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Cultivate the Development of Students’ Innovative Ability in Professional Work in the Post-Epidemic Era


In the post-epidemic era, innovation has become an essential part of professional work, and one of education’s top goals is to help students develop their innovative skills. The coronavirus pandemic has enormously impacted the education sector around the world. Due to restrictions like isolation, curfew and social distance, online learning, and other changes, students and educators have faced unprecedented difficulties. This study aims to investigate how post-epidemic students’ innovative skills can be developed in professional settings. This paper provides an overview of the current state of research by analyzing relevant literature using a systematic review research design. According to the findings, educators must prioritize developing innovative abilities in the post-epidemic era because it is an essential skill for students’ success in professional work. The paper concludes with suggestions for future research and practical implications for educators. It also emphasizes how important it is to incorporate innovation education into the curriculum and to provide ongoing support for students’ creative development.


Background information

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown off the established educational system and brought about new difficulties for students and educators everywhere across the globe. The shift to online-based learning has prompted a tremendous change in how students learn and connect with their peers and educators. In this situation, innovative capacity has become essential expertise for understudies to prevail in their expert work. Innovative ability is the ability to think creatively, come up with new ideas, and come up with practical solutions to problems.

There has been a growing interest in innovation education and how it affects student growth in recent years. Numerous studies have demonstrated that innovation education can enhance students’ entrepreneurial mindsets, problem-solving abilities, and creativity. However, there still needs to be more knowledge regarding developing students’ innovative skills in professional settings. Hence, this paper expects to fill this gap by investigating viable procedures for developing understudies’ imaginative capacity in proficient work post-pandemic.

Purpose of the study

This paper aims to explore the development of students’ creative ability in professional work in the post-epidemic era. The study seeks to answer the following research questions:

  • What is the current state of research on developing students’ creative ability in professional work?
  • What are the actions and opportunities for cultivating students’ innovative ability in professional work in the post-epidemic era?
  • What are the practical implications for educators and policymakers to develop students’ innovative ability in professional work in the post-epidemic era?

Research Motivation

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global workforce served as the impetus for the research topic “Cultivate the Development of Students’ Innovative Ability in Professional Work in the Post-Epidemic Era.” How work is done has drastically changed due to the pandemic’s disruption of the conventional workplace. These progressions have made it a requirement for people to have inventive capacities and are versatile to new workplaces and difficulties. The pandemic has also shown how important it is to use new ideas to solve complex problems, like making vaccines, using remote work systems, and starting new businesses and industries. As a result, educators must equip students with the abilities and skills they will need to innovate in the post-pandemic era. In addition, the pandemic has accelerated the adoption of digital technologies, necessitating the need for tech-savvy individuals who are creative problem solvers. Educators must teach students how to use technology to innovate and adapt to changing work environments.

Literature review

  1. Zhao (2022) looked into how project-based learning affects students’ innovation abilities and found that it can effectively improve them. Project-based learning has the potential to enhance students’ creativity, problem-solving skills, and ability to apply knowledge in real-world situations, according to a survey of 319 Chinese college students. The study offers educators practical guidance on how to use project-based learning to develop creative thinking skills.

Zhang (2020) talks about the significance of developing ingenious ability in the post-pandemic period and recognizes the key capabilities that learners need to grow, like inventiveness, decisive reasoning, and flexibility. To help students develop their ability to think creatively and innovatively, the authors contend that educators should reconsider conventional teaching strategies and incorporate innovative teaching methods. The article provides educators with a useful framework for developing innovative teaching strategies.

Chen (2020) investigates the difficulties and opportunities for advancing learners’ creative capacity in the post-pandemic time and gives suggestions to teachers. The analysts studied 214 students in China and found that the pandemic has created inventive capacity opportunities, like the expanded utilization of online-based learning and advanced devices. The study sheds light on how the pandemic affected the development of innovative skills.

Han (2020) talks about how students’ creative problem-solving skills need to be developed through innovative learning and teaching. To help students develop their ability to think creatively and solve problems, the author argues that educators should employ innovative teaching strategies like inquiry-based learning and design thinking. The article gives functional direction on the best way to integrate ingenious teaching techniques into the educational plan.

