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Deontological Ethics Essays

An Opioid Crisis as a Research on Moral Failure

PART 1 In the very beginning, we should mention that the current social cataclysm is symbolized by a particular phenomenon mentioned as the “opioid crisis.” It is all about the first and the last company, Purdue Pharma. It is the company that is held responsible for numerous questionable and controversial promotional and manufacturing practices of ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1774

Position Paper: Virtue Ethics vs. Ethics of Conduct

Consideration of virtue ethics vs. ethics of behavior, two separate philosophical frameworks that influence decision-making in moral quandaries, is a common starting point for ethical debates. Developing virtuous character characteristics like bravery, candor, and empathy is at the heart of virtue ethics, which draws on the writings of classical thinkers like Aristotle. The text highlights ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2407
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Criminal Justice Ethics

Discussion Board: Chapter 1 Is the study of ethics important for CJ professionals? Why or why not? How are ethics, morals, and values different from each other or are they? What is the difference between an ethical issue and an ethical dilemma? Yes, ethics studies are severely critical for CJ personnel. They are under constant ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 991

Contemporary Ethical Dilemma Assignment

Introduction An ethical dilemma is best described as all the complicated challenges people struggle with while trying to live a life due to conflicting rules of what is right and fair. While it is not uncommon for it to arise between two or more tradeoffs, each one is likely to have some ethical implications for ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1690

Sheriff Mike Blakely

Introduction Sherriff Mike Blakely’s case is a poignant reminder that any law enforcement agency can be affected by ethical problems. He served as the Sheriff of Limestone County, Alabama, for thirty-eight years before being accused of different offenses like first-degree theft and public office misuse. This essay analyzes Blakely’s case, pointing out acts that broke ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 928

Advantages and Disadvantages of Deontological Ethics

Focuses on Intentions. According to McNaughton and Rawling (2007), deontology highly values the motivations behind deeds. It claims that deeds done out of obligation or benevolence have inherent moral value, regardless of the results. This focus on good intentions encourages ethically admirable actions. Clarity in Moral Decision-Making. Conway and Gawronski (2013) note that deontological principles ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1742
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