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Employee Compensation Essays

Rewards and Benefits Management

Introduction Wage rates, cost of living and labor regulations are additional factors that determine the compensation structure. Employees’ work habits and expectations of rewards are based on cultural norms and values in each country, which need to be addressed when designing an appropriate compensation package. Most importantly, formulating a good compensation plan calls for a ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1350

Recognizing Employee Compensation

In an employment context, several variables can make a job enjoyable for someone and others that make employees feel that they are in an appropriate job. For instance, a passion for a particular job can make employees give their all, hence recording high-performance levels and making the employer succeed in attaining the predetermined organizational objectives. ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 925
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Employment Issues Review

Introduction Employment issues constitute any form of disputes and problems that might emerge in the workplace. Employment problems are common among employees. Some employment issues are more common than others. For instance, discrimination and sexual harassment are common problems experienced in various workplaces. Although some employment problems might be too small, such as communication issues, ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 3000
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