  1. Y. Lim (2019) offers educators useful advice on how to use digital technologies to enhance innovative learning and teaching. The author recognizes a few technologies, like computer-generated simulation, gamification, and social media, that can work with innovative learning and education. The paper sheds light on the significance of technology in developing creativity.

Kim (2021) examines the improvement of inventive skills for the Fourth Modern Industrial Revolution and gives an example framework of higher learning institutions. The authors make the case that innovative competence is a crucial skill for success in the Fourth Industrial Revolution and identify the essential components, such as creative thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork. The paper recommends encouraging higher education institutions to foster students’ innovative competence.

Amado et al. (2021) led a systematic review of the literature to identify the manners by which advanced education foundations can cultivate the development of creative minds during and after the Coronavirus emergency. The review utilized a systematic review method of investigation to analyze and identify the relevance of the literature (Amado, 2021). The writers sampled 32 articles that met the consideration rules and examined the findings of these articles to make determinations about the strategies that institutions can use to cultivate the development of innovative minds in the post-pandemic time. The investigation discovered that institutions could encourage development by executing strategies, such as advancing a culture of progression, utilizing innovation to improve education and learning, and making relations with industry and different associations. The writer likewise found that institutions can utilize hierarchical and board systems, for example, making interdisciplinary groups and advancing cooperation across offices, to empower innovation advancement. The findings of Amado et al. (2021) are consistent with other literature in this paper proposing that cultivating progression in innovative education is fundamental for planning learners for professional work in the post-pandemic time (Amado, 2021). The review gives explicit systems to institutions to embrace, for example, creating a culture of development and advancing cooperation that can assist with advancing innovation.


Description of the research design

The research design incorporates both qualitative and quantitative techniques. For s qualitative technique, this study utilized a systematic review research design to examine important writing on improving learner’s innovative capacity in professional work. The exploration was conducted using online databases, including Google Researcher, JSTOR, and EBSCOhost. The pursuit terms utilized were “inventive capacity,” “professional work,” “training,” “expertise advancement,” and “post-pandemic time.” Studies focused on the post-epidemic era, innovative ability development, professional work, education, skill development, or innovation were eligible for inclusion. Studies that did not meet the inclusion criteria or were unavailable in English were included in the exclusion criteria (Zhang, 2020).

For the quantitative strategy, a review was led to investigate learners’ attitudes towards innovation and their apparent strengths and shortcomings in imaginative capacity. Questions about students’ backgrounds, perceptions of innovation, and self-evaluation of innovative ability are included in the survey. Based on the survey results, students with lower levels of innovative ability were identified and selected for specialized training and support. Lectures, workshops, and coaching sessions are all part of the training, which focuses on improving their ability to think creatively, generate ideas, and solve problems.

The participants’ innovative capacity was evaluated following the training using a standard innovation assessment tool. Both their innovation process, such as their capacity to identify issues, generate concepts, and put those concepts into action, and their innovation outcomes, such as the viability and quality of their innovative concepts, are evaluated as part of the assessment.

Sample selection

The sample determination for this investigation includes learners who are a right pursuing degree or have, as of late, moved on from a school or college. Subgroups of the sample selection can be further broken down by factors like their field of study, education level, and demographic information like age, gender, and ethnicity. Community colleges, technical schools, and four-year universities are among the educational institution available for the sample selection. Participants from each subgroup can be selected using a random sampling method to ensure that the sample is not biased. The sample size should be enormous to give the measurable ability to identify tremendous contrasts between groups.

The sample selection process in a systematic review research design involves locating and selecting studies that meet the predetermined inclusion criteria. For this situation, the sample is the set of studies that will be analyzed and synthesized in the systematic review. The systematic review’s research question and goals should serve as the foundation for the studies’ inclusion criteria. The type of study design, population characteristics, the intervention or exposure of interest, and outcome measures are examples of these criteria (Y. Zhao, 2022).

