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Discuss and Evaluate the Impact of Alternative News on the Modern News Audience.

Traditional news models are on the verge of declining due to technological advancements in the use of social apps. This transformation has challenged the economic avenues and audiences who are enthusiastic about traditional medical sources. In this context, alternative news sources have been vital in shaping the perspectives that exist in modern news audiences. The best examples of traditional media sources affected include magazines/ newspapers, radio, television networks (TVs), and the film industry. However, it is vital to develop background knowledge that traditional media sources depend on enormous financial resources for effective operation. Social media has dominated the world, especially among the young generation, developing the need for online connections and focusing on valuable stories to shape their lives. The same study by Collao (2022) supported that young people have developed a trend where they are not interested in news emerging from mainstream media. The leading social media platforms include Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, X, and Snapchat. This is where young people can share various social justice and climate change issues. This essay will argue that alternative news promotes audience engagement, activates the spread of fake news, and narrows the existing gap reflected by traditional media coverage.

Alternative news has played a fundamental part in influencing the interplay between audiences’ engagement with the information disseminated. This differs from traditional media, associated with different occasions when presenting biased information that suits their needs. The study conducted by Medeirosa and Badr (2022) revealed that alternative journalism had occupied the position of both activism and journalism, coming up with innovative strategies. Therefore, alternative news platforms can represent the voices and opinions of ordinary citizens in political camps (Callao, 2022). The growing popularity of independence news is intricate to study. The common ones will include blogs, digital platforms, and news websites, allowing people to interact freely and share their opinions. Therefore, such analysis will demonstrate that sharing information is helpful in the decision-making process and critical thinking, increasing the nuanced understanding of complex matters in society. The emergence of alternative news has increased the audience’s capacity for information, fostering independent thinking and reflection (Lewis, 2018). In most cases, this type of media relies on grassroots reporting. This has contributed to holding those in power accountable for matters that have remained underreported by traditional media due to accessibility. Conversely, this may be challenging when focusing on diversity due to the inadequate focus on credibility or fact-checking. Mdeiros and Badr (2022) noted that a lack of fact-checking is a negative issue challenging alternative news. Fact or opinion and trust are crucial in disseminating news information to the public (Collao, 2022). However, releasing information without the authenticity of facts is the leading issue that has manipulated public opinion. Thus, the public needs to evaluate the reliability of information obtained from newsrooms.

Despite its unanimous role, alternative media has been the leading catalyst for spreading fake news and misinforming the public. Mainstream media contains an established standard used as fact verification before information is aired to the public. The leaks of chats affect the privacy that is compromised through illegally obtaining information (Ihlebæk et al., 2022). However, this is not available for alternative media sources. This absence of oversight allows misinformation to circulate unchecked, as stories can be disseminated without proper verification. Lewis (2018) disclosed that building credibility and trust in media sources has become challenging. The information’s bias may also target the owner’s ideology or pre-existing beliefs. The use of unverified sources has been a great challenge in these sources, given that the leading influencers are money-oriented. This makes it susceptible to the intentional or unintentional spread of misinformation. Collao (2022) states that lacking professional journalistic standards in vetting information can promote inaccurate stories. Such cases are fantastic because they affect the authenticity and credibility of the information circulating online media sources. The positive aspect of alternative media can be seen in the context of rising media literacy. This is a digital world where the spread of fake news cannot be avoided, given the rising media platforms. Olan et al. (2022) supported that the spread of Fake News in the USA was reported on social media during the 2016 presidential elections. The information published by Olan et al. (2022) argued that fake news affects social values, truths, or beliefs that affect understanding different topics. However, the audience is encouraged to learn different common aspects that separate credible and unreliable sources of information. Collao (2022) supports that it is the role of one to do quick fact-checking, which will aid in locating the reporting to promote an informed and discerning public. The capacity to get the facts wrong is a gateway to the misstating of the facts. This affects decision-making in significant topics such as democracy, climate change, and healthcare. It is rare to have complete control of digital media. However, the public will be encouraged to consider the credibility of the information in online sources.

The notable positive impact of alternative news is the potential to fill the gap reflected by traditional media coverage. The study by Lewis (2018) reported content creation has taken over as a new alternative news source due to the changing information environment. In most cases, these alternative sources have been helpful to the public as they emphasized the niche topics. These issues are under-represented in society because the mainstream media overlooks them. They are essential as they focus on critical matters such as corruption, poverty, and disability at the village level. These victims usually remain uncovered in the national headlines because they are not easily assessable, and the airing of their stories may require a connection. According to Mdeiros and Badr (2022), digital sources have been a game changer due to the increased coverage through activism journalism. Audiences can access a broader range of news stories that reflect the complexity of societal issues. This impact also contains challenges such as the fragmentation of the public discourse. Medeiros and Badr (2022) have indicated that the capacity of the online community to consume information may lead to polarization. This builds a culture where audiences seek information sources aligning with their pre-existing beliefs that trigger echo chambers. It is a sign of limited exposure because the audience only considers opinions or information that suits their understanding. This neglects common reflection on other important in a society that needs a common voice.

In conclusion, alternative media sources have contributed to altered behaviors or beliefs for a section of audiences in society. The impact of alternative news on the modern audience is complex, with both positive and negative consequences. Alternative news has been the core aspect of promoting interaction amongst the audience on various topics. Audiences do not have to wait until the exact time to find information from media sources. The interaction is continuous at any given time. It was also found that alternative news contributes to the spread of fake news. This is a great challenge in the online community for the audience to locate trusted sources of information. Most online sources do not perform quick fact-checking before releasing information to the audience. Lastly, alternative news has narrowed the gap reflected by traditional media coverage. The many available online platforms have promoted the accessibility of news. Hence, the narrowed gap has made reporting directly from the villages through using digital media.


Collao, K. (2022). The Kaleidoscope: Young People’s Relationship with News. Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. Craft & RISJ – The Kaleidoscope – Young People’s Relationships with News – Report.pdf (

Ihlebæk, K. A., Figenschou, T. U., Eldridge, S. A., Frischlich, L., Cushion, S., & Holt, K. (2022). Understanding alternative news media and its contribution to diversity. Digital Journalism10(8), 1267-1282.

Lewis, R. (2018). Alternative influence: Broadcasting the reactionary right on YouTube. Data & Society — Alternative Influence (

Medeiros, D., & Badr, H. (2022). Strengthening journalism from the margins: Engaged journalism in Brazil and Egypt. Digital Journalism10(8), 1342-1362.

Olan, F., Jayawickrama, U., Arakpogun, E. O., Suklan, J., & Liu, S. (2022). Fake news on social media: the Impact on Society. Information Systems Frontiers, 1-16.


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