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Comparative Analysis Paper on Lionel Messi and Diego Maradona


This study aims to comprehensively compare and analyze the fundamental leadership attributes shared by two legendary football players: the current international superstar Lionel Messi and the historic great Diego Maradona. In particular, it will conduct an in-depth analysis of their fundamental leadership characteristics, the fundamental attributes that contributed to their success, the different leadership styles that they used throughout their period of greatest success, the one-of-a-kind connections that they cultivated with their followers, and the strategies that they utilized to convey their inspirational vision. Messi demonstrates more versatility, adaptability, and sustained excellence as a modern leader to evolve with the changing eras of football. This is the overarching thesis, and it is based on the fact that Messi and Maradona share the potent leadership quality of igniting passionate devotion in their fans through their stellar play and personalities that relate to them.

Background on Lionel Messi and Diego Maradona

Lionel Messi is a footballer from Argentina who is now playing for Paris Saint-Germain at 35. This information is provided for context. Messi is among the best football players ever (Rollin, 2018). He holds the record for the most Ballon d’Or titles, with seven. Over more than 15 years, he became the face of F.C. Barcelona thanks to his visionary passing, delicate dribbling touch, and unrelenting goal-scoring skill.

On the other hand, Diego Maradona is a retired World Cup winner who led Argentina to their last title in 1986. He was able to inspire underdog triumphs against elite opponents with his shrewd and risk-taking style of play. His peak years were short but remarkable, although he was handicapped by injuries and drug abuse troubles later in his career. His peak years were brief but magnificent. Both superstars were born into poverty but went on to achieve worldwide acclaim and are now considered cultural icons in Argentina due to their against-the-odds success stories both on and off the field of play. However, although Maradona’s brilliance shone brilliantly during his World Cup victory, Messi has shown that he can adapt his game and maintain success far into his mid-30s. He has accomplished this by working hard, being versatile, and developing his leadership style across generations of talented individuals.

Defining Key Leadership Characteristics

Leadership Traits

Leadership traits refer to the ingrained personal qualities and fundamental tendencies that enable effective, inspiring leadership across contexts, especially inversely proportional to the magnitude of challenges faced (Northouse, 2021). Traits relevant to luminaries like Lionel Messi and Diego Maradona include motivation/drive, grittiness, accountability, self-confidence, ambition/vision, influence/allure, and competitive charisma. Argentine legends demonstrate nearly superhuman motivation and relentless drive through their intense, solitary training regimes during childhood struggles with growth hormone deficiencies to hone their eventual world-class skills (Prasad, 2023). This grit to persevere despite physical disadvantages carried into their professional careers, where they became notorious for chasing down opposing defenders and attacks well after lesser teammates conceded. In post-match press conferences and interviews after agonizing losses like the World Cup finals as respective national team captains, both Messi and Maradona also took strong accountability for the defeats while confidently crediting and defending their teammates’ efforts – accountability in success is easy. However, accountability in failure is a hallmark of great leaders (Oxborrow, 2020). Also, they exhibited strong visions that set ambitious goals well beyond their similarly underprivileged peers from early childhood that they backed up through supreme exploits like netting six goals apiece at age 19 in first El Clasico matchups versus archrivals Real Madrid. Their splendid styles of play featuring relentless attacking moves, cunning changes of pace, and feints enabled them to influence the attack-minded direction of the modern game. Finally, the sheer competitive charisma and international adoration they attracted for their small statures foundations their iconic statuses backed by championship glory. Together, these leaped traits enabled them to maximize leadership results on the pitch.

Leadership Strengths

Talents in communication, decision-making abilities under intense pressure, creative problem-solving skills, and high emotional intelligence are some core strengths that enable luminaries like Lionel Messi and Diego Maradona to channel their leadership traits into game-changing positive outcomes (Goleman, 2000). These core strengths are in addition to fundamental leadership traits. These two offensive legends displayed an exceptionally deft and precise communication touch, both verbally in one-on-one conversations to mentor younger players on technique as senior players on their squads and non-verbally through their technical styles of play or impactful post-match interview messages to be absorbed by global media outlets and adoring fans throughout the world. They are resolute in offensive choices, particularly those that involve taking advantage of space or launching moves, as seen by their prolific goal tallies and brilliant assists when games are on the line. Similarly, because of their outlier quickness and change of pace abilities compared to regular players, they can creatively address in-game challenges via deceptive dribble movements. Finally, their emotional intelligence is shown by their uncanny capacity to pre-read defensive strategies before assaults climax. They can also channel nervous energy in difficult circumstances, like penalty kicks in championships, as Maradona demonstrated. Combining their elevated strengths with aligned leadership traits powered their emotional connections to enable enduring cultural legacies (Araujo, 2022). While their different stylistic strengths as players empowered their influences through contrasting soccer artistry approaches in the case of Maradona or their more well-rounded, positional versatility in the case of Messi, their emotional connections enabled them to leave lasting cultural legacies.

