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Exploring Identity and Privilege

Behavioral science and human development are interwoven in several ways, informing personal identities and social structures. The issues that characterize those intersections can be described only through the analysis of many identity categories such as age, ethnicity/racial Identity, religion-spirituality facet, socioeconomic status factor, and related aspects. Investigating these dimensions makes it possible to determine both privileges and lacks thereof, strengths connected with each identity.

Age is a crucial identity category in this sense; it highlights specific advantages and shortages related to the person’s place on the life cycle. At 33 years of age, an adult becomes one; to be someone who is treated with a lot more privilege regarding accessibility and allocation by being able to own property that follows through employment opportunities as well as legal rights. In addition, adulthood means autonomy and independence; hence, personal development is possible at this stage (Chappell & Provident, 2020). On the contrary, young people may not enjoy such privileges and, in return, have hindrances to employment and legal restrictions. This journey to achieve self-determination is a challenging one. It requires a good amount of patience about what goes on behind these actions of ethical considerations that will result from the choices taken consciously as adults.

Ethnic and racial identity is also a pivotal point in creating individual experiences and opportunities. In my capacity as a person from Cuba, I might be able to enjoy certain privileges due to the color of my skin while belonging to an ethnic group such belong. For instance, those could include pride in culture and support meetings within the community. Besides, membership in the racial group ensures specific tools and opportunities adapted to meet the community’s demands (Chappell & Provident, 2020). Nevertheless, it is essential to note systemic injustices prevail, and those individuals from subaltern racial groups may be discriminated against or have limited access to resources. Therefore, although I may have some advantages regarding privileges, others will only be given fair opportunities if systemic barriers exist.

Religion and spirituality make up part of the mosaic, helping form beliefs, values, attitudes, and routines. As a spiritualist without religious parochialism, I enjoy the liberty to practice my faith with almost no restrictions or fear of backlash. This independence encourages human development and supports relations in various spiritual activities that increase self-awareness and compassion (Chappell & Provident, 2020). Recognize, however, that there is persecution or discrimination taking place on these religious minorities, demonstrating the differences in freedom of religion and social tolerance. Therefore, though I get the opportunity of religious freedom, others might face hurdles due to their beliefs.

Moreover, intersectionality highlights the interrelation of identity categories, which define individuals’ lives and one’s perspectives (Borge et al., 2022). Being a 33-year-old Cuban who holds spiritual beliefs, my identity is shaped by the intersection of age, ethnicity/race, and religion. This intersectionality amplifies gains and losses, highlighting the intricacy of walking through societal and normative constructs.

Along this pilgrimage pathway to studying behavioral science and human development, I found values alone. Even my biases were challenged, while some judgments toward certain groups were affirmed. Instrumentally, relations with course resources have resulted in internal reflection and facilitated my cultivated understanding of intersections between identities to develop empathy and cultural humility (Borge et al., 2022). Reflective video journals have made a medium for those thoughts and allowed me to resolve biases and confront preconceptions (Borge et al., 2022). Nevertheless, some areas for further development remain where the realization of implicit biases could be addressed, influencing perceptions and interactions with various members.

However, two approaches deserve consideration to improve multicultural responsiveness and favor diversity. Today, among the first measures that can be pursued is promoting cross-cultural communication and interaction to allow mutual understanding as well as appreciation from all sides (Borge et al, 2022). Listening to others’ opinions and stories allows those individuals to erode stereotypes by shedding an empathetic light on the issue (Chappell & Provident, 2020). Further, supplementary education and training in cultural competence provide men and women with the necessary knowledge to deal intelligently with identification-related sensitivity issues.

In conclusion, behavioral science and human development illuminate the challenges of identity categories with regard to their relation in connection with their interactions within society. Thus, individuals critically understand privileges and lacks linked to age, ethnicity/racial identity, religious venue, spiritualism, etc., can develop empathy and promote equity in their lives. Adopting intersectionality cultivates a holistic perception regarding human experiences and the elimination of prejudices, promoting an inclusive culture. Through continuous self-reflection and reshaping, individuals’ multicultural competence is enhanced even more so that society becomes fairer for everyone.


Borge, M., Soto, J. A., Aldemir, T., & Mena, J. A. (2022). Building multicultural competence by fostering collaborative skills. Teaching of Psychology, 49(1), 85-92.

Chappell, T. A., & Provident, I. (2020). Cultural competency: Integrating an evidence-based course for increasing inclusive practices. Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice, 18(3), 9.


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