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Disasters and Social Media


The term social media refers to internet-based applications that provide people with a platform to communicate and share important information. The emergency of new communication channels offers an opportunity to broaden warnings to the population about any disaster that might have happened. These communication channels can help spread serious information across the world to many individuals because almost everybody uses the internet. In these instances, social media can be used used to disseminate information and use feedback to determine the weight of the matter based on the incoming messages and polls. In addition, social media can be used as a systematic tool in risk management. This comprises using the information to issue warnings, using social media to receive victim requests for assistance, monitoring user activities and uploading images to create damage estimates. However, social media has been used to spread fake news about disasters. Some people post fake news to get the public’s attention.

Supporting paragraph 1

According to Homeland Security (2018), false information takes place during and after disasters and emergencies. People have been allowed to post disaster-related issues on social media, and some have used the opportunity to spread fake news. Most of the information posted on these social media walls is fake, and people are asked to believe everything. People need to dig deeper into the information and fully comprehend if it is true enough. Although some of the information on social media walls has elements of fake news, people are asked not to refute the whole thing. Research shows that first respondents use special strategies and tactics to spin information. The idea of attracting attention and having traffic on social media is the main reason why people spin information. Some of the tactics used are disregarded because it misleads people, and the majority of them end up with the wrong information. Therefore, individuals must do thorough research to ensure they have the right information. It is not vital to ignore the whole context, but importantly people should develop a culture of reading and researching to understand all details.

Supporting paragraph 2

Social media is currently used as a tool to spread information. It is also used to give warning about disastrous information bound to happen. People have managed to spin information on social media to attract gullible people’s attention. Indeed, people have been spreading fake news about political events that would take place and some of the consequences that might arise. This brings tension to the population, and many of them run away to avoid chaos. Some of this information has come out to be fallacies with tangible meaning. It is clear from the research that people use demographic cultures to spread fake news (Rampersad & Althiyabi, 2020). The less educated end up buying fake information. It is quite shocking and worrying because people ought to be fed with the right information. In essence, lying to people about disastrous events that will take place is to be treated as a crime. Playing with people’s minds and feelings should not be tolerated. A new culture or measures should be established to ensure that people who post misleading information have to pay the price. It is not helpful to have people away for their lives only to realize it was a fat lie later.


Social media have been given an opportunity to share helpful information that will assist in transforming people’s lives. Studies show that social media has been an essential tool in conveying information and helping people to learn; indeed, many people have managed to learn from social media about disasters and their mitigation procedures. To some extent, social media has aided in passing information about where disasters occur and the medical attention needed for the victims. It has also been used as a map or guide to the scene’s place. Social media information cannot be fully disregarded because it has played a key role in connecting saviours or related organizations to the place of the scene. Many lives have been saved through social media communication (Waszak, Kasprzycka-Waszak & Kubanek, 2018). However, it is imperative to note that people have used the freedom bestowed on social media to spread fake news for personal gain. Some of the information has been misleading, and it has caused intense tension among people. The people spreading phony information on social media should be called out, and a warning should be issued to them.


Social media plays an important role in society when it comes to communication. Most disasters happening across the world have been communicated through social media. Some people have had the privilege of learning about tragedies happening in different countries through social media. Mitigation report is also issued through social media, which has helped people learn a lot. However, studies have discovered that there is an element of fake news being conveyed through social media. Measures should be enacted to ensure people sharing fake news face the full force of the law.


Homeland Security (2018). Countering False Information on Social Media in Disasters and Emergencies. Retrieved 4 October 2022, from

Rampersad, G., & Althiyabi, T. (2020). Fake news: Acceptance by demographics and culture on social media. Journal of Information Technology & Politics17(1), 1-11.

Waszak, P. M., Kasprzycka-Waszak, W., & Kubanek, A. (2018). The spread of fake medical news in social media–the pilot quantitative study. Health policy and technology7(2), 115-118.


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