Contrasting Leadership Styles

Leadership experts characterize styles as ranging across directive approaches where figureheads like managers and coaches determine broader strategy and closely supervise followers versus more participative methods defined by decentralized group decision-making input and delegating key responsibilities to empower teammates and foster inclusion (Shead, 2022). Earlier in global icon Lionel Messi’s historic career at legendary club F.C. Barcelona, as he transitioned from prodigy to senior player, he largely led by dutiful example through his magical play, acting as the face of the team while domineering veterans like Puyol or Pique asserted themselves far more vocally in the locker room and strategic decisions. However, over the latter half of his unmatched fifteen-year run leading the Catalan club side, Messi gradually developed into an increasingly encouraging, participative leader who actively listens to grievances around the training complex, prominently spotlights promising youth academy graduates like Fati and Gavi, who represent Barca’s future and collaborates with team executives on player transfer mechanisms. In contrast, during Diego Maradona’s wild pinnacle as Argentina football captain for the 1986 FIFA World Cup that captivated spectators worldwide en route to upsetting powerful rivals, he assumed a directive, autocratic role as the team’s focal point and on-field general, reflected by his notorious “win or die trying” tournament mentality alongside bold declarations, tactical orders and stringent practice regimens with tacit backing from the eccentric coach Bilardo (Lowe, 2022). However, later attempts to coach Argentine clubs and the national side floundered due to difficulties adapting to the directive approach. Thus, Messi’s versatility in toggling between influencer icons and partnering with rising talents boosts sustainability.

Analysis of Core Leadership Similarities

Passion and Tenacity as Driving Forces

These all-time greats have shown an incredible love for football and a tenacious attitude, which enabled them to ascend from low origins to become sports royalty via unending training (Evans, 2020). Even though they suffered from growth hormone deficit when they were youngsters, Messi and Maradona found the desire and accountability to put their heads down, shut out the noise, and devote themselves to improving their abilities. This demonstrates a level of maturity that is above their years. The intensity of their playing styles, characterized by daring runs, high-risk dribbling, and a continuous search for goals to determine matches, often via force of will, clearly manifests the inherent leadership qualities they share. Maradona’s coaching tenures and Messi’s continued pursuit of championships in his mid-30s exemplify how their underdog mentalities, which spring from lower-class upbringings, continue to fuel their zeal even decades later as senior statesmen in football.

Relatability and “Common Man” Personas

Both legends are viewed as remarkably relatable figures who embody the archetypal Argentine identity of passion and defiance despite their supreme talents setting them far above normal people. Their modest physical stature of around 5′ 7″, scrawny teenage builds, and shy, introverted off-pitch demeanors starkly contrast with typical images of intimidating domineering leaders or privileged backgrounds (Araujo, 2022). This enduring “common man” aura for both Messi and Maradona enables their fans to sympathize with failures like World Cup final losses or Maradona’s issues with substance addictions as imperfections of otherwise exemplary leaders (Prasad, 2023). Messi, in particular, promotes constant accessibility to connect with followers through extensive endorsement deals and social media interactions where fans can relate to his role as a family man. Their balanced personas blending otherworldly talent grounded by come-from-behind stories resonate widely even with non-football followers.

Vision Communication Spotlighting Team Glory

Both forwards demonstrate excellent vision communication, which sets them apart from peers by continually highlighting team objectives and national glory over individual stats and selfish interests. When Maradona led unfancied Argentina to the 1986 World Cup crown, he framed the campaign in almost spiritual, patriotic tones of fulfilling a collective underdog destiny to unite the divided nation, with quotes like “We want to dedicate this trophy to all the players from 1958 to 1986…they stole our Malvinas Islands, but they will never steal our glory” (Lowe, 2022). Decades later, Messi echoes similar sentiments, stressing the importance of team development, continuity, and responsibility to play for the shirt rather than personal milestones en route to breaking scoring records, reflecting his selfless mindset (Oxborrow, 2020). Their shared emphasis on subordinating personal egos for the greater national good attracts widespread follower support in football-mad Argentina and reinforces their “common man” images.

Differences in Adaptability, Leadership Style and Temperament

Messi exhibits greater adaptability and continuous greatness in his sport, allowing him to adapt to different generations of players and managers. While Maradona and Messi have basic leadership attributes that ignited large fandoms, Messi is now the most successful player in the world. In contrast to Messi’s ever-evolving game, Maradona’s peak style was exciting but only lasted for a relatively brief period. Lastly, Messi’s quiet public presence offers more consistent advice to his teammates, unlike Maradona’s furious comments against the media.

