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Critical Appraisal: “Has Goal Setting Gone Wild, or Have Its Attackers Abandoned Good Scholarship?”


The cons of the article are based on the poor scholarship in behavioral sciences, which includes the framework of the casual inferences on the anecdotal stories basis and the ignorance of confounding variables leading to misreporting results. Using emotionally laden language garners the support reader instead of dispassionately writing and striving towards the remaining objective, demonstrating poor scholarship aspects. The abstract includes the following titles; aim, confounding variables, Goal Benefits, Pitfalls, Citing Unrepresentative Studies, and conclusion, making it easier to pinpoint the research’s main point.

Aim of the study

The salve of the study examines goal setting to present a motive recital by applying effective techniques using the best of our knowledge by providing strong prescription medication. Great anecdotes are observed by posing close supervision on the emotional language appeal terming the behavioral science to draw awareness on the case study conclusions. Cogent explanation of the intrinsic and absolute knowledge appearance on the isolated objects is illusory upon analysis. The equal compels of the support of heartless contention out of sight out of mind indicates the detrimental goal setting (Edwin and Gary, 2009). The pros of the study are evidenced where all the behavioral scientists display the scholarship committee on the variable average effect size gathering the evidence based on scientific method despite the reported selected ‘war stories.’ No scientific evidence is provided on goal setting, thus asserting that goals should only be used in the narrowest circumstances.

The cons of the study indicate the case study to have a total lack of controls leading to limited scientific value, failing to excel in the quality relative to the printed stories making speculative causal inferences. The standards of the people quoting the objectivity of the context rigor with the behavioral sciences leading to inevitable anecdotes variables. The demerit of the study is exhibited in treating the anecdotes as the evidence of easing the opposing argument for the individual emotional story terming absence as making the heart grow fonder. Assertion on goal setting is arbitrary, leaving the academia to work full time on the current Goldman Sachs.

Confounding variables

The cons of the article examine medical terms to garner the reader’s attention on the goal-setting dangers by loading the confounding variables that preclude the causal inferences. The new reports indicate physical exercise leads to broken bones, strained muscles, and heart attacks leading to death. Multiple dependent variables conclude that physical exercise should occur in the narrowest circumstances, only showing the downside of goal setting to be frequently confounded with monetary incentives. The cause of the inappropriate monetary incentives acknowledges the problem concluding the goals to be blameworthy variables having arbitrary conclusions. The incentive undermines the goal performance, which seems to be unattainable promoting cheating by not providing evidence of the inappropriate behavior on a piece rate system (Edwin and Gary, 2009). Having employees with moral character is consistently profitable but does not qualify for the scholarship, for it eliminates the confounding variables.

The pros of the study indicate combining monetary incentives with goal setting increases knowledge sharing, thus enhancing performance. Embracing the news reports triggers the incentives that are crucial in the long term. Scientific evidence bases annual payment of the bonuses on consideration of the average performance eases the way of finding news articles to support an argument for almost all the situations the individual is for or against. The qualitative study indicates the key to organizational effectiveness is tying monetary incentives to the right goals, a good governance system that improves corporations by preventing misdeeds, and the availability of correct strategy for attaining the goals. Systematic research enables choosing the right goals that reflect values and implementing the code of ethics.

Goal Benefits and Pitfalls

The pro of the article indicates the goal to be a regulatory mechanism for monitoring, adjusting, and evaluating one’s behavior. Individual’s difference variable rooted in value needs to comprise moral values, dictators in setting goals for genocide. The goal provides a purpose and sense of completing a task that was previously termed to be meaningless. Goal acts as the standard of assessing the effectiveness of one’s person, thus valid for any technique in behavioral science. In setting the goal, researchers have ignored possible misuse enhancing the advancement of their careers.

The demerit of the article indicates goal setting theory inception to stress the necessity of moderator variables identification ignoring the adverse effects of goal setting. Goals are termed to distress a person’s choice by giving direction to discrete pursuits. When a person is devoted to a goal, it tends to increase effort and cues and prolong persistence in searching for strategies for achieving it. The goal-setting pitfalls have promoted excessive risk-taking, feeling of failure, stress increment, short-range thinking, goal usage as a performance ceiling, and dishonesty. According to Locke and Lathan, the cons are evidenced in using the recital goal when the individual should be using learning goals presenting the problems of nongoal performance dimensions (Edwin and Gary, 2009).

Citing Unrepresentative Studies

The demerit of the article is based on the biasness of the explicit explanation of the benefits of goal setting in the settings of the organization by the involvement of setting multiple goals. The article fails to report the beneficial results on the performance obtained on learning goals. It states the learning goals to be used on a complex task without evidence, which should be normal when the individual has the requisite skill to attain it (Edwin and Gary, 2009). Knowledge acquisition leads to erudition, which is not put into the recital without setting goals, and the failure of goal fulfillment leads to low self-efficacy. Goals lead to dysfunctional competition, undermining intrinsic motivation.

Egregious scholarship misinterpreted the study findings by selectively reporting the adverse effects of goals on intrinsic motivation on a complex task that decrease after goal failure. The article does not have a scholarly way of approaching organizational behavior using unverified assertions, and future research is needed to address the monetary incentives of goal setting.


The inductive growth of the goal-setting concept shows the organization cannot thrive without focusing on the results. Still, an individual can thrive without a goal in the providence of a purpose sense. Abandoning scholarship during the personal biases reporting has led to the scientists designing good studies that enable the investigation of interest phenomena. When reporters grind and embrace good scholarship will enhance clever data gathering and significant findings.


Edwin A. Locke and Gary P. Latham (2009). Has Goal Setting Gone Wild, or Have Its Attackers Abandoned Good Scholarship?


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