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Destined To Witness Book Review

In his biography Growing Up Black in Nazi Germany, Hans J. Massaquoi narrates his remarkable life story as a mixed-race child in Nazi Germany. His parents, Bertha Baetz, a white German nurse, and Al-Haj Massaquoi, a black Liberian law student, had him in Hamburg, Germany, in 1926 (Massaquoi, 1999). Momolu Massaquoi, the Liberian consul-general to Hamburg and a significant person in Liberian history, was his father’s paternal grandfather. The author spent his early years in a comfortable villa with his parents, grandparents, and extended family. His family and the servants doted on him and treated him like a prince, and he relished the attention. He was also very close to his father, who profoundly impacted his upbringing by teaching him about his African roots. He went to his grandfather’s office and was struck by his diplomatic authority and prestige.

His grandfather and father returned to Liberia from their studies and diplomatic mission in 1929, shattering his family’s ideal existence. They had wanted to bring him and his mother along but ran into logistical and financial hurdles. They failed to recognize Germany’s growing political unrest and racial animosity as Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party came to power (Massaquoi, 1999). They took off without him and his mom but said they would return to get them as soon as possible. His mom was attached to him, so she did not leave him, so they relocated to a little apartment in a poor section of town called Hamm. She worked as a nurse at a local hospital to provide for her kid and keep him safe from the dangers of Nazi Germany. She also encouraged him to embrace his heritage and mixed-race identity with pride.

The author describes life as one of the few African-Americans in Nazi Germany, subjected to prejudice, isolation, and contempt. He was called names like “nigger” and “moor” and was denied access to numerous chances. He also saw how the Nazis’ racist ideology and policies affected other marginalized groups, like Jews, Roma, and Slavs. His interest in Hitler and his propaganda grew despite the hatred and prejudice he faced. Mass demonstrations, uniforms, flags, and chants promising greatness for Germany captivated him (Massaquoi, 1999). He yearned to join the Hitler Youth, the Nazi youth group that promised him thrills, friendship, and prestige. He even applied to join but was turned down due to his race. They told him he was not a “true German” and did not belong in the “Aryan” country.

Because the Nazis saw him as too weak, they spared him the worst of their horrors. Unlike other “undesirables,” he was spared the fate of euthanasia, deportation, or sterilization. Unlike many young men, he avoided military service and forced labour camps. He says his luck, perseverance, and his grandfather’s diplomatic immunity helped him. He discusses his identity crisis and desire to be considered a “good German.” Neither his German nor his African heritage inspired a strong sense of identity in him. He had few facts regarding his father’s side of the family or the country of Liberia. He also lacked the support of peers and mentors who could relate to and empathize with his experiences. He felt isolated and alone in a country where the climate was becoming increasingly hostile and violent.


Massaquoi, H. J. (1999). Growing up black in Nazi Germany. Basic Books.


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