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Evaluating Long-Term Efficacy of Novel ADHD Medication in Children

The goal of this study is to determine how a novel medicine affects children who have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It uses an experimental, longitudinal design that enables a thorough comprehension of the medication’s efficacy over a protracted time. The study aims to discern genetic and environmental influences by embracing rigorous methods such as a randomized controlled trial and incorporating a twin study component. Adherence to APA ethical standards for research involving children will be paramount throughout the process, ensuring the study’s integrity and the participants’ welfare.

Research Designs

To determine effects of new medication to treat ADHD in children, I would choose to conduct experimental study. An experimental study allows for the manipulation of variables and establishment of cause-and-effect relationships, which is crucial in assessing effectiveness of a new medication (Bussalb et al., 2019). Longitudinal design will allow for assessing the medication’s effects over extended time. I would randomly assign participants into two groups: the experimental group receiving the new medication and the control group receiving a placebo or existing standard treatment for ADHD. The participants’ baseline ADHD symptoms would be assessed before medication intervention began. The experimental group would receive new medication according to predetermined dosage and administration schedule, while control group would receive a placebo or the standard treatment. The participants’ ADHD symptoms would be regularly assessed at specific intervals (e.g., weekly, monthly) using validated measurement tools, such as the ADHD Rating Scale.

The longitudinal design involves collecting data to examine the effects of medication over extended period (Norman et al., 2021). The assessments would be conducted at regular intervals, depending on the duration of the study allowing for measurement of changes in ADHD symptoms, cognitive functioning, behaviour, and overall well-being over time.

Pros and Cons of the Research Designs

Experimental Study


An experimental study allows for the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships (Thomas, 2021). we can determine if the new medication directly affects ADHD symptoms by randomly assigning participants to treatment conditions and manipulating the independent variable.

Experimental studies provide control over confounding variables that can influence the results. Random assignment helps ensure that the groups are comparable at the start of the study, reducing impact of individual differences.

Experimental studies can be replicated by other researchers enhancing the validity and reliability of the findings.

We can assess dose-response relationship and identify the optimal treatment protocol for children with ADHD by manipulating the medication dosage and administration schedule.


Experimental studies have limited external validity or generalizability to real-world settings due to controlled nature of the study environment. Findings possibly will not directly translate to everyday clinical practice.

Conducting an experimental study involves use of a placebo or withholding beneficial treatment from the control group. This raises ethical considerations when dealing with vulnerable populations like children.

Longitudinal Design


A longitudinal design allows for assessing the medication’s effects over an extended period, capturing potential changes in ADHD symptoms, cognitive functioning, and behaviour over time.

ADHD symptoms and associated impairments can vary across different developmental stages. A longitudinal design enables examination of how the medication’s effects differ as children age.

Longitudinal design can provide insights into individual differences in treatment response, identifying subgroups that benefit more or less from the medication by following the same participants over time.


Longitudinal studies require substantial time and resources to collect data over an extended period. Participant attrition and logistical challenge can also arise.

Changes in clinical practice or the introduction of new treatments could confound the results over the course of longitudinal study. Controlling for potential confounding factors can be challenging.

Conclusions drawn from research study

The chosen experimental and longitudinal designs enable robust conclusions regarding the effects of the new medication for ADHD treatment in children. The experimental design establishes cause-and-effect relationships, enhancing internal validity (Leventhal & Dupéré, 2019). The longitudinal design captures long-term effects and individual trajectories, providing valuable insights into sustained impact and developmental changes. However, external validity and ethical considerations may arise in experimental studies, while time, resource requirements, and confounding factors pose challenges in longitudinal designs. Nevertheless, these designs offer comprehensive understanding of medication efficacy, safety, and long-term impact, guiding personalized treatment approaches for children with ADHD.

How to examine the effects of genetics and environment by incorporating a twin study design

Incorporating a twin study design would be a valuable approach in examining effects of genetics and environment on the treatment outcomes of the new medication for ADHD in children. Twin study design enables exploration influence of genetics by comparing treatment responses between monozygotic twins, who share 100% of their genetic material and dizygotic twins, who share approximately 50% of their genetic material (Liechty et al., 2020). We gain insights into contribution of genetic factors in response to the medication by comparing treatment outcomes between the two types of twins.

Twin pairs would be randomly assigned to the treatment group receiving the new medication or control group receiving a placebo. We control for genetic factors that twins share by comparing treatment responses within each twin pair. Any differences in treatment outcomes between the monozygotic and dizygotic twin pairs would suggest genetic influence on the medication’s effectiveness.

Steps to ensure compliance with APA ethical standards

Informed Consent: Prior to including child participants in the study, their parent’s or legal guardians’ informed agreement would be sought. The consent form will explicitly lay out the nature of the study, its goals, methods, potential drawbacks, and voluntary nature of participation.

Assent from Children: Depending on the age and developmental level of the children, assent would also be sought directly from them to ensure their understanding and willingness to participate. The assent process would be conducted in a developmentally appropriate manner, using language and explanations that are understandable to the child.

Confidentiality and Privacy: Measures would be implemented to ensure confidentiality and privacy of the participants. Identifying information would be kept separate from research data. All data would be stored securely. Published results would be presented securely, ensuring anonymity of the participants.

Minimization of Harm and Risk: Steps would be taken to minimize potential harm or risk to the participants. The medication dosage and treatment protocols would be carefully determined based on existing safety guidelines and expert recommendations (Rapport et al., 2022). Regular monitoring and follow-up would be conducted to ensure well-being of the participants during the study.

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval: An ethics committee or the Institutional Review Board (IRB) would examine the study’s design and procedures. The IRB would evaluate the study’s ethical components and ensure it adhered to the requirements for protecting human subjects, especially youngsters.


Chosen experimental and longitudinal designs provide robust insights into efficacy of the novel ADHD medication in children. The experimental design establishes cause-and-effect relationships, while longitudinal design captures long-term effects and individual trajectories. Incorporating a twin study design allows for examining genetic and environmental influences on treatment outcomes. Adherence to APA ethical standards ensures participant welfare and study integrity. The designs offer valuable information for personalized treatment approaches while challenges like limited external validity and time/resource requirements exist.


Bussalb, A., Congedo, M., Barthélemy, Q., Ojeda, D., Acquaviva, E., Delorme, R., & Mayaud, L. (2019). Clinical and Experimental Factors Influencing the Efficacy of Neurofeedback in ADHD: A Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in Psychiatry10.

Leventhal, T., & Dupéré, V. (2019). Neighbourhood Effects on Children’s Development in Experimental and Nonexperimental Research. Annual Review of Developmental Psychology1(1), 149–176.

Liechty, A., Tsang, S., Turkheimer, E., & Duncan, G. E. (2020). Association between low back pain and body mass index in adult twins: an analysis of monozygotic and dizygotic twins of the Washington State Twin Registry. The Spine Journal20(11), 1805–1815.

Norman, L. J., Sudre, G., Bouyssi-Kobar, M., Sharp, W., & Shaw, P. (2021). A longitudinal study of resting-state connectivity and response to psychostimulant treatment in adhd. American Journal of Psychiatry178(8), 744–751.

Rapport, M. D., Friedman, L. M., Pothoven, C., & Calub, C. (2022). Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (adhd) and forgetfulness: does time-related decay reflect deficient rehearsal? Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.

Thomas, C. G. (2021). Experimental Research. Research Methodology and Scientific Writing, 93–133.


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