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Disease Prevention Essays

Ethical Considerations in Human Genetic Engineering Practices

Introduction Human genetic engineering and its transformative nature carry an enormous number of ethical challenges and also prospects. This essay explores the unexplored ethical world in which a discussion on genetic manipulation takes place, evaluating the potential advantages and disadvantages and suggesting several guidelines for responsible carry out. The principle of informed consent and also ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3281

What Is the Role of the WHO in Global Health Governance?

Introduction WHO is a specialized agency of the United Nations. It was established in 1948 and is based in Geneva, Switzerland. WHO works globally to promote health so the world stays safe and no one is left behind (WHO,2023). WHO is an autonomous United Nations organization with most of the world’s countries among its member ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1673
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Health Promotion Week1

Health promotion is a proactive, multidimensional strategy to enhance individual and community health. Strategies and interventions promote health, prevent disease and injury, and improve quality of life. Health promotion is about creating a culture of well-being and giving people the tools to make healthy choices. Promoting healthy habits, addressing social determinants of health, and providing ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 620

Scoping Review on the Impact of Social Determinants of Health in Cardiovascular Disease Prevention With Public Health Informatics

Abstract Public health informatics is one of the diverse fields that has greatly leveraged technology in building superior information systems and applications. The integration of public health informatics into research in public health has fuelled the development of better healthcare systems that facilitate, improved medical practices, innovation, and quality human health. The insufficiency of up-to-date ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2662

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Introduction Improving the lives of individuals and communities depend on disease prevention and health promotion to facilitate better health. Individual and community behaviours play significant roles in deterring health outcomes. Choices such as lack of physical exercise, unhealthy diets, and substance abuse result in adverse health outcomes. Disease prevention and health promotion are essential in ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1898
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