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Cultural Hegemony Essays

Current Situation in the USA and Gramsci’s Hegemony Theory

Gramsci’s hegemony theory, though it came from his critique of the deterministic economist interpretation of historical materialism, can explain the cultural, moral, and ideological leaderships following the global financial crisis and the contradictory nature of the prevailing situation in the USA. In this idea of leadership, leadership is exercised in ethic-political, economic, and function. Besides, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1255

Essay on Cultural Hegemony

The sociologist and philosopher Karl Marx used the term cultural hegemony to refer to the dominance of the ruling class in society. The term “cultural hegemony” involves the maintenance of superiority or power through intellectual or cultural methods. It is typically accomplished through social and governmental systems, which enable people who can exert significant influence ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 828
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