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Exploration and Effects on Native Americans

During the era before the eruption of civilization and information, the world was filled with a complete darkness of primitivity and lack of knowledge. However, various European superpowers came up with what is today the cradle of human civilization. Intimate distinctions in history clearly point out that the Europeans first discovered the significance of gold. Other distinctive reasons brought with exploration, like the spread of European culture, are also considered solid and vibrant reasons for European exploration. More elaborate reasons for European Explorations of Americans and their effects shall be discussed in this context. It shall look into what attracted the Europeans to America, the economic effects they brought to the Americas, and the impact on the native Americas. Finally, it will analyze if they can be held accountable for spreading old-world diseases to the Western Hemisphere.

What motivated the European world powers to Explore the Americas?

Distinctively, Europe was considered by many as the world’s centre of knowledge and understanding. Many philosophers and psychologists have thrived and vibrantly researched most modern living mechanisms. Therefore, the scarcity of raw materials made the Europeans start exploring the world (Farrell et al., 2021). As they moved to the West, they came across America in what is today the Western world. When they came to the Americas, they wanted to acquire natural resources which had no value at the time for the people there because of the need for civilizations and modernization.

At the time of the invasion, most European powers had started to industrialize, and agricultural industries needed equipment that could only be manufactured with diamonds, silver, and gold. Europeans had gone to the American continents to look for raw materials and minerals. It is, therefore, evident that European powers went in search of raw materials which they found.

In periods before civilization in the Americas, the people lived in cultures distinct from those in the modern era. Traditions that appeased the leaders and four fathers were then performed in the primitive Americas. The Europeans came in to bring Christianity, which was by then dominant in the Roman empire (Oswald et al., 2020). Most people in the primitive Americas by then accepted to adopt Christianity Religion. Others, however, did not accept adopting the European lure and influence into Christianity, and they continued with their traditions and cultures. Thus, it is evident from history that the spreading of Christianity to the primitive American countries was another role that Europeans played in the Americas.

Economic effects of exploration based on Colombian exchange

The Colombian exchange was when many commodities, crops and animals were moved from the old world to the new world and vice versa. it was a period of great traditional exchange. Many food crops like Apples, Bananas, Mangoes, wheat and rice were moving to the new world or the Americas. On the other hand, maize, tomatoes, and potatoes moved to the Old World or Europe at the time. The introduction of rice and wheat to the Americas from the Old World resulted in many Americans becoming rice and wheat farmers, a situation that had not been seen before (Oswald et al., 2020). Not only business farmers but also agricultural business people emerged and thus led to the growth of some towns.

The Colombian exchange also resulted in many Americans being driven out of poverty because most of the crops and animals from the Old World, such as coffee and citrus, were for commercial purposes. The Colombian exchange also brought many distinct races who came on to invest and work in the New World. Many Europeans came to America to implement and improve Agricultural industries, which brought a lot of economic benefits to America. All of these were of great economic benefit to the Americas and the Western Hemisphere.

Effects of Exploration on Native Americans

Exploration brought into American Christianity, thus destroying the native cultures of the people. Exploration also led to the growth of many American towns and cities, which boosted the economic situation in America. On another note, exploration brought intermarriages in the Americas, which resulted in the development of other breeds of human beings. Exploration brought to America a great civilization of a Kind in which the distinctive traditional cultures marred with superstition were dropped, and the new cultures we see today were adopted (Oswald et al., 2020). Exploration brought significant economic impacts to America, mainly accompanied by research and inventions.

Are Europeans responsible for transmitting Old World disease to the Western hemisphere?

Various research and arguments have formulated that there were a lot of health deviations when the Europeans came to the Western hemisphere. People in the western hemisphere have started experiencing some diseases and health problems. In particular, measles, smallpox, cholera, and typhus emerged when the Europeans reached the western hemisphere (Farrell et al., 2021). Research shows that the diseases come from the European continent and were then transferred into the western hemisphere by European explorers. It can thus be distinct and accepted that the European explorers are to blame for spreading diseases to the Western Hemisphere. Even though Europeans also went back with syphilis back to Europe, the truth is it was the Europeans who came to the western hemisphere.

Considerably, many occurrences happened in the Western Hemisphere when the Europeans went to explore. Many of the exploration activities that happened in the Western Hemisphere brought in more advantages than disadvantages. Hence, exploration brought civilization to the Western Hemisphere.


Farrell, J., Burow, P. B., McConnell, K., Bayham, J., Whyte, K., & Koss, G. (2021). Effects of land dispossession and forced migration on Indigenous peoples in North America. Science374(6567), eabe4943.

Oswald, W. W., Foster, D. R., Shuman, B. N., Chilton, E. S., Doucette, D. L., & Duranleau, D. L. (2020). Conservation implications of limited Native American impacts in pre-contact New England. Nature Sustainability3(3), 241-246.


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