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Comparative Analysis of Nursing Staffing Models and Their Impact on Patient Care Outcomes


Staffing models play a vital role in determining the quality of patient care in health systems. This can significantly influence the patient experience, outcomes, and overall efficiency of healthcare deliveries in terms of the allocation of nursing resources. Unlike other staffing models, primary nursing, total patient care, and also functional nursing are characterized by specific strengths and weaknesses. In this critical analysis, we aim to reveal the implications of these models for patient care that are based on clinical practice in the real world and also industry insights. This discussion will present a more subtle understanding of staffing models’ role in facilitating or undermining quality, patient-centered care.

Primary Nursing

The primary nursing model is characterized by its focus on establishing a solid and consistent nurse-patient connection, fostering individualized and comprehensive care. The allocation of one registered nurse to a particular group of patients allows the building of trust, familiarity, and an in-depth understanding of the individual’s healthcare needs. This model is typically associated with a lot better communication between the patient and the primary nurse, which helps to improve the quality of care (Albendín et al., 2022). Nevertheless, flexibility is necessary to deal with sudden patient workload changes that may involve collaboration among nurses. From my clinical practice, I have learned that patients receive valuable attention through primary nursing and, therefore, improve their quality of life, but it should be regulated to promote adaptability to the changing demands.

Total Patient Care

One nurse total patient care – where one nurse is responsible for the overall nursing care of a single person or small group, provides unparalleled individual attention. This model benefits patients with high-care needs or those requiring close surveillance. The nurse creates a more personalized care plan by gaining a unique knowledge of the patient’s condition, background, and preferences. However, these problems can be encountered regarding resource allocation and efficiency because providing one nurse per patient uses up the available resources and also reduces the facility’s total capacity. My clinical observations support the effectiveness of total patient care in improving patient satisfaction, yet its practicality has to be evaluated prudently under limited budgetary situations.

Functional Nursing

Functional nursing is defined by task delegation and involves appointing specialized personnel to perform specific duties, such as administering medication or wound care. This model is aimed at optimizing the effectiveness by utilizing the knowledge of various nurses for the specific aspects of patient care (Arifin et al., 2023). Although it provides an efficient way of carrying out the tasks, my clinical experiences have demonstrated some negatives, such as superficial care and poor continuity. A consistent presence is necessary to maintain their overall well-being, the patients can avoid many challenges in communication and coordination among the nursing team. An appropriate communication framework and a well-coordinated team effort are essential to address these problems and help functional nursing contribute to practical and quality patient care.


The comparison of three staffing models—primary nursing, total patient care, and functional nursing- reveals that none can be considered superior in all settings; the selection should depend on the local conditions. All three have legitimate claims, including the continuity of care in primary nursing, personalized attention in total patient care, and task delegation in functional nursing. On the other hand, every model has some challenges, including sudden patient acuity or workload changes. The secret is finding a middle ground that maximizes patient benefits and ensures cost-effective resource utilization. Using robust communication strategies and also contingency plans in response to the complications of patient care in changing clinical settings, healthcare institutions can improve the performance of their staffing models. Finally, this investigation highlights the need for careful deliberation and acclimation to meet the broader objective of offering outstanding patient service.


Albendín-García, L., Suleiman-Martos, N., Ortega-Campos, E., Aguayo-Estremera, R., Romero-Béjar, J. L., & Cañadas-De la Fuente, G. A. (2022). Explanatory models of burnout diagnosis based on personality factors in primary care nurses. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(15), 9170.

Arifin, Z., Purwanti, L. E., Rohmah, N. M., Sukartini, T., & Kurniawati, N. D. (2023, June). Functional Nursing and Team Care Model Toward the Quality of Nursing Care Services in ‘Aisyiyah Ponorogo General Hospital. In 2nd International Conference of Health Innovation and Technology (ICHIT 2022) (pp. 52-62). Atlantis Press.

Chapman, L. B., Kopp, K. E., Petty, M. G., Hartwig, J. L., Pendleton, K. M., Langer, K., & Meiers, S. J. (2021). Benefits of collaborative patient care rounds in the intensive care unit. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, p. 63, 102974.


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