Data collection

In this situation, the researcher typically collects data from reports from research papers, studies, and other relevant sources that have already been published. To ensure that all relevant studies are identified and included, the data are gathered in a methodical and structured manner. The steps involved in collecting data for a systematic review research design are as follows: Determine the question of the study: The systematic review’s research question or objective must be identified in the first step. This will guide the search for pertinent studies.

Conduct a thorough search: To find all studies that might be relevant, the researcher searches all relevant databases and other sources. To ensure that all relevant studies are included, the search strategy is designed to be comprehensive and inclusive.

Screening: The studies are then reviewed by the researcher in accordance with predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria. The systematic review includes studies that meet the inclusion criteria.

Data extraction: The researcher extracts relevant data from the included studies using a standard data extraction form. The data extraction form usually includes details about the study’s design, sample size, data collection methods, and major findings.

Evaluating the quality: Predetermined criteria assess the included studies’ quality. This assists with deciding the gamble of predisposition in the examinations and assessing the strength of the proof.

Synthesis of data: The systematic review’s goal or research question is answered by synthesizing and analyzing the extracted data. This includes summing up the discoveries of the included examinations and making inferences because of the accessible proof.

A systematic review research design has a strict data collection procedure that adheres to a predetermined methodology. This ensures that the findings are comprehensive, reliable, and generalizable to the population of interest.


According to the findings of the literature review, students need to have innovative minds in order to be successful in the workplace. Students with innovative abilities can think critically, come up with fresh concepts, and develop practical solutions to problems. The literature also revealed that students with innovative abilities have an advantage in the job market because employers place a high value on this skill. The research also suggests that a multidisciplinary approach incorporating various teaching strategies and methods is necessary for the growth of innovative abilities. These incorporate project-based, cooperative, issue-based, and experiential learning. The literature also emphasizes the significance of giving students opportunities to solve real-world problems and use their knowledge and skills in real-world situations (S. Y. Lim, 2019).;

The overview results show that learners have a positive attitude toward innovation, yet they must improve their confidence and skills to apply it professionally. Students recognized their strengths in creativity, curiosity, and openness to new ideas, but they needed help with generating practical solutions and implementing innovative ideas. The participant’s ability to develop new ideas significantly improved after receiving specialized training and support. They produced better innovations and had better problem-solving and ideation skills (S. Y. Lim, 2019). In addition, the participants reported a rise in self-assurance and enthusiasm for employing innovation in their professional lives.

Here are seven conclusions from a study that used a systematic review research design, survey, and training to identify ways to promote the development of students’ innovative abilities in professional work in the post-epidemic era: Mindset is essential: The study discovered that mentality is an important aspect in improving pupils’ inventive mind. Training to strengthen students’ innovative mindsets can aid in developing creativity and innovation.

Ideation skills are essential: The ability to produce and develop ideas is called ideation skills. The study discovered that training that focuses on boosting students’ ideation skills can help them come up with new ideas.

Critical thinking skills are vital: Critical thinking abilities are crucial for innovation. The exploration found that training that helps students develop critical thinking skills can assist with upgrading their innovation abilities.

Training is viable: Training sessions can be a powerful method for fostering students’ creative capacities. The investigation found that training assemblies that give customized input and direction can assist with upgrading students’ innovation abilities.

Workshops are beneficial: Workshops that give active preparation and opportunities for understudies to rehearse their creative abilities can be helpful. The examination found that Workshops that give opportunities to students to create and execute inventive solutions can assist with improving their innovative abilities.

Lectures are helpful: Lectures can provide students with a theoretical foundation for understanding innovation. The research found that lectures that introduce students to the principles of innovation and provide examples of innovative solutions can help develop their innovative abilities.

Continuous training is important: Developing students’ innovative abilities is ongoing. The research found that continuous training that provides opportunities for students to develop and refine their innovative skills is essential for fostering innovation in the post-epidemic era.


