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Every Good Endeavor Reflection – Shareholder Theory and Biblical Perspectives of Generosity

In any positive effort we make, Keller (2012) suggests that an individual’s Christian motives, work ethic, identity, and worldview are shaped by how their recognition of ways in which their work corresponds to biblical classifications-referred to as streams- implying that one is unable to solely depend on a single stream but instead placing emphasis on the fact that the relationship is multidimensional in reality. This task will shed light on the sentiment that for God to be glorified, it is upon us to create as much wealth as possible in order to be as generous as possible.

The Lord has generously given since the world was created, offering air, creation, mercy, grace, and his sole son for the bearing of humanity’s sins. Because of this, not only do we have the ability to understand generosity, but we also have a burning desire to take part in it. The Lord provides more generosity with more lavishness in creation (Keller, 2012). Similarly, as Christians, the more we harvest with regard to money, the more we should be able to give to others in God’s glory as well as an example of Him.

In an article by Brown and Forster (2013) describing the works of Adam Smith, a similar sentiment prevails, asserting that it is the duty of managers to make a contribution towards the organization’s wealth for their fellow workers as well as stakeholders (shareholder theory). To bring together both pieces, Christians in Keller’s work are similar to the managers in the article by Smith. For both to be accorded the greatest glory, they should, without reluctance, endeavour to involuntarily or voluntarily contribute (Smith) or make the most money they can (Keller) for the enhancement of something bigger than themselves: God or the Organization. In light of the stakeholder point-of-view, Smith asserts that it is an equalizing of the corporation’s interests to serve the greater good regardless of whether or not it cuts down returns for the shareholders (Brown & Forster, 2012). Likewise, Keller implies that Christians should strive to create faith that is holistic to our place of work in the glory of God and not just a single stream.

According to Freeman et al. (2004), the Stockholder theory starts with the supposition that when undertaking business, values become a necessity; thus, managers are required to have a well-defined concept of how they intend to undertake business as well as the values they intend to apply. The notion of economic value involves people coming together for the enhancement of everyone’s conditions (Freeman et al., 2004). This is to say that managers should form relationships that motivate stakeholders and develop enhanced communities. This notion is linked to Keller’s (2016) concept that serving the Lord in the workplace is achieved through the creation of global social justice. Social justice involves showing concern for others through equity. Thus, the trader and value creation should go hand in hand. The notion of social justice is witnessed when companies strive to muster an idea that is beneficial to customers, suppliers, communities, and employees over time (Freeman et al., 2004).

On a similar note, social justice orientation (SJO) is a phrase by Chenot and Kim (2017) that means a commitment to ensure that the basic needs of other people are met while upholding human rights and equity for everyone. The outcomes of this study by Chenot and Kim (2017) are in conjunction with Keller’s concept. The study implies that religious beliefs hold a substantial influence on the enhancement of SJO among younger adults. Managers who are concerned with equal treatment for everyone take part in influential institutions like legislative bodies, non-profits, and public agencies (Chenot & Kim, 2017). It is the duty of every professional to display integrity and recognize the importance of social justice as a kind of support for vulnerable groups and individual clients.

All in all, according to the teachings of the Bible, the generosity reciprocated by God via his riches was achieved because of surrendering to his love and, through obedience, incorporating unselfish offerings via our money. I am aware that the Lord can do a lot with my money that surpasses my imagination for my financing towards members of my family as well as my neighbour. The hurdle lies in personally coming to terms with the fact that all my assets and money are his. My account is his, and it was because of him that I accumulated my wealth. I appreciate that Keller did not state a specific percentage or amount of household income but rather asserted that the individual should create as much wealth as possible to be as generous as possible. In keeping with this, it is my belief that using one’s wealth to support the community, and not merely giving tithes, is the true definition of financial generosity. All through my life’s journey, my perception of the world through the eyes of a Christian would have enabled me to do more.


Brown J. A., Forster W. R. (2013). CSR and stakeholder theory: A tale of Adam Smith. Journal of Business Ethics, 112(2), 301–312.

Chenot, D., & Kim, H. (2017). Spirituality, Religion, Social Justice Orientation, and the Career Aspirations of Young Adults. Journal of Social Work Education, 53(4), 699–713.

Freeman, R. E., Wicks, A. C., & Parmar, B. (2004). Stakeholder Theory and “The Corporate Objective Revisited.” Organization Science, 15(3), 364–369.

Keller, T., & Alsdorf, K. L. (2016). Every good endeavor: connecting your work to God’s work.


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