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Critical Report 1: “Issues in Cultural Translation: Sensitivity, Politeness, Taboo, and Censorship” by M. Rosario Martín Ruano

Critical Report 1


This paper reviews M. Rosario Martín Ruano’s work on “Issues in Cultural Translation: Sensitivity, Politeness, Taboo, and Censorship,” which was done in 2018 and published in The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Culture. In this article, Rosario discusses issues in cultural translation while examining the challenges brought by sensitivity, politeness, taboo, and censorship (Martín Ruano, 2018). Martin writes to show how these elements influence the translation process, emphasizing how translators should consider culture beyond language accuracy. This article comes from the context of increased globalization, where effective communication does not stop with language proficiency but also awareness of diverse cultures. Ruano’s writing addresses a broad audience in translation, cross-cultural communication, and all interested parties looking into the challenges brought by linguistic and cultural differences. These may include teachers, translators, and students. Ruano’s work is meticulous on the issues as he balances the theoretical and practical work, making it more reliable for all stakeholders. This work, however, can be better if it provides more real-life examples. This paper analyzes Ruano’s work and the connection between language and culture.


The author, Ruano, says that sensitivity is vital in cultural translation, especially when dealing with content that can elicit emotions. As an example of translating a poem that focuses on cultural metaphors of grief, he says that the translator must grasp the linguistic and emotional aspects. Failure to do so, he says, will result in an emotional impact on the translated version. Ruano also dwells on the challenges that exist in translating politeness in diverse cultures. He illustrates this through a dialogue between characters from two cultures, the source and the target. One may use formal language from the source to show respect, but a direct translation to the target may sound unnatural. The author says that when skilled translators are used, it is easy to overcome these challenges using the correct expressions. He says this is key to understanding the sociolinguistic aspects of showing politeness in the most appropriate manner.

The author also discusses taboo-related subjects in translation. In the article, he uses a culturally sensitive topic that may seem appropriate for the source culture but offensive to the recipients. In this case, the translator faces the sensitive task of finding culturally acceptable ways to convey the same message. Thi,s he note,s will require a deep understanding of the cultural sensitivities without altering the message. Censorship, according to the author, has a massive impact on translation. In his case of the government’s mandatory restriction of some concepts, he says that the source message could be against the censorship guidelines, which may make matters difficult for the translator. The author argues that the translator should now mediate between the author’s intention and adhering to the external guidelines. This represents the ethical challenges associated with translating censored content.

In dissecting these issues, the author uses theoretical and practical approaches. The main points are focused on the translators moving beyond being accurate in language and considering the cultural implications. He says this will require cultural know-how, making it relatable to modern society. The author uses clear, concise language and style that resonates with the scholarly world while remaining comprehensible to others. He advances his discussion by being expressive, well-structured narratives, and good language.

Critical Review

  1. Rosario Martín Ruano, in “Issues in Cultural Translation: Sensitivity, Politeness, Taboo, Censorship,” provides a critical analysis of the issues that translators go through when dealing with sensitive, polite, censored, and taboo content. He achieves this by being comprehensive in all the issues and being aware of the nature of translation. “Cultural translation is a complex interplay of linguistic accuracy and cultural nuance” (Ruano, 2018). He provides practical examples that supplement the theoretical view of understanding translators’ challenges. The author digs deep into the nature of translation by relying on the theoretical framework that makes his article detailed. He then incorporates examples that make the theoretical work applicable by narrowing the gap between theory and practice. This approach caters to a diverse audience ranging from scholars to practitioners. Through this technique, he expresses complex ideas that can be accessible to a broader audience through clear and concise language, regardless of their expertise in translation work.

The author says that sensitivity in cultural translation is a considerable challenge that requires translators to overcome emotional content. He says the translators are responsible for ensuring information is passed in and not distorted. Using the example of translating a poem filled with emotions and culture, he comes up with a case where the poem loses its meaning with translation. The original verse becomes diluted as the translator tries to play with words. He says that this challenge of preserving the emotional aspect shows how sensitive it is to translate that content.

By providing examples from the translation of poetry and interpersonal dialogues, Ruano illustrates the challenges translators face when dealing with emotionally charged content. The analysis of these examples underscores the delicate balance required to preserve the richness of the source material, highlighting sensitivity as a critical determinant of translation success. He also argues that politeness, taboo, and censorship go beyond being linguistically relevant and being aware of the cultural expectations and legal guidelines to ensure effective communication.

The author writes this article assuming that effective cultural translation requires both linguistic proficiency and a deep understanding of the cultural aspects. This assumption aligns with the established guidelines in translation studies, but this can be disputed in the dynamic cultural landscape. He says, “Cultural awareness is integral to successful translation” (Ruano, 2018). The author uses examples to illustrate the substantive arguments of the essay, making it more persuasive. He gives hard evidence that ranges from literature to everyday dialogue. One such case is when he wrote, “In translating culturally sensitive material, a misstep can lead to unintended consequences” (Ruano, 2018). In this case, he emphasizes the importance of translators’ challenges and efficie,ntly ensures they are in line, with the theoretical framework making the work more pers,uasive.

The author uses a logical structure that boosts coherence with each issue- sensitivity, politeness, taboo, and censorship- receiving the required attention. He narrates from one issue to another flawlessly, putting all these ideas together to insist on the challenges the translators face. However, there is possible cultural bias as he considers a specific cultural and linguistic context even though he acknowledges that the issues raised relate to diverse cultures. His review of these challenges of sensitivity, politeness, taboo, and censorship deepens the understanding, and as he says, “These challenges exemplify the intricate dance of translation between linguistic accuracy and cultural sensitivity” (Ruano, 2018). Therefore,, This wor,k stands out asis a valuable resource in the field of cultural translation. While his work comprehensively studies cultural translation challenges, the essay needs more a critical examine nation of possible solutions. More work to address the potential solutions and a more culturally diverse approach with different languages and geographical locations could provide a wider and more extensive understanding of the essay in the global space.


Rosario MartínRuanos offers a vital critical analysisofn how taboo, sensitivity, censorshi,p and translation are an impedimentton cultural translation. He uses the theoretical approach as real-life examples to explain culture and language translation. He uses a logical presentation and clear language to make the work accessible to a broader audience. The article, however, could need further exploration that takes into consideration diverse languages and regions to provide solutions and a more inclusive article. Ruano’s work forms a solid foundation for future language accuracy and cultural sensitivity discussions.


Ruano, M. R. (2018). Issues in cultural translation. The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Culture, 258-278.


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