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Cultural Appreciation Essays

Modeling Cultural Responsiveness

Parent-community interactions are window-dressing that was framed by culture. The evolving education environment is based on the opportunity and structure built for parent-community engagements, as cultural appreciation hinges on it. Culturally responsive professional practices are an instrumental tool for implementing an understanding of the traditional into inclusive classroom codes. This paper tests personal reflections on ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 792

Position on Cultural Appreciation

Culture is diverse, unique, and specific to a particular region or group. Each culture has its own set of rules, knowledge, beliefs, art, customs, habits, and capabilities (Katrini, 2018). Some habits are appealing and enchanting, while others are repulsive and revolting. Nevertheless, these practices, habits, art, and customs attract fans from within and without the ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1649
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