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Data Security Essays

Data, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, and Cybersecurity

Introduction In today’s global business environment, companies struggle to obtain and keep a sustainable competitive advantage on the market that, in return, requires being object to changes that need to be performed in the business. Most business organizations find a resort in some kind of information system (IS) to achieve this aim. However, implementing IS ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 3013

User Privacy and Security in the Age of Digital Media: The Responsibilities That Relevant Parties Should Assume To Standardize the Use of Big Data

Introduction Globally, privacy and security are fundamental human rights that not only have international significance but also ones that various international and regional documents recognize (Winkler & Rinner, 2010). Due to the advancement in technology, most aspects of individuals’ lives are exposed to be accessed by others, and the security of individuals and their privacy ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2133
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