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Education Survival, Freedom Dreaming, Character Education and Homeplace

Reflecting on my experience, I would say that education has equipped me with essential knowledge and skills that can allow me to navigate basic academic requirements and also meet my academic expectations. The educational environment that I have gone through has not been able to support my personal growth as it has in many cases conformed to the standards rather than fostering a genuine passion for learning and exploring individual interests.

Spirit murder is the destruction of an individual spirit within oppressive systems and environments. On a personal level, I have experienced oppression in the workplace to some degree. However, I have learned a coping mechanism that helps me to navigate such environments. In some instances, I experience microaggression dn discriminatory behavior from my colleagues and superiors. Despite being able to deliver my tasks, I often encounter subtle undermining comments and a lack of recognition in some instances. However, I have learned to always focus on my goal and leave anything else that comes along the way, with the thought that none of my experiences should influence my goals. With this, I would say my spirit remains unshaken despite the microaggressions dn discriminatory behavior in my workplace.

In my entire education life, civics education has often pointed out the theoretical principles of democracy but lacks focus on practical engagement in social change. With this, I was predominantly encouraged to comfort and survive through discriminatory environments rather than fighting for change in such environments. Similarly, the education that I have received has primarily emphasized understanding how to navigate the existing oppressive structures rather than empowering to reshape the structures.

Character education emphasizes promoting values such as respect, responsibility, citizenship as well as fairness. The concept of grit on the other hand emphasizes perseverance, determination dn resilience in navigating challenging situations (Sarah, 2021). Grit majorly focuses on encouraging individuals to be resilient and persistent in achieving long-term goals regardless of the existing setbacks. No excuses on the other hand focuses on holding students to high expectations regardless of the environment and circumstances surrounding them. It integrates disciplinary and strict measures on students and focuses on academic excellence. Working hard and being nice encourages the students to remain positive while working hard. My education experience has basically been a combination of the three concepts, whereby I have always been expected to perform regardless of my surroundings. Similarly, I have learned to remain resilient and focus on the long-term goal while navigating the unfair experiences within my surroundings.

The notion of a homeplace is of great input in educational spaces as it builds a connection to one’s cultural roots and further provides a sense of belonging and identity. Regardless of individual identities, experiencing a homeplace within schools fosters a supportive and inclusive learning environment (Sarah, 2021). Personally, I have had a homeplace in my community support groups where we have coaches, mentors, and professionals who instill a sense of identity and resilience. This has helped me to have my spirit intact in the face of discrimination in school or any other space. What made the home place possible for me is a combination of factors. Firstly, my parents are so encouraging as they make affirmations to every one of us in the family. Secondly, I have a resilient personality whereby I do not allow any negative experience or comment to influence my goals and ambitions.

Teaching each other about the homeplace involves fostering understanding empathy and respect for diversity. To achieve this, it is essential to build on cultural awareness whereby everyone should understand the histories, traditions, and experiences of different communities. An open dialogue should also be introduced by encouraging conversations about diversity and homeplace experiences. This will provide a platform for sharing individual stories and perspectives. Being mindful of stereotyping is another approach where individuals should be mindful of stereotypes and biases. People should also be taught to avoid making assumptions about individuals based on their cultural histories and backgrounds. Promoting equity and cultural exchange may also be done by advocating for equal practices and fair policies within institutions. This may address system barriers that may hinder other groups from fully embracing their identities. Cultural exchange on the other hand may help the students learn from each other thus fostering a sense of understanding.

Freedom dreaming involves envisioning and working towards a future free from oppression, injustice, and other similar barriers. It may also involve breaking internalized limitations, personal barriers as well as societal expectations to achieve purpose and authenticity among the people (Sarah, 2021). Among the arts that inspire me to engage in freedom dreaming include artistic expressions, historical movements as well as diverse narratives. Artistic expressions include; literature, music, and visual arts. These forms of art evoke imagination, fostering a sense of responsibility in envisioning and possibility of achieving liberty. Historical movements on the other hand provide insights for changing and igniting the desire for a liberal world. Lastly are diverse narratives that expand and foster empathy and understanding essence of liberty and freedom in society.

Dialogue is an important factor in freedom dreaming as it provides a space for the exchange of ideas and aspirations (Sarah, 2021). Through dialogues, individuals can present their visions and ideas on liberation and freedom, building a shared understanding of systemic oppressions and thus building a sense of empowerment among individuals. Similarly, dialogues allow participants to share their diverse perspectives and also allow cultural exchange. While I have not participated in dialogues, I think it is significant in building resilience, connection, and ultimate societal change.


Sarah Ropp, November 23, 2021. Abolitionist Teaching and Learning with Bettina L. Love.


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