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Ethics and Virtues

Virtues are essential for all individuals, and public administrators are no exception. Individuals working within the public administration must possess the virtues to provide critical services to the citizens. The assigned readings, “The New Case for Bureaucracy” by C. T. Goodwell and “Practical Ethics in Public Administration” by E. Gueras, provide essential insights into ethics within public administration. This article highlights the virtues and ethical principles in the readings one must uphold while in the public administration.

Accountability is one of the essential virtues and ethical practices an individual within the public administration must uphold. The authors state that bureaucracy is critical in ensuring accountability. For instance, bureaucratic practices significantly contribute to individuals becoming more answerable to the decisions they make during their daily routines (Goodsell, 2014). This virtue requires individuals to take responsibility for their actions and decisions, besides ensuring transparency during the decision-making procedures. In other words, public administrators must always be able to accept and acknowledge their mistakes and correct errors. Accountability also ensures that public administrators must be open to scrutiny.

Integrity is another essential virtue stated in the readings that public administrators must possess and uphold. The authors believe that public administrators must have and demonstrate ethical behaviors, which include integrity (Gueras & Garufalo, 2010). Public administration employees are entrusted to serve citizens, and integrity is critical in fostering and ensuring public interest. This virtue requires an individual to have actions that align with ethical principles. The public administrators must also demonstrate high levels and standards of professionalism in everything they do. In this case, the public administrators must demonstrate honesty and fairness in their decisions and actions. In other words, the public administrators must commit to and serve for the common good.

Expertise and competence are other ethical behaviors and virtues public administrators must have. For instance, public administrators use bureaucracy to make nuanced decisions based on the specialized skills and knowledge they have accumulated. Competence ensures public administrators have the necessary skills for their respective roles (Goodsell, 2014). The significance of these virtues requires public administrators to remain current with emerging and evolving social issues. Consequently, individuals must continuously train to enhance their knowledge and skills.

Public service is another virtue the readings emphasize for public administrators. The readings explore the significance of public administrators serving all citizens. They are supposed to possess and exercise their duties while prioritizing the public interest (Gueras & Garufalo, 2010). Public administrators commit to serving society’s overall welfare and well-being. Empathy and a genuine desire to serve and foster positive change in the community are among the driving forces public administrators must have to ensure they consider the common good over personal interests.

In conclusion, the assigned readings highlight and explore the virtues and ethical principles a public administrator must have. These virtues and ethical behaviors form the basis for ethical conduct that can help public administrators make decisions and undertake their responsibilities in the public’s best interest rather than for their personal benefit. Public administrators who incorporate virtues such as integrity and accountability in their practices can navigate complex ethical dilemmas and make informed decisions.


Goodsell, C. T. (2014). The New Case for Bureaucracy. C. Q. Press. 1st Edition. 16=67.

Gueras, D. & Garufalo, C. (2010). Practical Ethics in Public Administration. Berret-Koelher Publisher. 3rd Edition. 1-414.


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