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Energy Efficiency Essays

Understanding HVAC Systems in Architecture

Introduction HVAC systems shape building comfort and usefulness in modern construction. These systems are the hidden heroes that keep our interior settings healthy, productive, and enjoyable. The frequently overlooked HVAC systems allow contemporary design to adapt to different climates, maintain interior air quality, and optimize thermal conditions (Fire). This article explores HVAC systems and their ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3284

How the Texas Power Grid Can Thrive in the Wake of Catastrophes

The Texas electric grid has encountered several problems recently, especially as highlighted by the perilous snowstorm that hit Texas at the time of the COVID-19 epidemic. In February 2021, an unforeseen storm uncovered a weakness in the Texas power grid, leading to large-scale power outages that left millions without heat and electricity for several days. ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1158
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ENERGY STAR Target Finder Analysis

Executive summary Building energy star simulations let the system designer evaluate the heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) technology and control techniques before making the final design decision. The degree of sophistication of these tools differs from one another. Some tools examine specific HVAC system components, such as motors, based on simplified assumptions about the component’s ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2065

Rebound Effects in the Trucking Sector

Introduction In recent years, new technologies and policies have facilitated the improvement of efficiency associated with heavy-duties trucks in the transportation system not only in the USA but also across the globe. Indeed, these improvements to no small extent have reduced the transportation costs of firms in terms of dollars per mile. However, the reduction ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1759

Architecture and Environment

INTRODUCTION Since the industrial revolution period, there has been a fast growth in the number of constructed structures all over the globe. An increase in buildings and construction activities has been fueled by the need to improve infrastructures such as buildings and roads to facilitate industrialization. However, on the other end, the globe has been ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1169
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