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Enhancing Therapeutic Communication in Psychiatric Nursing


The cornerstone of nursing care is effective communication, particularly when addressing the complicated needs of people and families who are dealing with mental illness. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of interpersonal communication skills as treatments in delivering collaborative, safe, and complete nursing care. This assignment explores a variety of therapeutic communication facets within the context of psychiatric nursing, covering learning objectives centered around awareness-building, comprehending significant shifts in mental health, and actively participating in cognitive health-focused communication.

Learning Outcomes:

Conscious Awareness of Therapeutic Communication Methods:

There has to be a conscious awareness of psychotherapeutic communication strategies in the field of psychiatric nursing. These methods are discussed by Christman and Ernstmeyer (2022) in Chapter As presented in this Chapter; a nurse can use various tools such as active listening and nonverbal clues to navigate the complex world of therapeutic communication.

Therapeutic Role of the Nurse:

Trust is critical to the therapeutic nurse’s role in mental health environments. Trust-building is not a mere show but an ongoing effort accompanied by empathy and knowledge about current mental health care needs (Christman & Ernstmeyer, 2022). Trust becomes a core foundation of therapeutic relationships in nursing and allows the healing process to begin.

Understanding Changes in Mental Health:

Mapping the complicated terrain of mental health requires understanding fundamental physiological, psychological, emotional, and sociological changes among adult individuals diagnosed with a particular condition. Pounds (2017) presents an innovative approach by integrating social cognitive psychology into nursing practice. According to the literature review, it is also observed that deficits in social cognition have a profound effect on nurse-patient relations, especially among individuals with chronic and persistent mental disorders. Incorporating social cognitive science into our perception gives nurses a new perspective on how to interpret and address changes in therapeutic relationships.

Mental Health-Focused Therapeutic Communication:

One of the most critical aspects of psychiatric nursing is active practice during mental health-related communication, education, and assessment. Christman and Ernstmeyer (2022) guide practitioners in applying cognitive health-based communication strategies practically. From baseline thorough assessments to individualized education for patients, nurses play a pivotal role in driving the communication that promotes the success of recovery from mental disorders.

Empathy and Patient Engagement:

Emphasizing the integrative literature review by Moudatsou et al. (2020), empathy appears as a keystone of successful communication in healthcare delivery settings. The levels of empathy – emotional, cognitive, and behavioral—emphasize its role in facilitating association. As healthcare personnel, nurses should acknowledge a patient’s viewpoint and demonstrate compassion in an authentic and relevant way. Empathy becomes an elected option, a selected and chosen vulnerability that nurses exercise to reach the levels where they touch patients (Brené Brown, 2022).

Key Topics:

– Therapeutic Communication and Interpersonal Skills:

Mastering healing communication and interpersonal abilities is foundational to presenting first-rate care in intellectual health settings. These competencies embody energetic listening, practical thinking, and non-verbal communication, all of which might be vital components of a nurse’s toolkit (Christman& Ernstmeyer, 2022).

– Motivational Interviewing:

Motivational Interviewing has proven helpful in psychiatric nursing practice, helping patients become active participants and supporting their autonomy. This approach enables nurses to work with patients toward positive mental health outcomes by understanding their motives and intentions (Christman & Ernstmeyer, 2022).

– Telemental Health:

In the modern-day medical environment, mental health has become an important factor. According to the American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA), Telemental Health’s background, changes, and trends must be understood by nurses offering mental health care through satellite modes.

Readings and Resources:

Christman & Ernstmeyer (2022) – Chapter 2:

Finally, in Chapter 2, Christman and Ernstmeyer provide a profound examination of communication techniques for therapeutic purposes. They explore the nuances of active listening, clarifying patient misapprehensions, and validating patients’ concerns. The process of internalizing the content gives nurses a deep understanding of how to interact with people who have mental health issues.

Moudatsou et al. (2020) – The Role of Empathy:

Moudatsou et al.’s literature review on empathy in health and social care professionals highlights the multidimensionality involved. The emotional, cognitive, and behavioral dimensions are interconnected and form the basis of therapeutic change in healthcare. While implementing empathy into their practice, nurses face many difficulties, like work overload and lack of time, as discussed in the reviewed study.

Pounds (2017) – Social Relatedness and Serious Mental Illness:

Pounds’ examination of social relatedness and its relevance for the nursing practice fills in a broad area that divides traditional nursing theories from discoveries made within the frameworks of social cognitive psychology. The inclusion of social cognitive science allows nurses to develop a new approach towards therapeutic relationships, especially the ones with patients suffering from chronic and persistent mental disease.

Brené Brown’s Video on Empathy:

Brené Brown’s video beautifully describes the true nature of empathy and its contrast to pity. Though perspective-taking, nonjudgmentalness, validation of emotions, and empathic communication are considered essential aspects of nursing practice, Brown’s focus on vulnerability as an option in empathy can intersect with the genuine and compassionate connections nurses aim for.

The Telemental Health resource that is available from the APNA provides essential Telemental Health Background (APNA):

Information about mental health care delivery as it continues to change. But, with technology developing the world of healthcare today, nurses must provide comprehensive and accessible psychiatric care these days to know where telemental health comes from and what has changed throughout the years along with trends (Walsh, 2023).


In conclusion, this assignment has delved into the vital factors of improving therapeutic verbal exchange in psychiatric nursing. From growing conscious focus to understanding modifications in mental health, nurses play a pivotal position in establishing trusting relationships that contribute to healing exchange. The exploration of empathy, as discussed in the literature and Brené Brown’s video, reinforces the vulnerability inherent in connecting with people going through mental fitness-demanding situations.

As generation advances, incorporating Telemental Health adds complexity and opportunity for nurses to evolve and deliver intellectual health care in progressive ways. The selected task, “The Letter Project,” embodies the concepts of healing communication, presenting a tangible street for expression and connection.

In the dynamic field of psychiatric nursing, non-stop schooling and mirrored image are paramount. By integrating the insights from literature, video sources, and practical assignments, nurses can cultivate a compassionate and effective method to communicate, which, in the end, contributes to the holistic well-being of individuals and households going through intellectual health challenges.


Moudatsou, M., Stavropoulou, A., Philalithis, A., & Koukouli, S.(2020). The Role of Empathy in Health and Social Care Professionals.Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland), 8(1),26.

Pounds, K. G. (2017). A theoretical and clinical perspective on social relatedness and the patient with serious mental illness. JAPNA, 23(3),193-199.\

RSA. (2013, December 10). Brené Brown on Empathy. YouTube.

Walsh, C., Sullivan, C., Bosworth, H. B., Wilson, S., Gierisch, J. M., Goodwin, K. B., … & Lewinski, A. A. (2023). Incorporating TechQuity in Virtual Care Within the Veterans Health Administration: Identifying Future Research and Operations Priorities. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 1-9.


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