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Empowering CLD Youth With Disabilities: A Comprehensive Approach to Career and Life Planning


Chances are that life planning for the CLD youth with disabilities should be applied in a diversified and complex manner. Defining their unique processes and the various difficulties that they could undergo is essential to creating an understandable and applicable method. This paper outlines steps to assist CLD youth with disabilities in five key areas of life planning: career planning, post-school education, job-based training, community involvement, and independent living. These are some of the major subjects that transaction support to adults with disabilities.

Career Planning

As the first step in career planning, its assessment is necessary. This evaluation form should penetrate the student’s strengths, interests, and talents, requiring cultural and linguistic sensitivity. Using culturally competent evaluations alongside the students, their families., and relevant community members provide a broad overview (Dispenza, 2021). Cultural sensitivity is further reinforced by being aware of the intricacies in the background culture that led to varying career preferences. From relatives and role models from the same background, as one is situated, it is speculated to aspire. Considering attributes, preferences, and cultural considerations should be a continuous endeavor with partnership development with professionals from vocational rehabilitation services and disability support organizations, guiding the exploration of career options.

Post School Education

A comprehensive platform of inclusive education planning is the foundation for properly supporting CLD youth with disabilities in their post-school academic journey. It is important to work with colleagues involved in education and special education staff to produce inclusive plans that meet the personal requirements of every individual. Such advocacy also ensures success in FLAS because reasonable accommodations and modifications are necessary for academic achievement (Rao et al., 2020). Transition services geared towards post-school education are an important part of the transition program. By sharing information on colleges and universities that are easier to access, available scholarships, and disability support services, students can make informed decisions for their academic purposes.

Job-Based Training

We help young people with disabilities learn the skills they need for work. Finding and developing skills that match your career goals is important. Working with job training programs, colleges, and local businesses helps create special training opportunities. Internships and work experiences are really important because they allow you to learn about different jobs by actually doing them. Ensuring everyone can join in and meet their needs can help improve skills and prepare for work.

Community Involvement

Getting involved in the community is an important part of planning for young people with disabilities from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Helping students find community resources that match their culture makes them feel like they belong. Participating in volunteer activities that are meaningful to your culture can help you make more friends, connect with more people, and see different parts of your community. Building connections with nearby groups that provide guidance and help is an important part of community activity.

Independent Living

Learning to take care of oneself and live independently is important for young people with disabilities from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds as they become adults. We need to make a program that teaches people how to do important things, like managing money, getting around, and standing up for themselves. This program should cover all the things we need to do every day. The program needs to be respectful of different cultures and make sure it works well for everyone. Working with families and communities to establish a strong support system for people living independently is very important. Working together with organizations that help people with disabilities gives extra support and makes sure we are helping them in every way to become more independent.


In summary, a holistic and cultural competency systems approach to career and life planning has been found among CLD youth with disabilities. In doing so, the educators and support professionals help these individuals, realistically, to lay down each aspect, such as Career Planning, Post School Education, or orJob-Based Training of the Framework for Adulthood: Community Involvement Independent Living Plan so that they can start moving towards a successful path. A strategy that integrates ongoing communication and collaboration with all stakeholders is integral to a holistic approach to considering their plights and abilities as CLD youth with disabilities.


Dispenza, F. (2021). Empowering the career development of persons with disabilities (PWD). Journal of Career Development48(5), 670-685.

Rao, S., Pancsofar, N., & Monaco, S. (2020). Effective Practices for Collaborating With Families and Caregivers of Children and Young Adults With Disabilities. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education.


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