Sustained Adaptability Across Situations

A major point of differentiation is Messi’s capacity to continuously tailor his leadership approach, playing style/roles, and key skills over 15+ years of competing professionally at the game’s elite levels across different coaches, clubs, and sets of teammates in order to sustain productivity (Rooke, 2022). While Maradona’s immortal legacy stems from his dominant 1986 World Cup performances through sheer ability and audacity, Messi evolved into more of a multifaceted goal-scorer, creative playmaker, and consummate leader to fit systemic needs. Messi is renowned for versatility as an incisive dribbler, master passer, free-kick specialist, and clinical finisher from his teenage years at Barcelona to his current playmaking role in his mid-30s at PSG (Rollin, 2018). His extensive tool kit allowed adaptation to changing coaches, roles, and responsibilities as an individual attacking threat and setup man for young talents like Neymar and Mbappe. In contrast, Maradona’s shorter period of peak influence stemmed more from his cunning, risk-taking, aggressive mentality, and knack for solo moments of magic as a number 10 rather than technical consistency (Lowe, 2022). While devastatingly effective, his declining health and drug issues hampered late-career transitions post-1986.

Opposing Leadership Styles

Another key difference is Messi’s reserved, introverted leadership style of setting the tone through tireless on-pitch example versus Maradona’s classic fiery, outspoken approach. Messi adopts a more passive influence style where his phenomenal dedication in training, aversion to controversy, and team-first mentality quietly set the ethical tone off the pitch. At the same time, his brilliance shines as an example for teammates to emulate during matches (Evans, 2020). This even-keeled approach provides invaluable steadiness and moral direction to the club and country while allowing vocality from other veterans. In contrast, Maradona assumed an adversarial leadership role, proudly positioning himself against authority figures like opposing coaches, media critics, and especially English soccer institutions from a bitter sense of defiance rooted in military conflict (Araujo, 2022). While this abrasive mentality won the allegiance of his native working-class fans, Maradona also alienated some traditional power groups. Ultimately, Messi’s versatility in switching between introverted and extroverted roles appears more sustainable.

Polar Opposites in Temperament

Finally, the two legends demonstrate opposite public profiles, with Messi’s composed, controversy-free temperament stabilizing his teams versus Maradona serving as an eccentric firebrand. Messi’s private off-pitch personality aligns with his relatively quiet demeanor as captain of club and country. Meanwhile, Maradona openly feuded with executives at teams he coached post-retirement, like Dorados and Gimansas, and verbally sparred with peers like Pele over perceived slights to his legacy (Prasad, 2023). These distractions likely inhibited team focus and progress. Messi keeps issues in-house and conveys steadfast optimism when speaking publicly, which projects assurance (Oxborrow, 2020). After Argentina’s narrow World Cup loss in 2014, a tearful Messi took ownership of the defeat despite an otherwise stellar tournament. Such accountability moments humanize leaders. When Argentina finally claimed international glory in 2021, Messi could authentically spotlight younger talents and deflect personal praise. Maradona’s adversarial, outspoken bravado conveyed strong conviction but created constant instability (Lowe, 2022). His heavy criticism of key figures like Argentine F.A. president Grondona over perceived corruption shattered relationships. Ironically, the freedom afforded when Maradona played under less scrutiny during the 1980s benefited his unmatched creativity. In the modern digital era, Messi’s reserved temperament is likelier to maintain rapport with fans. While Maradona’s performative leadership attracted intense loyalty, his combativeness isolated certain spheres of influence. Messi keeps the media at arm’s length to minimize distractions, and while less bombastic, his composed influence nurtures cooperation (Rooke, 2022).


In conclusion, while Lionel Messi and Diego Maradona exhibit core leadership similarities in their unwavering passion, relatable everyman personas despite their genius, and emphasis on collective glory over individual status, Messi demonstrates more adaptable leadership excellence suited to evolving eras. By expanding his toolset and smooth public profile across higher-scrutiny generations, Messi sustained his otherworldly form into his mid-30s and facilitated national team stability, where Maradona sparked more fleeting cultural moments. Their contrast shows that no singular leadership formula guarantees connection or greatness. Ultimately, Messi’s blend of supreme yet versatile talent grounded by humility positions him to match Maradona’s iconic legacy for Argentine football. For messy, improbable journeys to inspire future underdogs may be their shared leadership vision’s crowning achievement.


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Evans, T. (2020, March 24). Why the brilliance of the true greats will forever echo down the ages. The Independent.

Goleman, D. (2000). Leadership That Gets Results. Harvard Business Review, 78(2), 78–90.

Lowe, S. (2022, December 18). Messi emulates Maradona in a fairytale ending to a story like no other. The Guardian.

Northouse, P.G. (2021). Leadership: Theory and Practice. SAGE Publications.

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Prasad, K. M. (2023, December 14). Biggest Difference Between Lionel Messi & Diego Maradona’s Career Revealed- “He Got Hit Probably 20 Times More.” EssentiallySports.

Rollin, J. (2018). Lionel Messi | Biography & Facts. In Encyclopædia Britannica.

Rooke, S. (2022, December 18). Lionel Messi or Diego Maradona? Roy Keane, Ian Wright, and Gary Neville debate duo before the World Cup final against France. Eurosport.

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