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Evaluating the Politically Motivated Decision-Making of the US President

A popular idea that suggests the current US president made significant decisions has surfaced in recent years. The decisions are driven mainly by political considerations rather than the virtues of the concepts or initiatives. This essay employs the TEST formula and the five criteria of adequacy to assess this theory and gain a deeper understanding of the nature of presidential decision-making.

Test Formula

T: Theory statement – the US president’s decisions are primarily influenced by political factors, such as winning reelection, preserving party support, or winning over essential interest groups, with the underlying merits of the policies or ideas taking a backseat.

E: Empirical Adequacy – Examining the recent actions taken by the US president is necessary to determine the empirical suitability of this theory. A brief look at essential policy decisions indicates that political factors are important (Vail et al., 2022). For example, the president frequently follows through on campaign pledges and political bases when making nominations, executive orders, and policy reversals.

S: Scope – Range The idea covers all significant choices made by the president of the United States, giving it a vast reach. It implies a systematic, politically driven decision-making process beyond specific laws or concerns.

T: Testability – By examining the president’s public declarations, speeches, and acts, the hypothesis can be put to the test. One can determine a program’s validity by looking at how consistently political concerns take precedence over its ideas or programs’ benefits.

The five criteria of adequacy

  1. Explanatory Power – The hypothesis provides a convincing justification for many of the president’s choices. It can clarify why certain policy decisions appear to be made more for political reasons than for their own sake. It might not, however, account for every presidential action since some may place a higher priority on good governance.
  2. Predictive Power – The idea makes it possible to forecast how the president would behave in specific circumstances, including the run-up to an election or while addressing matters important to their political base (Vail et al., 2022). It might be unable to forecast behavior in every situation, especially in an unforeseen crisis.
  3. Simplicity – The theory’s claims that the president’s decisions are motivated mainly by political considerations is straightforward. Its accessibility to a broad audience stems from its ease of comprehension and application.
  4. Fruitfulness: The theory might guide productive investigations into particular policy actions, presidential orders, or speeches to ascertain the degree of political influence (Vail et al., 2022). It offers a structure for deciphering and evaluating the conduct of presidents.
  5. Consistency: While the theory should align with the information, it might not explain every presidential choice. When the president acts according to his sincere belief in the virtues of particular ideas or projects, discrepancies may occur.


In conclusion, there is empirical and theoretical evidence for the theory that the critical decisions made by the current US president are driven by political considerations rather than by the merits of ideas or initiatives. Although it has many drawbacks, it provides an insightful viewpoint on how presidents make decisions. Although it explains many judgments, it does not cover all situations, and presidential actions occasionally put good governance ahead of political reasons. However, this theory continues to be a valuable instrument for assessing and understanding the intricacies of modern US politics.


Vail, K. E., Harvell-Bowman, L., Lockett, M., Pyszczynski, T., & Gilmore, G. (2022). Motivated reasoning: Election integrity beliefs, outcome acceptance, and polarization before, during, and after the 2020 US presidential election. Motivation and Emotion47(2), 177–192.


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