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Contemporary Early Childhood Education Models


The Montessori model of early childhood education is governed by various learning principles. The first principle is movement and cognition. Maria Montessori believes that there is no learning without movement because movement allows learners to explore. Choice is also another guiding principle because it enables learners to have a sense of control, hence improving their learning through ownership. The model further advocates against extrinsic rewards because it believes that rewards hinder children’s learning – once the reward is withdrawn, their motivation dies. Moreover, learning from and with peers through collaboration is encouraged. Younger children observe the older ones and imitate them while the older ones have the opportunity to serve as role models. Lastly, the Montessori model advocates for order in the environment and mind (Sunshine Teachers Training, 2017). There is a place for every learning material within the classroom, and children are encouraged to respect order, which transforms their minds.


The five components of school preparedness outlined by the national educational goals committee and broadly supported by the educational community are the emphasis of the preschool curriculum. Learning styles include communication, literacy, collaboration, social, emotional and physical development; wellness; and sciences. There are 58 important development indicators within these subject areas. Autonomy, curiosity, decision-making, determination, collaboration, creativity, and problem-solving are all emphasized in the program. HighScope model heavily emphasizes on student engagement (Rodrigrap, 2013). Teachers’ responsibility is to promote independence and initiative by ensuring that learning materials are easy to retrieve and return.

Reggio Emilia

The Reggio Emilia framework is founded on a child’s imagination. Every toddler is full of potential with an inborn sense of wonder and limitless imagination. Adults help children learn by offering a positive environment and encouragement. Learning is project-centered, and the projects emerge at random times, such as during play. Learning is a social experience with endless ways to solve problems. Teachers step aside to promote creativity during learning sessions and let mistakes happen, because mistakes nurture social skills (Sprouts, 2019). Teachers also document projects using notes, videos, or photos and put them on the wall and let children review unfinished projects, promoting a journey of discovery.

Head Start

The Head Start approach to school readiness ensures that children, families and schools are adequately prepared, and the latter two are ready to support their children (National Head Start Association, 2017). The program serves children with different age ranges and expectant mothers who receive prenatal education. There is a high degree of free play (Lauren, 2012). Moreover, instructors interact with learners verbally and physically which enhances their social interaction. Additionally, Head Start offers family meals, snacks and diapers to the enrolled children.


I would recommend the Montessori model because of the following reasons. Montessori education promotes problem-solving and innovation. It was established by Dr. Maria Montessori during the early twentieth century and it is an instructional approach that is pegged on self-guided activities, practical learning and collaborative play. The curriculum also engages highly trained instructors that guide the learning process through age-appropriate tasks.

The most noticeable benefits of the program are that it is engaging and interesting to young learners. They (learners) make decisions regarding their education and take an active role in it. The Montessori teacher acts as a guide for the learners, who are always on their journey of discovery. Instructors ask questions instead of merely providing answers. Rather than praising a child’s achievement, a Montessori teacher recognizes the effort put into completing the task of acquiring a new skill, highlighting traits such as persistence, focus, and discipline. Instead of depending on others for outward recognition, Montessori teaches children to create intrinsic motivation. They learn to reflect internally and recognize that they are in charge of their achievement and capable of handling new obstacles. They develop the ability to think imaginatively and confidently face new challenges.

The Montessori curriculum is a system of education that inspires children’s organization and order. In a Montessori environment, every item on the shelves has been carefully considered and placed with purpose. From left to right and top to bottom, the difficulty level increases. Each subject area has its series of shelves and is located in its classroom section. In carts or trays, the teacher organizes the supplies, and everything a child requires to execute a task is stored there. Teachers serve as role models for the neatness and order they expect from their students. They meticulously remove supplies from their shelves, complete the task in a specified order, and return.

The Montessori Method’s emphasis on practical learning, especially during the early learning years, is one of its most valuable features. Learners participate in activities that teach language, mathematics, culture, and relevant life lessons, emphasizing tangible instead of theoretical learning. Teachers urge learners to focus on projects and discourage them from disturbing each other, allowing them to focus on assignments until they have mastered them completely.

Visitors to a Montessori environment are frequently taken aback by how quiet the environment appears. Everyone is active and engaged as the learners work independently or in pairs. Learners learn how to accomplish routine activities by themselves from the first moment they step into their new classroom. A new child is given enough brief lessons in his first week to ensure that he has various activities and learning materials from which to pick. This boosts their confidence and contribute to the ‘this is how we do things at our school’ knowledge base. The teacher addresses accidents and conflicts and show the students how to remedy the situation.

The Montessori approach to learning is good because it instills skills that will be useful to the children in the future. Children learn to operate independently while tackling any challenges they encounter along the way. They also use practical ways to learning wherein they learn tasks using real-life examples. Montessori inspires order in the learners’ environment, which transforms to the children’s minds.


Lauren, C. [UCBBZA4o8mx-PVsLwnpOL4Jg]. (2012, December 10). What is head start? Retrieved April 1, 2022, from

National Head Start Association [NationalHeadStart]. (2017, August 3). The Head Start advantage. Retrieved April 1, 2022, from

rodrigrap [rodrigrap]. (2013, July 15). Getting to know HighScope’s preschool curriculum. Retrieved April 1, 2022, from

Sprouts [SproutsVideos]. (2019, January 31). Reggio Emilia Education. Retrieved April 1, 2022, from

Sunshine Teachers Training [SunshineTeachersTraining]. (2017, October 11). 8 principles of Montessori. Retrieved April 1, 2022, from


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