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Epidemiological Principles and Their Application to Homeless Individuals With Behavioral Health or Psychiatric Illnesses in Delaware

The identification and comprehension of the epidemiology dynamics of homeless people who have behavioral health or psychiatric issues in Delaware is pivotal if the health needs of these individuals are supposed to take the right direction. Epidemiology, which is the field that deals with the distribution and determinants of disease incidence and the use of this information to interact with and manage health challenges, gives beneficial knowledge about the difficulties that the exposed are facing.

Among the most prominent epidemiological situations that may affect the quality of life of older adults is the occurrence of psychiatric ailments. Per SAMHSA, Delaware State has the highest rate of serious mental illness in the entire USA adults. The 2019 data from the U.S. Adult Mental Health Survey shows that Delaware is not making enough progress; while it is estimated that 5.4% of adults in the state experienced a serious mental illness, the national average is 4.2%. Among people experiencing homelessness, the numbers of SMI are even elevated, wherein some studies also show rates of 20-25%. From the statistics gathered by the DHSS of D.E. states, it was revealed that around 2,500 individuals were experiencing homelessness on any given day in Delaware, and among these were those having mental health issues (Delaware et al. et al., 2019).

In addition, the health impact pyramid in the epidemiological concept becomes actively used to show health tiers to choose sustainable health outcomes. For homeless persons with such conditions as mental health or illnesses of behavior, interventions should focus not only on individual-oriented factors like ongoing psychiatric therapy or possible substance abuse treatment but also try to deal with those higher-level factors related to staying in safe locations, getting a job, or finding some support and friendship. Respecting the data that DHSS examines visualizes that the occurrence of that illness among people experiencing homelessness in Delaware is much higher than in the general population, which implies the necessity of a total intervention.

Focusing on specific epidemiology results, one can learn about the situation of people in Delaware who are homeless and have behavioral or mental health issues. According to the Delaware Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), which is a state-based survey that collects information regarding health risk behaviors, chronic health diseases, and use of preventive services among adults, homeless people in Delaware reported having poor mental health more likely than those who are not homeless. Besides that, the Delaware Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) is itself a source of data on gender and service-utilization patterns of homeless people who are using shelters and supportive services. Evaluating the data of HMIS indicates that there are recurring mental health and drug dependency issues amongst this group (SAMHSA et al., 2019).

Identifying the epidemiological needs and problems of homeless individuals having behavioral health issues or psychiatric illnesses occurring in Delaware is vital for the development of a strategy that will be aimed at providing targeted interventions and timely allocation of resources to the affected people. Three key needs or problems identified through epidemiological analysis include: Three key needs or problems identified through epidemiological analysis include:

  1. Limited access to mental health services: Despite the mental disorder, because of the high numbers of homeless people in Delaware, most of them do not have insurance, there is no transport, and stigma blocks them from getting mental health care in time, and it is not proper.
  2. Housing instability and homelessness: The gap in providing affordable housing plans tends to increase the risk of homelessness among people with behavioral or mental health diseases. Supportive multifamily housing initiatives and rent arrearage prevention and traction services are needed to manage health complications.
  3. Coordinated care and integration of services: Homeless individuals who are with behavioral health or psychiatry problems will be faced with an absence of service that is coordinated and fragmented, which leads to gaps, and this means poor health results. The point is to establish integrated care delivered in how mental health, substance abuse treatment, primary care, and social services are combined to match the difficult needs in one reliable, efficient, and effective way (National Institute on Drug Abuse et al., 2021).

In summary, adhering to epidemiological principles to understand health requirements and problems confronted by homeless who are mentally ill or addicted in Delaware is essential for the development of evidence-based solutions and for the realization of health equality. Through addressing the socioeconomic determinants of health, implementing targeted interventions, and making sure that the care is coordinated, on the one hand, the different stakeholders can come together and take decisive action aimed at improving the health and well-being of this segment of the population.


Delaware Health Statistics Center. (2019). Delaware Homeless Population 2019.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). (2019). Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators in the United States.

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). (2021). Substance Use and Homelessness.


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