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Disaster Preparedness Essays

The Amplified Elements of Flooding Discourses

Introduction Flooding has become an increasingly prevalent natural disaster in the United States in recent decades based on the number of flooding cases that have been reported within different states. Many news articles and scientific reports have analyzed the causes, trends, impacts, and risks associated with flooding events across the country, as well as different ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1391

A Community Nurse’s Perspective in Brownsville, TX

Major Natural Disaster Threats Facing Brownsville, TX Due to Its Geographic Location Brownsville, TX, faces several potential natural disasters due to its geographic location near the Gulf Coast in southern Texas. As a coastal city, one of the biggest threats is hurricanes and tropical storms that form in the Gulf and can make landfall in ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1481
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Emergency Management Communication

In modern emergency management, fast communication is essential for delivering truthful information about the current state to all stakeholders, such as the public, politicians, group heads, and the news media. The summary looks at the most critical points elaborated in the readings and the Video on modernizing public warning messages in the emergency management context, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 735

Lessons of the Great East Japan Earthquake

Introduction The Great East Japan Earthquake, which occurred, was one of the most destructive cataclysmic events in late history. The magnitude 9.0 seismic tremor set off a massive tsunami that caused severe harm and a death toll to the coastal regions of Japan (Shibata et al., 2014). It likewise brought about a glitch in the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 991

San Francisco Department of Public Health

Disaster preparedness and response plans are foundational to resilience in public health as they shield communities against ‘unexpected’ and ‘unprecedented’ incidents that could adversely impact the population’s well-being. SFDPH has a detailed emergency preparedness and response plan that this insightful analysis explores. The document serves as a guide for the department and its partners in ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1458

The 2022 Jackson Water Crisis

The 2022 Jackson water crisis started with the failure of the City’s water plant in August of 2022, following the flooding of the Pearl River after severe storms hit Mississippi. At the time, the O.B. Curtis Water Plant was in a crisis mode, with operations relying on backup pumps due to failures a month earlier. ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1087
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