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The Case That Defined Me as a Nurse


Every nurse has a moment that profoundly shapes their career journey. That moment came early on, working in the intensive care unit. A case that ended tragically defined my path as a nurse by showing me the emotional toll of the job. It taught me difficult lessons about loss, resilience, and compassion.

The Patient Who Changed My Perspective

What happened? How were you involved?

I was caring for a patient named DG, who had been admitted after a serious car accident. DG was close to my age and had a wife and newborn baby at home. Over his weeks in the ICU, I developed a close connection with him (Molina-Mula & Gallo-Estrada, 2020). One night, his condition suddenly deteriorated. Despite our best efforts, he coded, and we were unable to resuscitate him. As his primary nurse, I was devastated by his loss.

How does this case still affect you and your practice?

Losing DG shook me to my core. I constantly questioned if there was more I could have done. I struggled with guilt, doubt, and grief. For weeks after, I dreaded coming to work, afraid of losing another patient. It made me hesitant to connect with patients, wary of experiencing such loss again. I considered leaving nursing altogether.

What steps have you taken to overcome the stress of this event?

Losing my patient, DG, triggered such intense grief and self-doubt that I struggled to cope in the weeks after. With time and support from my colleagues, I began actively processing the trauma. I started seeing a therapist to work through my feelings of guilt, anxiety, and sadness. I also made it a priority to attend debriefing sessions after any difficult case in our unit. Engaging in honest, nonjudgmental dialogue with my team helped tremendously. Leaning on family, friends, and my faith provided comfort (Singh et al., 2020). Although I still carry DG in my heart, I have taken proactive steps to build resilience, knowing I cannot let one tragic case define me or derail my calling to nursing. This experience moulded me into a nurse able to balance compassionate care with the emotional rigour of this profession.

The Vital Role of Debriefings

Debriefings provide a structured forum to communicate, address gaps, and support each other after difficult events. The reflective process helps us improve clinical reasoning, teamwork, and patient outcomes. Recognizing areas for improvement leads to proactive discussions on modifying policies, procedures, and training to close gaps. Most importantly, debriefs allow us to cope healthily with the immense stress of the job in a judgment-free setting (Ali & Musallam, 2018). Communicating concerns, emotions, and lessons learned is vital for staff wellbeing. Regular debriefings promote personal and professional growth by enabling us to make sense of challenging experiences collectively.

If a debriefing happened in your workplace, who would be involved, what would be discussed, who would lead the debriefing, and where would it occur?

My hospital’s debriefings occur after major incidents and involve all staff present. We gather in a private conference room to confidentially discuss the event facilitated by a trained leader. Each person shares their account of what happened and how they were affected emotionally (Ali & Musallam, 2018). The facilitator summarizes key learning points. Debriefs unite us in purpose, promote growth and healing, and make us better nurses.


In conclusion, our most poignant patients stay with us throughout our careers. These experiences, however tragic, mould us into more dedicated, compassionate nurses. We strengthen by supporting each other, reflecting on improvements, and developing resilience. Debriefings provide the essential structure for this self-care and growth. They empower us to turn hardship into wisdom.


Ali, A. A., & Musallam, E. (2018). Debriefing Quality Evaluation in Nursing Simulation-Based Education: an Integrative Review. Clinical Simulation in Nursing16, 15–24.

Molina-Mula, J., & Gallo-Estrada, J. (2020). Impact of Nurse-Patient relationship on quality of care and patient autonomy in Decision-Making. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health17(3), 835.

Singh, C., Cross, W., Munro, I., & Jackson, D. (2020). Occupational stress facing nurse academics—A mixed‐methods systematic review. Journal of Clinical Nursing29(5–6), pp. 720–735.


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