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Newcomers Youths in Canada


Details of Population Group

The group program is designed to focus on newcomer youths aged thirteen to eighteen who have moved to Canada recently and are residing in the urban area of the Greater Toronto Area, specifically within the city of Markham. According to Smith et al. (2022), research only sometimes considers the perspectives of vulnerable and marginalized youth. Research shows that it is imperative to consider the challenges these youth face and what they need to support their adjustment and well-being. The program will consider the diverse needs and identities of the newcomers, including factors such as proficiency in English, socio-economic background, immigration status, family dynamics and experience in education when examining the characteristics of the target population. The demographic selected represents a particular group in the incoming population in Canada that faces significant and distinct challenges as they try to adapt to the new settlement and integrate into contemporary societies.

Newcomer youth are from different backgrounds and have different experiences. Most of them arrive in Canada with limited proficiency in the local Canadian official languages, which become barriers to effective social interaction due to failure in communication. Additionally, their immigration status can affect their access to resources and services as they settle in. The age range of the newcomers is between 13 and 18, which is a significant stage of development among the youth. It is a period of identity formation, pressure for social integration and academic pursuits. The youth may struggle to blend their cultural identity with the new expectations and norms of the Canadian societies where they may reside for years. In addition, some of the target groups may have other factors, such as trauma for those who were displaced due to the crisis of war, that need to be considered to tailor interventions that address their distinct needs. The target population may be affected by stress due to family separation, making it harder to adjust to the new environment.


The community targeted by the program resides in the Greater Toronto Area Urban areas, with a specific focus on the town of Markham. As one of Canada’s most migrant-populated regions, Markham is the best location for study due to its multicultural landscape. The neighbourhoods are characterized by different languages, traditions, and cultures due to the diverse backgrounds of their residents. Multicultural communities are evident in the other communal activities and religious affiliations that promote cross-cultural exchange. The community is affected by the need to foster stable relationships with the region’s natives. There is a need to identify vital hubs for support for newcomer families. By encouraging cooperation and partnership within the community and using the resources and knowledge already in place, our suggested group program aims to solve these issues by giving young immigrants opportunities and all-encompassing assistance. We aim to provide a friendly and inclusive atmosphere where young immigrants flourish and develop better futures for themselves and their families by collaborating with community stakeholders, service providers, and locals. With a vast range of services and programs catered to the needs of immigrant youths, the Markham community services sector is essential to assisting newcomers in settling in and integrating into their new communities.


Over 1.2 million newcomers arrived in Canada between 2011 and 2016, accounting for 21.9% of the country’s population (Statistics Canada, 2017). Newcomer youth face numerous obstacles as they adjust to life in Canada. According to Elisete et al. (2024), newcomer youths frequently encounter circumstances in which their roles are inverted and altered from those they held in their home country. A large number of them have other duties. Some work as interpreters for their parents, help them with adult responsibilities, write bills and other correspondence, and care for their younger siblings. In addition, many newcomer youths who are new to the area need help fitting in with the new place’s language, culture, and social mores (Elisete et al., 2024). This can make it difficult for them to connect with others, communicate clearly, and get services. Newcomers between the ages of 15 and 18 who had only been in Canada for two years were interviewed. Newcomer youths involved in the community and school are more exposed to the host culture (Burgos et al., 2019). However, new parents are more likely to work in fields where it is difficult to learn English since they do not interact with native English speakers, only enabling them to have basic language knowledge.

Academic Adjustment: Disengagement and academic underachievement can result from newcomer youth’s difficulty adjusting to the Canadian educational system, which includes variations in the curriculum, teaching styles, and academic standards. Social Isolation: Cultural differences, social stigma, and a lack of support networks can cause newcomer youth to feel alone and alienated from their peers and communities (Gyan et al., 2023). This can exacerbate feelings of loneliness and alienation. Employment and Economic Integration: Due to issues such as a lack of work experience, the acknowledgement of credentials, and institutionalized prejudice, many young immigrants encounter difficulties in finding jobs, navigating the labour market, and becoming financially independent.


This group’s goal is to put in place an integration and support program specifically designed to meet the requirements of young people new to the GTA. The program will emphasize social integration, academic success, language competency, and cultural adaptability.

The group’s objective is to empower young people new to Canada and help them integrate successfully by giving them the tools, resources, and support systems they need. Among the intended results are Enhanced Language Proficiency: Through language instruction, discussion circles, and cultural immersion experiences, participants will sharpen their English language abilities, empowering them to interact and communicate confidently in social, professional, and academic contexts. Enhanced Academic Performance: To assist participants in navigating the Canadian school system, establishing learning objectives, and succeeding academically, academic support, tutoring, and mentoring will be provided. Social Connectedness: Through social gatherings, workshops, and peer support groups, participants will form deep bonds with peers, mentors, and community members, promoting acceptance, cultural pride, and belonging. Employment Readiness: To improve their employability, create professional networks, and land fulfilling work in Canada, participants will have access to training on employment preparation, help with job searches, and mentorship possibilities.

In conclusion, by offering them comprehensive assistance, resources, and chances for integration, empowerment, and success, our suggested group program seeks to meet young immigrants’ particular needs and difficulties in the GTA. We aim to enable immigrant adolescents to reach their full potential and actively participate in their communities and Canadian society by creating a welcoming and supportive atmosphere.


Burgos, Mikaela, Mohamed Al-Adeimi, and Jason Brown. (2019). “Needs of newcomer youth.” Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal 36.4: 429-437.

Elisete Bettencourt, Citizenship & Immigration Canada. (2024). Recent Research on Newcomer Youth.

Gyan, C., Chowdhury, F., & Yeboah, A. S. (2023). Adapting to a new home: resettlement and mental health service experiences of immigrant and refugee youth in Montreal. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10(1).

Smith, Alexandra C. G., et al. (2022). “‘You Have to Be Resilient’: A Qualitative Study Exploring Advice Newcomer Youth Have for Other Newcomer Youth.” Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal,

Statistics Canada. (2017). Immigration and ethnocultural diversity: Key results from the 2016 Census. Ottawa, ON: Statistics Canada. Retrieved from


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