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Development Trajectory of China

After 1945 which marked the end of the world war, different countries embarked on their countries developmental strategies. Based on Asian countries, most of them were colonized, which led them to experience various economic problems. The majority of the citizens had migrated to the towns searching for the good life, leaving rural areas without development. However, after the war, most of them achieved modern economic growth such as agricultural transformation, industrialization, reduction of dependence on colonizers and made the economies more resilient within their environment. As one of the Asian countries, China experience exponential development in the economy due to industrial transformation following the increase in scale-driven industries, research and development, IT-based industries, and labour intensive transformation. Thus, its economy gradually developed and strengthened physical capital, knowledge, and human capital, enhancing active technological appropriation and industrializing every sector.

Trajectory since 1945

The objective policy of China was to facilitate and induce economic development, which enhanced the increased living standard among its people. After the end of World War II, there began a significant new era under the new leadership to enhance and increase its development. The countries leaders devised ways to industrialize and modernize their economy to facilitate various goals by engaging their citizens (Kay, 2002 pg.1086). It all began with shaping and reforming rural lands through encouraging agricultural activities and increasing urban investment within various industries. The agrarian Taiwan reform was the main approach implemented within the different ethnic backgrounds, which increased the farming activities that facilitated the improvement of the Chinese economy (Kay, 2002 pg.1087). Among the factors that facilitated the success of the Taiwan agrarian reform was the introduction of improved farming methods, major investment in drainage and irrigation, and explicitly organized agricultural extension system, and an effective system for credit that increased funding among farmers to purchase various modern inputs. In addition, innovation-driven by the country governance helped in the expansion of the agricultural produce market. Some of the farmers were compelled by the introduction of various new technologies since the government had to apply extension workers and includes police to encourage farmers to adopt the new systems and engage in production maximally.

Internal dynamics

Internally, China started shifting its ordinary farming methods, increasing intensive agricultural patterns through the reformation of the tenancy system that promoted new techniques such as the new variety of inputs and seeds, which facilitated the increase in productivity. The introduction of various remarkable non-mechanical and mechanical innovations suited the labour intensive and small-scale farming in different China rural areas. Therefore, as a result, due to the widespread application of various innovations, the level of productivity increased steadily within different parts of China. In the agricultural sector, industrialization was significantly boosted, which facilitated the development of the Chinese economy (Thomas et al., 2000 chap. 14). It occurred due to the major shift and transfer of the agricultural and economic surplus within a different field of the economy. Farmers used to pay higher prices on various inputs such as seeds and fertilizers, among other chemicals, but they got low prices from the produce. For example, for those who produced rice, there were needed to deliver a particular produce quota at low prices to various procurement agencies for the government.

Industrial development was facilitated by the increase of extraction of various agricultural surpluses. The provision of various industrial raw materials enhanced lowering industrial wages and boosted its profits, facilitating industrial export. This led to top-down improvement within various agricultural productivity, which made it possible for the farmers to generate significant agricultural produce to induce economic surplus, which the government steered explicitly to favour the industrial sector (Ravallion, 2015 pg. 236). For those who migrated into various rural areas from the urban centres. Thus, they produced various commodities largely needed for the industries which government decided to increase the prices of purchasing the product from farmers.

External Dynamics

After the transformation of China internal economy, it increased external integration, mostly on diplomatic relations with different western countries, which led to the establishment of essential connections with other countries. For example, it extended mostly in Africa, where it has been investing mostly in various sectors such as banking, infrastructure and energy through low-interest loans. Thus, through joining other countries and initiating support to others, China increased its trading with different countries globally, which has successfully led to the improvement of its economy. It connected with various vibrant networks of countries in Southeast Asia. It joined World Bank, the Asian development bank and the international monetary fund, which helped push various Chinese policies in opening its external market goals. After China engaged in various international networks, it started leading in the distributor and producer of goods worldwide, replacing Japan (Kay, 2002 pg.1079). This increased urban development through the improvement of economic and social equality among different citizens. Achievement of the successful economic development and industrialization required international networks, which facilitated the transfer of resources from various sectors such as agricultural products that were not available in China. In addition, international trades helped control various trade policies and prices by regulating export and import taxation, among other intergovernmental measures.


Considering various Asian countries, China expresses a large part of development in various sectors, mainly focusing on industrial growth. Therefore, as a result, due to the widespread application of various innovations, the level of productivity increased steadily within a different part of China. In the agricultural sector, industrialization was significantly boosted, which facilitated the development of the Chinese economy. It all began with shaping and reforming rural lands through encouraging agricultural activities and increasing urban investment within various industries. The agrarian Taiwan reform was the main approach implemented within different ethnic backgrounds, which increased the farming activities that facilitated the improvement of the Chinese economy. The trajectory development record shows that China has greatly developed after World War II. It engaged in industrialization, which has greatly boosted and changed its economy to a world-class. In addition, integration with different countries has been able to operate under the international market policies, which has greatly benefitted China regarding different prices set for the industrial product.


Kay, C., 2002. Why East Asia overtook Latin America: agrarian reform, industrialization and development. Third world quarterly23(6), pp.1073-1102.

Ravallion, M., 2015. Toward better global poverty measures. The Journal of Economic Inequality14(2), pp.227-248.

Thomas, A., Allen, T. and Thomas, A., 2000. Poverty and development into the 21st Century. Chapters 13, 14, 19, 20, and 24


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