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Epigenetics: Exploring Environmental Impact on Gene Expression


Epigenetics refers to the study regarding how one’s mannerisms and surroundings may lead to alterations affecting one’s genes’ functioning (“What is epigenetics?: MedlinePlus genetics,” n.d.). A gene is a functional hereditary unit that contains DNA. DNA in full is Deoxyribonucleic acid and explains the molecule transporting genetic data in an organism for its activity and growth. DNA sequencing is the procedure for evaluating the DNA’s makeup and its nucleotides’ order. I had a misapprehension about epigenetics and their permanence due to my poor knowledge acquisition and possession from my high school Biology studies; but my recent comprehensive research and course studies on the topic have corrected that misunderstanding.


I paid great attention in high school during my Biology classes and understood the elementary ideas about genes and epigenetic changes. However, I did not dig deep into the topic of epigenetics and researched extensively, promoting my misapprehension. For a long time, I have thought that every epigenetic change is long-term and irreversible. That was my misconception on the topic. In high school, I studied epigenetics and knew that environmental aspects could change an organism’s gene expression via epigenetic changes. Nevertheless, I thought that once an epigenetic change occurs in an organism, it cannot be reversed. However, my present knowledge of epigenetics has done away with the misapprehension. I have gained enough accurate and wide knowledge on the topic from my university course study. I have researched various official online government websites and a Biological book by Nessah Carey discussing the topic to gain my newfound, comprehensive knowledge (Carey, 2011). I have visited the university library several times to access relevant Biological books and increase my knowledge. I have also continued browsing my smartphone to access more online government websites and learn more about the topic.

I have understood that an epigenetic change may be supplemented or done away with in reaction to behavioral or environmental alterations linked to the organism. For instance, an epigenetic change could come from tobacco inhalation. A smoker will possess little DNA methylation on particular sections of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Repressor (AHRR) gene compared to a person who does not smoke. The AHRR gene is the one that intervenes and facilitates how xenobiotic elements, foreign chemical elements in an organism’s body, metabolize. The variation is more for people who smoke heavily and consistently. After they quit tobacco use, the person could start possessing more DNA methylation at that gene. Finally, they will get to points like those who do not smoke. In some instances, that could take place in less than one year. However, the duration relies on the previous smoking length and quantity.

Currently, I know that epigenetic alterations impact the gene expressions of humans (“What is epigenetics?: MedlinePlus genetics,” n.d.). They can stimulate or switch off the activity of genes. One’s surroundings and mannerisms, like diets, could lead to epigenetic alterations. One type of epigenetic alterations in DNA Methylation, whereby chemical groups get added to one’s DNA. I understand this particular concept very well due to my extensive online research. The groups are put in particular DNA sections, blocking the proteins attaching to DNA for reading the genes. A procedure called demethylation can remove the chemical groups. Methylation deactivates genes, while demethylation activates them. Another type is Histone modification. Usually, DNA forms on proteins known as histones. If histones are congested, proteins reading the genes will not contact the DNA quickly, deactivating the genes. If not congested, much DNA will be bare and not formed on a histone, making it accessible to proteins reading the gene activating it. The other type is Non-coding RNA. One’s DNA gets utilized for the manufacturing of non-coding and coding RNA. Coding RNA makes proteins, while non-coding RNA aids in regulating gene expressions. It regulates that by getting attached to coding RNA, alongside other particular proteins, to disintegrate the coding RNA so it will not help to manufacture proteins. Non-coding RNA can also use proteins to alter histones, so they activate or deactivate genes.

Epigenetic alterations explain those DNA changes that control the activation or deactivation of genes (“Epigenetics,” 2023). The changes are affixed to DNA and do not alter its sequencing. In a DNA’s full structure within a cell, a genome, every change regulating a gene’s expression or functioning is called the epigenome. Since epigenetic alterations aid in evaluating whether genes are activated or deactivated, they impact cells’ protein production. That ensures every cell solely makes proteins needed for its activity. Forms of epigenetic adjustment differ among humans, in varied tissues in a person, and varied cells in a tissue. Environmental and behavioral aspects can affect the epigenome. For instance, the sexual characteristics of a species may be impacted by the incubation temperature of a reptile’s eggs as they develop. Other factors are humidity and light that impact the expression of genes in organisms, which eventually impact their phenotype. Phenotype means the “observable traits” of an organism. I still need to research and understand well how epigenetics vary with age, making one’s epigenetics during their delivery time differ during adolescence or parenthood. I do not comprehend it well.


In conclusion, epigenetics is a Scientific research topic that explains how environmental elements affect organisms’ gene expressions. Such elements include temperature, dietary aspects, and humidity. They eventually change the phenotype of an organism. The varieties of epigenetic alterations are DNA Methylation, Histone modification, and Non-coding RNA. Epigenetic alterations do not mess with or change the DNA sequencing of organisms. My misconception that an epigenetic change cannot be reversed has changed and been corrected due to increased study and research. I now know that such a change is not permanent and can be modified by processes like DNA Methylation, as mentioned above.


Carey, N. (2011). The epigenetics revolution: How modern biology is rewriting our understanding of genetics, disease, and inheritance. Icon Books.

Epigenetics. (2023, November 22).

What is epigenetics?: MedlinePlus genetics. (n.d.). MedlinePlus – Health Information from the National Library of Medicine.


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