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Criminal Justice Reflection


The paper discusses crime and crime scenes as depicted in the article “Policing for Homeland Security Policy & Research“ by Willard M. Oliver (2009). It also looks at the different models of policing that have been developed for this purpose. The paper then explains how current criminal justice professionals are addressing the trend presented in the article. It discusses how this has changed over time, and it also looks at the different ways that policing can be used to achieve homeland security goals. The paper concludes by Reflecting on my belief in this trend and how it will affect my future career in criminal justice.

Criminal Justice Reflection

The crime described in these articles is the Pentagon and World Trade Centre September 11th terrorist attacks (9/11). Therefore, in the article, terrorism is the crime, while crime scenes are Pentagon and World Trade Centre. The authors discuss how this event has affected the criminal justice field, specifically in policing and homeland security (Oliver, 2009). Furthermore, they argue that the 9/11 attacks have resulted in a greater emphasis on homeland security and increased funding necessitated for police change departments. The new funding measures have led to new practices and policies, particularly in homeland security. Specifically, the authors discuss how police departments have had to adapt their strategies to address the new challenges posed by terrorism (Stemm, 2022). In addition, they discuss how these changes have increased government funding for police departments due to the 9/11 attacks. This has led to changes in departmental practices, such as the militarization of police forces.

Oliver (2009) argues that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were a watershed moment for law enforcement. Prior to that, agencies had been primarily focused on combating crime and enforcing the law. After 9/11, however, agencies were thrust into the role of protecting the nation from future terrorist attacks. This change in focus has had a number of consequences for the field of criminal justice. To begin with, law enforcement agencies have had to invest more resources in homeland security. This has led to an increase in the number of arrests and prosecutions related to terrorism. In addition, law enforcement agencies have had to change their approach to policing. For example, they have had to shift their focus from investigating crimes to preventing them. Secondly, the task of protecting the nation has led to changes in the way law enforcement interacts with the public. For example, law enforcement agencies have been increasingly reluctant to release information about cases. This has led to a lack of transparency in the criminal justice system.

Current Justice System and September 11th Attack

Oliver’s (2009) article highlights the trend that homeland security is becoming a greater priority for the police. Criminal justice professionals are addressing concern homeland security concerns, training and education in these areas, and collaboration and coordination amongst various agencies. Second, this tendency is also changing how police are utilized and deployed, with a stronger emphasis on community policing and reactive policing. Criminal justice experts are tackling homeland security by enhancing collaboration between various agencies and teaching cops how to handle such challenges. This will help ensure that the police can respond quickly and effectively to any potential threats. Moreover, criminal justice professionals are also working to increase the cooperation between law enforcement and the community to build trust and ensure that the community can provide feedback on how policing is being conducted. This will help improve policy practices and ensure the police respond effectively to any potential threats.

The increased focus on security has also had a significant impact on the ability of police to fight crime. The increased procedures and rules required of police make it more difficult for them to patrol the streets and track down criminals, and this has led to an increase in the number of crimes committed (Phillips, 2021). Overall, homeland security changes that have taken place in the field of criminal justice due to homeland security policy have significantly impacted the ability of police to do their job effectively. This has led to an increase in the number of crimes that are committed and an increase in the amount of paperwork that is required to investigate cases. This has made it difficult for police to track the progress of investigations, which has led to an increase in the number of unsolved cases.


I believe the trend of increased focus on homeland security will affect my future career in criminal justice in several ways. First, as someone with a strong research interest, this trend will open up new opportunities for me to contribute to the criminal justice field through policy analysis and research. Additionally, this trend will likely increase the demand for criminal justice professionals with expertise in homeland security as the policy implications of these developments will become increasingly important.

Finally, given my weaknesses in areas such as public speaking and writing clear policy proposals, I anticipate that this trend will challenge me to develop new skills to succeed in the challenging field. While the trend of increased focus on homeland security will have a number of significant impacts on my future career in criminal justice, one of the most significant impacts will be on my ability to develop policy proposals that are clear and concise. Overall, I believe that the trend of increased focus on homeland security will positively impact my future criminal justice career, as it will help me develop the skills necessary to be successful in the field.


Oliver, W. M. (2009). Policing for homeland security: Policy & research. Criminal justice policy review20(3), 253–260.

Stemm, A. (2022). Necessary or Outdated: Are Post-9/11 Changes to US Police Forces Still Justifiable?

Phillips, B. J. (2021). How did 9/11 affect terrorism research? Examining Articles and Authors, 1970–2019. Terrorism and Political Violence, pp. 1–24.


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