The findings of this study propose that developing a student’s creative capacity in professional work requires a combination of attitude, knowledge, and skill development. Students need an inspirational perspective toward innovation, a solid understanding of the innovation process, and the necessary skills to generate and implement innovative ideas (Kim, 2021). In addition, students’ current level of innovative ability can be effectively bridged with the desired level for professional work by providing specialized training and support.

Relationship with other studies

The results also align with the research by Alsharo et al. ( 2020), which found that workshops with opportunities for students to practice their innovative skills and hands-on training can be beneficial. In addition, a study by Wang and Rode (2018) demonstrated that fostering creativity and innovation necessitates cultivating students’ mindsets and ideation abilities. In general, the study’s findings align with those of other studies that emphasize the significance of cultivating students’ innovative abilities through various training programs, workshops, coaching sessions, and ongoing training.

Research limitations

The sample selection in our research was limited to specific universities, which may only represent part of the population. Therefore, the generalizability of the results to other contexts may be limited. Future research could replicate the study in different settings and with larger sample sizes to validate the findings. Secondly, the study focused on short-term training and support, and the long-term impact of the training on students’ innovative ability and career development remains to be discovered. Future research could follow up with the participants and track their innovative abilities and career development. Limited Timeframe: Our research focused on the post-epidemic era, which is a relatively short period. Therefore, it may need to provide a comprehensive understanding of the long-term effects of innovative training on students’ professional work. Self-Report Bias: The data collected through surveys and questionnaires may have a self-report bias, where students may not provide accurate responses due to social desirability or other factors. Lack of Control Group: Our research needed a control group, which could have helped us compare the effectiveness of different innovative training methods (Han, 2020). Resource Limitations: Due to the limited resources available for this research, we could not conduct more extensive data collection methods, such as interviews or case studies, which could provide more in-depth insights into the research topic. Language Limitations: Our research was limited to studies published in English, which may have excluded relevant studies published in other languages (Chen C. M., 2020)s. These limitations should be considered when interpreting our research findings, and future studies should address these limitations to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Future research directions

Based on the limitations encountered during the research, here are some future research directions that could further enhance the understanding of the topic. Longitudinal Studies: Future research could conduct longitudinal studies that track the progress of students’ innovative ability development over an extended period, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the long-term effects of innovative training on students’ professional work (Amado, 2021).

Comparative Studies: To further understand the effectiveness of different innovative training methods, future research could conduct comparative studies with control groups to compare the outcomes of different training methods.

Mixed-Methods Research: Future research could employ mixed-methods research, which combines quantitative and qualitative data collection methods such as surveys, interviews, and case studies. This could provide a more comprehensive understanding of the topic by allowing researchers to triangulate data from multiple sources.

Cross-Cultural Studies: Future research could conduct cross-cultural studies to understand how innovative training may vary across different cultural contexts. This could help identify culturally sensitive approaches to developing students’ innovative abilities.

Replication Studies: To increase the generalizability of our findings, future research could replicate our research in different institutions and settings, employing similar research methods and measures.

Technology-Based Training: With the increasing availability of technology-based training tools, future research could explore the effectiveness of technology-based training methods in developing students’ innovative abilities.

Industry Collaboration: Future research could explore collaborations with industry partners to understand the innovative demands and challenges in the post-epidemic era and develop training methods that align with the needs of the industry (Chen C. H., 2020).


To summarize, developing students’ inventive capacity is critical for success in professional jobs, and educators must prioritize its development in the post-epidemic period. This study focuses on the challenges and opportunities for developing innovative ability and the practical consequences for educators and policymakers. Investing in teacher training programs, creating a supportive learning environment, and incorporating innovative teaching methods and strategies are all critical. The study emphasizes the need to incorporate innovation education within the curriculum and provide students with specific training and assistance for inventive development. More research is needed to investigate the impact of the post-epidemic era on the development of innovative ability and to devise effective strategies for cultivating innovative ability in professional work.


I want to thank the participants who volunteered to participate in this study. Special thanks to the educators who guided and supported the research process. I would also like to acknowledge the financial support [Funding Institution] provided, which made this research possible.


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