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Evolution of Christian Work

Hardy’s Perspective

Hardy (1990) traces the evolution of Christians’s attitudes relative to work in God’s world. Hardy revealed that work was not held with high self-esteem by either Christian or early philosophers. Researchers from the past thought that work reduced individuals to human levels. Non-human creatures work effortlessly to search for basic needs for their survival (Hardy, 1990). Early thinkers stated that work led people to spend most of their time looking for food and water for survival, just like animals. Luther, one of the earlier thinkers, questions the decency of Christian work. Luther states that work is a divine calling, which gives Christians a chance to love and show kindness to the people living next to us here in the real world. Luther urges all Christians to work passionately in all areas God has given them and show love and kindness to all their neighbors (Hardy, 1990). Serving our neighbors demonstrates love and decency in Christians’s work. Luther discovered that God’s grace delivered us from all religious anxieties and not the work of our hands. Luther did not recommend that people retreat from their monasteries and abandon their occupations. Instead, he urged Christians to

Individual Perspective

My thoughts on work as a divine calling from God are justified by working effortlessly to look for food and water, but it is also justified by ensuring we help and love our neighbors. The world of God advises people to show love and kindness to one another by serving them with kindness and integrity while at work. For instance, a waitperson can demonstrate his love by attending to clients with respect and kindness. Christians should view work as a chance to serve others rather than just an opportunity to look for food and water. Our relationship with God is based on faith in Heaven and love and kindness here on Earth. We should treat our neighbors as we ought to be treated. I believe the importance of religious work is a doctrine of God’s creation. God filled the Earth with the necessary resources and potential for people to continue with his work here on Earth. God provides care through our work by fulfilling our duty to station areas. The gift of eternal life depends on human being’s progress to overcome their temptations rather than God’s promises.

Impact of Human Resource Management

Human resource management develops strategic policies to ensure employees feel valued and engaged in their responsibilities. It requires the participation of the whole organization to improve employee engagement. Motivating, training, and developing are human resources practices associated with employee engagement and retention (Lwin, 2022). Workers need motivation to ensure adequate organizational performance (Dobre, 2013). The thoughts of work as a divine calling from God can be a good source of inspiration for motivating, training, and developing employees. Helping employees see work as an act of service to others and not a chance to accumulate resources to ensure their survival helps improve employee engagement and retention.

Hiring diversity initiatives is one of the human resource practices associated with the issue of globalization (Valentine et al., 2020). Hiring and recruiting people from different ethnic communities is adequate for an organization operating globally. A diverse workforce implies a wide range of skills from different ethnic backgrounds, increasing productivity (GT, 2023). A diverse workforce increases creativity by sharing different ideas and solutions to the problem. Diverse cultures in the workplace enable companies to handle different issues encountered in the global marketplace. For instance, if an organization works with China, having an employee who knows Mandarin is important, enhancing customer relations.


Dobre, O. I. (2013). Employee motivation and organizational performance. Review of applied socio-economic research5(1).

Hardy, L. (1990). The Fabric of this World: Inquiries Into Calling, Career Choice, and the Design of Human Work. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans. ISBN: 9780802802989.

GT, P. (2023, March 9). The Importance of Diversity in Organizations.

Lwin, N. (2022). The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Employee Retention. Journal of Positive School Psychology2022(3), 2908–2912.

Valentine, S.R. et al. (2020). Human Resource Management (16th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage. ISBN: 9780357033852.


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