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Contemporary World Essays

How Functional the Theory of “The Culture of Fear” Is in Helping Us To Understand the Relationship Between Risk and Crime in the Contemporary World

Introduction In this discussion, this paper would like to study the ‘culture of fear’ and its importance in dealing with the intricate dance between risk and society. Coined by sociologist Barry Glassner in his influential work The Culture of Fear, this theory is present in Why Americans Are Afraid of the Wrong Things (1990) and ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1415

Serving the Marginalized: A Matthew Perspective

Introduction Introduce the Case Study In the complicated tapestry of moral and ethical considerations that form our method of provider and compassion, the lessons and movements of Jesus Christ, as depicted in the Gospel of Matthew, stand as a profound manual. As we navigate the difficult panorama of provider to the marginalized and prone, exploring ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2400
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