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Digital Entrepreneurship Essays

Trauma To Triumph: The Best Time To Be Your Own Boss

Abstract This study explores the multifaceted influences on entrepreneurial intention and behaviour, particularly focusing on the intersection of early-life experiences, family dynamics, and neurobiological determinants. The research is a literature review of 10 articles investigating factors such as self-efficacy, family support, risk-taking propensity, and childhood adversities in shaping entrepreneurial intentions among university students and Generation ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1938

Entrepreneur Enhanced Learning Is Defined As ‘Beyond’ Traditional Classroom

Introduction The global factors being the rapid development of digital media and technology, changing demands of international businesses and economies, increase in online education and communication changes on national levels; the Chinese government’s support for digital education innovation through local initiatives such as XJLTU learning mall. The Chinese government has been urging educational institutions to ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4045
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