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Cyber Insurance Essays

Literature Review: An Analysis of Cyber Insurance and Its Impact on Business Disruption (Interruption)

Introduction In the fast-changing world of computers and technology, a particular type of insurance called cyber insurance is becoming very important for businesses (Kshetri, 2020). As companies depend more on digital help, they become weaker due to online attacks, such as data leaks or people asking for money (Egan et al., 2019). These events don’t just ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2893

Cyber Risk Assessment and Cyber Insurance

Electronic data compromise, theft, or loss can negatively impact businesses, such as loss of revenue and customers. Third-party data theft may cause damage liabilities to businesses. This points to the need for cyber liability coverage to protect organizations and businesses against potential risks of cyber events such as those arising from terrorism. Through cyber policies, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1251
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