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Emerging Economies Essays

The Impact of International Trade on Emerging Economies

International trade substantially impacts emerging economies like China and Eastern Europe since it shapes their political and economic landscapes. Over the years, globalization and the rising interconnectedness of countries have resulted in an exponential development of international trade. The situation has promoted the exchange of products and services globally, generating multiple effects that influence emerging ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1310

The Impact of Natural Disasters on Emerging Economies

Abstract Natural disasters can have significant economic impacts on emerging economies. This paper aims to quantitatively analyze the effects of natural disasters on economic growth, trade, and employment in emerging economies. The study uses various econometric techniques to estimate the causal relationship between natural disasters and economic outcomes. The findings suggest that natural disasters negatively ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4109
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The Importance of Inflation Targeting in Emerging Market Countries

Introduction Inflation targeting requires monetary bodies to adopt a forward-looking attitude and take the preemptive action to fill the lags in policy decisions relating to their effect on output and prices. As Alan Greenspan put it, implicit within the confines of a monetary policy action refers to the expectations of how the future will unfold ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3297

Factors Affecting Economic Growth in Developing Countries

Introduction Theory and empirical study have both been utilized by economists to understand economic growth’s origins. Most later works are built on the theoretical frameworks established by earlier researchers. Wang’s (2018) work has resulted in substantial empirical research testing the validity of the theories they developed. Accordingly, this study will use the theoretical framework developed ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1560
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