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DNA Evidence Essays

Case Study: Tommie Lee Andrews – a Historical Perspective

Introduction In the prominent case of Tommie Lee Andrews, science has proved crucial because this was the first-ever conviction established using DNA evidence in 1987. In 1999, the accused, Andrews, was identified to be a serial rapist through the DNA samples found at the crime scene, and this heralded a new era in criminal investigations ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 753

Documentation, Collection, and Preservation of DNA Evidence

Deoxyribonucleic acid, shorted as DNA, is an organic chemical of nucleotides found in almost all living organisms. DNA is used for identification since two or more people cannot share the same DNA except identical twins. Nearly all the cells in a person’s body have the same DNA; therefore, it provides highly accurate matches to a ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2132
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Controlled Dangerous Substances

Challenges faced when examining controlled dangerous substance (CDS) evidence, bloodstain patterns, and DNA evidence include potential contamination of the samples due to the wrong handling and collection techniques. Additionally, laboratory analysis can be disrupted or hindered if proper protocol is not taken from start to finish to ensure the accuracy of results. Furthermore, the chain ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 813

Hair Evidence and DNA Evidence in Solving a Crime

As a result of their high degree of precision in identifying criminals, hair and DNA evidence are becoming more and more significant in forensic science. Due to the rising crime rate and the frequent absence of other physical evidence, the use of hair evidence and DNA in criminal investigations has increased significantly in recent years. ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 961
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