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Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing Practice

Effective leadership and management are essential for providing high-quality patient care in a medical-surgical unit’s dynamic and demanding environment. This situation includes an RN directing six patients, teaming up with an LPN/LVN, and imparting a CNA to another RN (LaCharity et al., 2021). To explore what is happening, the medical attendant must ably appoint, delegate, oversee, and focus on care. This requires joining authority and the executive’s standards in nursing practice.

Assigning Responsibilities to the LPN

The LPN will be allocated Client numbers 1, 2, and 6, considering their particular necessities and the LPN’s extent of training. Client 1, a 50-year-old male with a post-coronary episode with a stent, requires checking of indispensable signs and cardiovascular status. The LPN can handle routine evaluations, medication administration, and cardiac care education.

Client 2, a 46-year-old female with full-thickness, needs normal dressing changes. The LPN can be appointed to deal with this errand, guaranteeing fastidious injury care, torment appraisal, and opportune documentation.

Client 6, a 52-year-old female with a new diabetes type 2 conclusion, is getting released. The LPN can help the patient grasp prescriptions, dietary rules, and self-administration strategies.

Delegating Tasks to the LPN and CNA

Appointing errands includes entrusting explicit exercises to people with fitting abilities and preparing. For Client 2, the LPN can designate the real dressing changes to the CNA, under the LPN’s oversight, while the LPN screens the general advancement and surveys any confusion.

For Client 3, the LPN can assign exercises like helping with portability and agony the board to the CNA. Nonetheless, the RN should hold liability regarding managing the organization of torment medicine and surveying the viability of intercessions.

Supervising Interventions for the LPN and CNA

Viable oversight is basic to guarantee that appointed undertakings are performed accurately and securely (Motacki & Burke, 2022). For Client 1, the RN should regulate the LPN in checking essential signs and perceiving any indications of heart trouble. Ordinary registrations and joint effort are critical to guaranteeing a thorough way to deal with care.

On account of Client 3, the RN ought to intently direct the LPN and CNA in overseeing torment, guaranteeing the recommended meds are regulated on time and surveying the adequacy of help with discomfort measures.

Prioritizing Care

Prioritization is a key expertise in nursing the board. The clients and their consideration can be focused on as follows:

  1. Client 1: 50-year-old male post-coronary episode with a stent – Observing imperative signs and heart status is a main concern, guaranteeing early identification of any intricacies.
  2. Client 3: 33-year-old male fireman with a wrecked femur – Torment the board and portability help is significant to forestall intricacies and advance mending.
  3. Client 2: 46-year-old female with full-thickness consumes – Dressing changes and tormenting the executives are crucial for wound mending and, in general, prosperity.
  4. Client 4: 18-year-old male with wheezing and worked breaths – Prompt consideration is expected to address respiratory pain, direct fitting meds, and forestall deteriorating side effects.
  5. Client 5: 74-year-old female with new-onset dementia – While awaiting laboratory results to determine the underlying cause of dementia, it is essential to provide a supportive and safe environment.
  6. Client 6: 52-year-old female with as of late analyzed diabetes type 2 – Release arranging, instruction taking drugs and self-administration outweigh everything else to guarantee a smooth change to home consideration.


All in all, compelling authority and the board in nursing are essential ways to deal with relegating, designating, regulating, and focusing on care. In this scenario, the RN must use the skills of the LPN and CNA while still providing comprehensive patient care. By coordinating these standards, the nursing group can give protected, patient-focused care in a difficult clinical care unit.


LaCharity, L. A., Kumagai, C. K., & Hosler, S. M. (2021). Prioritization, Delegation, and Assignment-E-Book: Practice Exercises for the NCLEX-RN® Exam. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Motacki, K., & Burke, K. (2022). Nursing Delegation and Management of Patient Care-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.


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