refers to extraordinary strength during hardships. For me, it is incredible how these experiences have made me more determined, changed my view of life, and motivated me to realize my dreams. The society in which one grows up shapes people’s behavioral standards, attitudes, and beliefs. Cheung et al.’s (2011) study highlights the impact of acculturation and cultural adaptation on individual characteristics through the role played by cultural values. In this process of adapting and changing, I take from my own cultural history in order to negotiate social interactions that shape who I become across different cultures.

Nature vs. Nurture

As I reflect on my intelligence and personality, I get entangled in a complex combination of innate qualities versus environmental experiences. The genetic makeup may provide a background for some predispositions, but life experiences and interactions with an external world determine the appearance and progress of these characteristics. From personal observation and reflection, I have realized that this debate is rather complicated; thus, the issue never comes in black or white. Therefore, nature versus nurture debates are not viable when discussing human behaviors or characteristics. As a result, the dynamic interaction between nature and nurture yields multidimensionality of individual identity that restricts straightforward discontinuities in light of human developmental knowledge.

Implications and Lessons Learned

As I ponder on the gravity that environment and genes have played in how my intelligence is shaping or taking a development as far as character, then it re-directs me to consider my own personal thoughts about the impact(implications) this deem has for one’s personality growth. Having been informed that a sophisticated stratagem of natural heritage and environmental contexts designed my distinctive character, it is quite complicated. In addition, this factor has also taught me key lessons on the significance of flexibility, resilience, and self-awareness in effectively dealing with life challenges and enjoying happiness. Lastly, the process of self-discovery offers a space for change through developing an openness to nature’s fragility vis-a–vis nurture.


Finally, in my case, this essay has looked at the connection between nature and nurture for what concerns intelligence and personality based on my case. As such, I have shown the importance of the fact that both genetic determinants and environmental influences in human development are included. The developing amalgamation between nature and nurture shows the trueness of life, making determinism outdated as a thing to possess a multi-dimensional identity. The fragile balance could be understood better, and we can learn more about ourselves but also the constituents of each person’s life path.


Bouchard Jr, T. J. (2004). Genetic influence on human psychological traits: A survey. Current directions in psychological science13(4), 148-151.

Cheung, F. M., van de Vijver, F. J., & Leong, F. T. (2011). Toward a new approach to the study of personality in culture. American Psychologist66(7), 593.

Lo, M. T., Hinds, D. A., Tung, J. Y., Franz, C., Fan, C. C., Wang, Y., … & Chen, C. H. (2017). Genome-wide analyses for personality traits identify six genomic loci and show correlations with psychiatric disorders. Nature Genetics49(1), 152-156.

Masten, A. S. (2018). Resilience theory and research on children and families: Past, present, and promise. Journal of Family Theory & Review10(1), 12-31.

Miyake, A., Kost-Smith, L. E., Finkelstein, N. D., Pollock, S. J., Cohen, G. L., & Ito, T. A. (2010). Reducing the gender achievement gap in college science: A classroom study of values affirmation. Science330(6008), 1234-1237.

Roberts, B. W., Luo, J., Briley, D. A., Chow, P. I., Su, R., & Hill, P. L. (2017). A systematic review of personality trait change through intervention. Psychological bulletin143(2), 117.

Sternberg, R. J. (2005). The theory of successful intelligence. Revista Interamericana de Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology39(2), 189-202.

Tucker-Drob, E. M., & Bates, T. C. (2016). Large cross-national differences in gene× socioeconomic status interaction on intelligence. Psychological science27(2), 138-149.


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