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Engagement Role-Play Reflection

Several things went well in the engagement role-play involving Bill, the involuntary client, but there were several places where my engagement practice might be strengthened. First, creating a polite and sympathetic environment was a success. Warmly greeting Bill, I promised him that our meeting would be private and discreet (Engagement Role-Play Payton & Lori-2023). Building trust and creating a secure space for open communication is essential when working with clients who are unwilling to consent. By delicately handling Bill’s loss and emotional difficulties, I also acknowledged the significance of diverse factors.

My engagement, however, could have gone better in a few areas. While I understood Bill’s reluctance at first, I could have gone more deeply into his worries and dealt with them more skillfully (Code of Ethics: English, 2021). Bill appeared dubious about the counseling procedure at first. To approach the situation differently going forward, he would proactively investigate his apprehensions regarding therapy and work to allay them. Giving additional details regarding the counseling process and its possible advantages would be helpful.

In the future, I would approach things differently, considering Bill’s involuntary status and being even more patient and understanding because he may feel reluctant or coerced. This can entail highlighting the voluntary nature of our conversations and working with him to establish expectations and goals for therapy (Engagement Role-Play Payton & Lori, 2023). Bill’s sense of agency and autonomy will grow if I actively involve him in these decisions.

In order to communicate with Bill, relational therapy has proven to be beneficial. Using a relational method helped me establish a deeper connection with him because of his profound grieving and emotional troubles, as well as his disorientation and memory problems. It helped to establish a secure and dependable environment in which he could express his emotions (Code of Ethics: English, 2021). To help Bill through his grieving process in this situation, a solid therapeutic alliance is crucial.

In the future, I will keep using a relational therapy methodology. Nevertheless, in order to help Bill with his forgetfulness and memory issues, I would also be willing to use some aspects of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT could assist him in creating coping mechanisms for his cognitive challenges and lessen the anxiety that comes with memory loss.

To gather baseline data, I went with the PHQ-9 evaluation tool. The PHQ-9 is a well-known and reliable instrument for determining the degree of depression, which is why this option was made. It was important to learn more about Bill’s emotional health, given his stated sentiments of sorrow. It is critical to treat his mental issues because the results showed that he suffers from signs of despair almost daily.

Ensuring the confidentiality and privacy of clients is crucial when it comes to technical instruments and record security. Bill and I should consider a few things before deciding whether to interact via phone, email, video chat, or any other medium (Engagement Role-Play Payton & Lori-2023). Initially, I would ensure that every digital communication channel is secure and encrypted. To protect customer information, I would select systems and applications that abide by HIPAA laws.

Furthermore, I advise Bill of the possible dangers of utilizing electronic communication techniques, like the possibility of security breaches or inadvertent exposures. In order to use these techniques, Bill would have to give informed consent and be aware of the advantages and disadvantages. In order to maintain the confidentiality of our discussions, I would also advise him to choose safe and quiet areas for our video chat sessions.


Code of Ethics: English. (2021).

Engagement Role-Play Payton & Lori-20231103_201241-Meeting Recording. November 3, 2023, 12:12AM- 22m 40s


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